Photos, vids, etc ....

"cybertruck" #1060
That's not the first automotive stainless steel bill-of-goods in history. Remember the DeLorean DMC-12?
High grade stainless steel is corrosion resistant. It seems Tesla opted for an inferior stainless alloy.

Not intended as topic-drift sabotage, Musk's seeming Minecraft inspired Tesla / Cybertruck is the brain-child of industrialist Elon Musk.

Musk has literally surpassed NASA's own "rocket scientists", instead of disposing spent rocket stages into the drink, Musk fetches them back to Earth for a soft, dry landing.


Very impressive Elon. BUT !!
It's two steps forward, one leap back, tweet to X for example. It is at least a cautionary tale, the peril of being one's own worst enemy, most formidable antagonist.
Economist Milton Friedman says that immigration is good, only if it’s illegal. That way the illegal citizens cannot qualify for social security or welfare - they have to take the jobs other Americans won’t take.

"Economist Milton Friedman says " #1,064
Nobel laureate Dr. Milton Friedman
is right.
It is an alarming comment on a culture, a nation, that would integrate into its own economy a caste of untouchables, with only peripheral protection of laws, risking deportation if engaged by police for even the slightest infraction. BUT !!

It does seem to substantially help keep healthful, fresh food on American dining tables, crops that would otherwise rot in the fields if left for native U.S. citizens for harvest.

We've seen this before, Eli Whitney's "cotton gin" helped spare enslaved farm workers such manual tedium.
More recently, the humble cranberry is now harvested by mechanization, rather than plucking them one at a time.

I revere the good doctor's mastery of the vastly complex discipline of economics. But I disagree with him on some points.
I acknowledge the benefit to our economy from their labor.
I acknowledge the drain on our resources if they consume social services. Yet in our legal system we educate school-aged children even if such child/ren is an illegal alien. Who can argue a fraction of our population being illiterate aliens would be an improvement. *

One other important distinction about immigration after 1914.
With the advent of nuclear and other WMD U.S. government has responsibility to protect citizens, as it failed to do during the attacks of 09/11/01.

The difference?
Friedman is an economist, and addresses the economics.
The good doctor was not a security expert. It's a new millennium Milt.

* Many MAGA types oppose illegal aliens having legal access to such things as driver's license. But it's policemen that advocate in favor of it. If such aliens don't have identification, the police can not document their involvement in incidents first responders report.
"Nobel laureate Dr. Milton Friedman
is right." s #1,065
- but -

It is a drain on such resources. The more relevant question is, is the current illegal alien U.S. population a net detriment, or net benefit.
Milt? Got a posthumous comment?
No eye deer.

"girlfriend" #1,068
When Republicans concocted fiction like that about Clinton, or Obama I didn't care for it.
If they had policy issues, the critics could have / should have addressed legitimate issue disputes, rather than fabricating insulting fiction.

#1,068 demonstrates to me my objection is on principle, not merely shallow partisan bias.

However, I am aware Trump has made some distasteful comments about his own daughter. "Don't stomp the steaming divots." advice to polo fans
"Not just distasteful remarks ..." #1,070
"Smoking gun" evidence?
Like a hotel receipt? Under an assumed name? Mr. & Mrs. Tramp ?
At HoJo's? No! Trump Tower? NO! Trump basement ?!
Behind the pool table?
Under the pool table?
On the pool table?
Merciful Heavens! The more I learn about this high-rise red-neck, the more I admire / envy / worship him.

He should run for president ! A diabolical geniueus like that could fix everything you know. [/satire] [or is it?]

Prince Harry decided to get out of the royalty bidness.
Eric has similar option, but seems to prefer remaining in the Trump bidness.
Family loyalty? Including the words "Trump" and "loyalty" in the same sentence might seem in obvious error.
For a snappy dresser he seems to have inferior "genes".
There's been an ongoing debate as to which Trump son is the dumbest. #1071 would seem to answer that - at least until the next time Donnie Jr opens his mouth.
Attractive people will be attractive
Gotta love the expression on the girl on the left #1,077
Can't beat that ...
so ...
what the truck ?


I find it amusing that the fuel access is open. Do you suppose he thought he might be out of gas?
And the bed-mount tool chest also open.
To solve this particular problem, when selecting the proper hand tools, should one use SAE, or metric?
Where your tax dollars go ...

Let’s not worry about the electrical grid problems the state encounters every winter. We need to keep people from wearing their hair a certain way.
