Part of the problem is the assertions are made in comic format."phonemic paraphasia ..." #1,178
I'd find it far more persuasive, far more alarming if presented in a prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal.
That's anecdotal."40-month" "15 years" #1,179
I'd like to see the stats. I suspect they would corroborate rather than refute.
I reached the age of voter eligibility in time to vote in the '72 election.Millions of people didn't vote in 2016 and this is what happened
In that election as in most others, I voted against the worst candidate, rather than voting for one I was enthusiastic about.
And in 1992 when I enthusiastically voted for 3rd party candidate Andre Marrou [Libertarian] he didn't get 10% of the vote. Worked out OK. H. Ross Perot split the Republican vote, turning the white house over to Bill Clinton for 8 years. 8 years good enough for me to retire at age 43. Thanks Bill.
There are lots of high impact issues at stake in 2024:
- Russia / Ukraine
- women's right of choice
- US membership in NATO
- China
- anthropogenic climate change
- "soft landing", etc.
And yet voter apathy does seem to be prominent.

Apart from the electorate on election day, it seems our best defense may be the U.S. judiciary, or the broader judicial system."Millions of people didn't vote in 2016 and this is what happened" #1,180
Because Trump has been fairly open about his disestablishment intentions a 2nd Trump presidential term might threaten that judiciary.
So if not out of principle, if not because of what is right, if not because of the law, is it possible our judiciary will contain / restrain Trump, simply to preserve their own petty fiefdom, which otherwise might be in terminal jeopardy?