Photos, vids, etc ....


"Woman Shuts Down Religious Email At Work ..." #1,101
The "work" is identified as "a big corporation", which suggests it's non-government.

If she wants to be left off the eMail distribution list, splendid.
If she wants to shut down the "big corporation" and or its eMail operation, perhaps she may wish to join al Qaida.

I'm agnostic.
I'm aware of the impositions our "melting pot" / mosaic culture provides.

As it is presented here, it seems thin-skinned to me. If she was being coerced to join, she'd have grounds for objection.
But being involved in the sense of not being excluded would seem more positive than negative.
"How many ports would you like?" #1,103
Non sequitur?

What I have not yet learned is if a 4 port hub w/ each port occupied imposes less of a system burden
than a 7 port hub, same 4 peripherals, but the remaining 3 USB ports open, unoccupied
Re #1,104 - did you click on the pic?
a) No I hadn't.
b) Because I'm malware averse, I generally don't click, for safety.
c) What is that?
d) Where can I get one?

Reminds me a little of:

I'm a little grumpy about the computer port thing. For example, the U in USB means Universal. BUT !!

Doesn't the "uni-" in "universal" mean "one"?
"made with mematic" #1,109
I was wondering.
I can't figure the dogs out. I'd figure that crew for a larger, fiercer dog (breed?). The dogs look better groomed than the humans. Seems unlikely to me.
And I can't figure out his chair either.
"He's our boy ...." S2 #1,111
He's our criminal.
He's our boy ....

Problem is, cartoon is a familiar comedy format for casual, relaxing entertainment, atypical of more serious prose such as crisis update reporting on a newspaper of record's front page.
The message is all too true. But the format undermines the alarm.

Trump is not the first huckster, swindler ever born.
He's the first to lie his way into the white house. "I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/
"satanic pedophile cannibals" Trudeau #1113
Trophy deer hunters seek large bucks with large "impressive" antlers.
But those hunting to put a meal on the table instead of an eye-sore on the wall can attest that a younger, smaller deer provides tastier dining.
a) extrapolate the curve you cannibalphobe
b) bon appétit'

"My son stayed home on NYE so he could 'spend time' with his big sister."

#1,114 or shall we say, one one one for all
a) They're all too young for me now. But there was a time in my life when they would have been older than me.
My tongue gets hard just thinking about it. [/oral fixation theme]

b) "My son stayed home on NYE so he could 'spend time' with his big sister."
You FOOL !
With all those other hot chicks in the house ?! You sir are a fullblown ignorant noramus.

c) What meds you takin'?
#1,116 :)

I'm a sucker for stories with happy endings.

Trump's insurrection has been called the single most extensively investigated crime in U.S. history.
The JFK assassination investigation might have lasted longer. I gather it was decades before the Zapruder film was returned to its rightful owners.
But the insurrection was more complex, not just a sniper or two, and an accomplice or two (fewer than half a dozen).
By the count of #1,116 hundreds.
It may also be one of the best documented crimes in U.S. history.


This gentlemen is why god patented the wood-chipper.
Coarsely ground spouse less likely to betray traitors, collect alimony, and demand child support.