Photos, vids, etc ....

"It's mostly true in the sense that they did pass such a bill but the logic wasn't purely based on the chemtrails conspiracy." S2 #1161
- alright -
This means enough "Tennessee Republicans" in the State legislature supported it, to pass it.
Whether its supporters swilled the kool-aid, or whether they merely consented to appease the MAGA madness, who knows?


These dipsticks are out of their cotton-pickin' minds.

Also note, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee * depicted in 1,159 signing with a Sharpie, evidently isn't as sharp as the felt-tip he's using.

* They call him Governor Billy for short, but hopefully not for long.
RE #395 & #397 - I'd be surprised if the various AI medical algorithms are subject to the same sort of confidentiality laws that apply to flesh and blood physicians

‘Hype and Magical Thinking’: The AI Healthcare Boom Is Here

Big Tech is rushing out apps to help diagnose illness, prescribe drugs, and track your medical history — but can an algorithm replace your doctor?

Artificial intelligence tech has infiltrated every industry, and health care is no exception. We now have Together by Renee, an app that tracks your medical history, aims to gauge your blood pressure with a selfie, and detect depression or anxiety symptoms by the sound of your voice. DrugGPT, developed at Oxford University, is a tool designed to help doctors prescribe medications and keep patients informed about what they’re taking. You can download Humanity, a generative AI “health coach” that promises to “reduce biological age,” and Google is working on a machine-learning model that will potentially diagnose a patient based on the sound of their cough.

But the potential consequences of these applications are somewhat different than what may happen when you use AI to create a song. To put it in the starkest terms: lives are at risk. And experts in the fields of health and technology tell Rolling Stone they have real doubts about .....

Is there rational justification to argue our health status is any less "privileged" than the same information would be within "doctor : patient" privilege?
"RE #395 & #397 - I'd be surprised if the various AI medical algorithms are subject to the same sort of confidentiality laws that apply to flesh and blood physicians" S2 #1,163
a) - yikes -
b) You're right. We may presume such innovation would merely be regarded as the next increment in technology's encroachment in our "civilized" lives, confident that the enumerated Constitutional Bill of Rights that apply with a human doctor would apply otherwise.
c) Sorites Paradox: where do we draw the line?
- If the doctor is 100% human, that's protected.
- If wearing eyeglasses, still protected.
- A prosthetic limb or two? Still protected.
- A nurse-practitioner, not an MD at all.
It may be called "doctor : patient" privilege. It already goes beyond that.
At what point does it become unprotected? If the prostheses weigh more than the rest of the guy?

< >
Not to cloud the issue, remember IBM's Watson, the mainframe that busted Jeopardy champion turned host Ken Jennings?
In February 2013, IBM announced that Watson's first commercial application would be for utilization management decisions in lung cancer treatment, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, in conjunction with WellPoint (now Elevance Health).

More from Wikipedia
Any idea S2, what the $money interests are, or will become? Any other "special interest" waiting in the wings?
RE #395 & #397 - I'd be surprised if the various AI medical algorithms are ... S2 #1,163
Another sharp point S2.
You're an insider on more than numbers (despite "RE #395 & #397 -"), also healthcare administration. I'm more or less a DIY, the VA takes care of most of the rest.

You distinguish between the AI algorithm, and ... ? The patient's personal details?
You could probably argue that if an actual human doctor is using some sort of AI algorithm as part of his practice accessing the info there is no different than browsing thru his patient files.

However, if you use the app on your own I can't see how that can be subject to the same legal protections.
"However, if you use the app on your own I can't see how that can be subject to the same legal protections." S2 #1,165
I don't know the stare decisis history of "doctor : patient".
I suspect it may eventually trace back to:
B.O. R. ARTICLE #4: Ratified December 15, 1791
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
$Cash is not obsolete. But I rarely handle it anymore. Plastic is my main medium of exchange, both brick-&-mortar, and e-tail. BUT !!
Plastic leaves a trail which government inevitably has access to.

Thus government has access in the 21st century to insight in citizen buying habits government had no such access to in the 18th or 19th centuries.
B.O. R. ARTICLE #5: Ratified December 15, 1791
No person shall ... be compelled in any case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property,without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
If government obtains information about a citizen's having / using such "app", shouldn't such information be inadmissible as evidence?
There must be a reason this is needed ....

My initial reaction was relief. BUT:
Before that, what?
is HIPAA working?
Will it continue to do so, under Dobbs?

"There must be a reason this is needed ...." S2
anti-incest billboard #1,168
You read me like a dime novel S2.
Psychologist Joy Browne says never try to reason with a drunk or a fool.
So Florida posts this message within view of drivers, presumably rapists are sober in the car?

Such campaign isn't 100% effective / persuasive.
So how effective do those that post the message expect it to be? 50%? 4%? What % of daughters will be spared because of this billboard?
And of what % of Florida's total dad population is that?

So the two questions that emerge:
- How effective is the billboard? and
- Pun not intended, $bang for the buck? Meaning, total billboard project $cost divided by the number of daughters saved. = cost per save

And while I mean daughters no ill-will, are there any sons in Florida that are also at risk? Sons too small a minority to perdiddle about? But daughters are?

I followed the link:
"Oh woe is everything!" Grace06
Should we look down on Florida for taking this action? Or looking down on New York for not doing so?

Damn comedians​

Python rocks.
Trump canceled his rally in NC last night because there was a chance of rain?" CTN #1,172
Trump is if nothing else media s a v v y .
Please note the above quotation from CTN ends in "?".

Another perhaps more plausible explanation is merely that:
a) Trump has an insatiable craving for the limelight.
b) Trump has read the writing on the walls, and realizes by November Biden will likely have obtained a viable electoral lead. Thus
c) Trump likes the attention, but not enough to take a public shower for it. So Trump is instead preparing to take a bath in November.

The clincher of course is the fashion ensemble Tailor is seen adorning in the downpour isn't available in Trump's size, thank god!
Speaker Johnson on Columbia student safety #1,174
I saw a soundbite of Johnson on this point. His first sentence or two seemed quite Trump-like to me.
First Johnson criticized, then in his alternate hypothetical Johnson described his own success. Seemed like nonsense until Johnson completed the paragraph.

If it was up to me I'd call in the national guard if I had to ... .

It may seem a severe character flaw in me. It does to me. But I'm starting to like this guy.
Sometimes in politics you have to rise above principle. Sen. Everett Dirksen

Just try and tell me trump wasn't chosen by god to be our president after you listen to this clip. S2 #1,176

Trump has been leading in the polls for most of the 2024 race, some supporters even perhaps befreckled young boobs.