Photos, vids, etc ....

"Where your tax dollars go ...
Let’s not worry about the electrical grid problems the state encounters every winter. We need to keep people from wearing their hair a certain way." S2 #1,079
Our priorities are a glimpse of our actual personality.
What else do we need to know about those that prioritize policy punitive against vulnerable or defenseless minorities, rather than the benefit of the majority?
"Personally I like ..." S2 #1,080
You can't live with 'em, and
pass the beer nuts." Norm Petersen (George Wendt) / Cheers

Thank you S2.
We can add Shultz to an impressive list.
- Sidney Poitier (Detective Tibbs)
- Bill Cosby (I Spy)
- Nichelle Nichols (Uhura)
and others that helped break the stereotype of Blacks playing subservient roles.

I doubt Rev. MLK's dream will ever be realized.

Sadly, for every magnificent champion of justice and equality inspiring us from the limelight,
there are destructive bigots, such as those that sink to Grand Wizard, KKK degrading us from the twilight.

Subban reportedly played 13 seasons with the NHL. He's a commentator now.
- my bad -
I'm not good at compiling lists. My mistake mentioning a single work. These early stars helped shatter the White ceiling.

The following is a better list, though I had in mind the vanguard, not merely the successful.

Some of these guys are true "box office draw", meaning, I'd go see a movie I might not otherwise bother with, if one of these guys is in it.
I'm a big Denzel fan. He's not merely a good actor, but apparently a good guy, good family, etc. Crimson Tide set me on the Denzel bandwagon. Flawed but entertaining. Mutiny aboard a nuclear submarine, quite a plot line.

On the list, Morgan Freeman is credited with Driving Miss Daisy. I was more impressed with Shawshank Redemption.
But even a movie like Bucket List that had a weak moment or two, still an interesting reflection on the era in which it was made.
And I believe Morgan Freeman is or was a yachting man.

Danny Glover !

Thanks Charlie.
"Mental decline ...." S2 #1,089
Electoral decline.

It's often relatively simple to figure out what the gaffer intended.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," U.S. President Bush ~Aug. 5, 2004
I get your drift GW.

But #1,089 ?

Is Trump arguing against Democrat infanticide? The pregnancy goes full term, the baby is born healthy, and then murdered neonatally?
Trump can act heroic for putting an end to that. When will it begin?
"Where's Darwin when you need him?" S2 #1,091
Right where we left him?

- counterpoint -
According to this source:
"hot-dog" was used as a synonym for frankfurter since 1884, but used as a verb to mean stunt skiing only since 1963.
I don't recall such sport much before that, meaning it's a style of sport new in our lifetime.

The camera placement corroborates my suspicion the skier had practiced that trick at that site before, and either hadn't considered the aerial collision risk, or dismissed it as unlikely.
I both water & snow ski. I'd never attempt such snow skiing.
Kudos for such athletic mastery, a level of skill a fraction of 1% of the population ever master.
I hope the injuries heal quickly, & the patient recovers completely, wiser for the education.


"Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. Things are clearly more complicated." Milan Kundera

- meanwhile -
Trump continues to vacuum up delegates for the Rep. nom.

From the man who bankrupted 3 casinos; everything he touches ....​




Did anyone ever doubt it's a cult? A cult that infects children?


If you ask him why, he'll probably say, 'I dunno, that's just what my dad says'

And if you ask the dad why and he will say "I dunno, thats just what trump says"

But if you ask the kid who Fani and Nikki are it's a given that he'll say "I dunno".
"Trump's gold shoes ridiculed after price drop: Just surrendered 75% of their price" #1,094
I think Trump lost his sole long ago. Now it seems he's losing his shirt two.

#1,095 from Greensboro, North Carolina
It seems pseudo-cons employ pseudo-cognition. They reach conclusions without the intermediate step, unencumbered by the thought process.

Since the prominence of Islamist terrorism I've lamented madrassas, the brainwashing of future generations of jihadi.
Thank gosh we don't have anything so dreadful in this country. [/yikes]

Greensboro is in North Carolina. North Carolina is one of my favorite Carolinas. [Craig Ferguson told that joke on air]
A guy overhears a woman speaking a language unfamiliar to him. He imposes: If you're going to speak Spanish you should go back to Spain. She replies:
It's not Spanish, it's Navajo. You're speaking English, why don't you go back to England?

We are merely at the dawn of a synergistic confluence of A.I., robotization, etc.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if jobs like thoracic surgery are soon / eventually done by robots / machines. Their vision is sharper, their "hand" steadier. And if a human surgeon wants a 3rd arm he needs a human assistant.
But there's no reason an O.R. doctor robot couldn't have 5 arms, if it needs them.

"270 prominent scientists say within 40 years robots will be doing most of the jobs we do not want to do. Especially illegal robots from Mexico." Jay Leno