Photos, vids, etc ....

I remain puzzled by it S2. Trump is notorious for his fondness for fast food.

Trump's fast food, white house antics, hosting Clemson

- yikes -
So do you suppose the blemishes on Trump's hand means he recently polished off a Big Mac? With freedom fries?
True, but there is a difference between "paying" and "posting surety"

""When you file an appeal in NY, you may have to put up the amount of judgment for court to hold for the length of the appeal process... "

And there's also the matter of the NY fraud trial where the judgment could be in excess of $370 million.
According to this morning's news, if Trump wishes to appeal the verdict he has to either (i) put up the entire amount of the award plus interest - approx $89 million] or (ii) post a bond that will cost about 20% of that amount. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

The situation is complicated because the Trump organization is being monitored by an independent monitor so until the relevant parties rule we don't know what is going to happen

"According to this morning's news, if Trump wishes to appeal the verdict he has to either (i) put up the entire amount of the award plus interest - approx $89 million] or (ii) post a bond that will cost about 20% of that amount. We'll have to wait and see what happens.
The situation is complicated because the Trump organization is being monitored by an independent monitor so until the relevant parties rule we don't know what is going to happen" S2 #1,043
I'm curious if Trump can come up with the $amount required. And if Trump doesn't have his own $cash available, what quid pro quo will Trump make with any wealthy benefactor that would loan or gift it to Trump.
... if Trump doesn't have his own $cash available, what quid pro quo will Trump make with any wealthy benefactor that would loan or gift it to Trump.
I can't imagine anyone being dumb enough to loan any significant amount of money to Trump which only leaves a "gift" - but who would actually trust Trump to honor any promised quid pro quo?

And don't forget the fraud case - that could be another $370 million or more so a mere $90 million (or even 20% of that to pay the bond premium) isn't going to be enough.

As for the bond, I think it's safe to say that no prudent underwriter is going to issue a bond unless they think it's probable that Trump will win his appeal.
"I can't imagine anyone being dumb enough to loan any significant amount of money to Trump ..." S2 #1,045
Can you imagine millions of Republicans voting for Trump for president again ?! [/satire] (me either. and yet, and yet, and yet ...)

Seems to me on the 2016 campaign trail I recall Trump saying: "I'm really rich." That may have been the same day Trump took some within the campaign crowd for an airplane ride.

Trump may be edging ever closer to bankruptcy. I'm wondering what excuse he'll make to his adoring MAGA horde. I suspect it'll be something like: bankruptcy isn't really about money, it's just a legal thing. We're trying to stonewall those that are trying to take away YOUR country. We don't want to reward them for all their malicious prosecutions ...
Trump may be edging ever closer to bankruptcy.
If he's got to post surety for his appeal (or even come up with the premium for his bond) he's got a serious problem. And if you include the probable judgment in the fraud trial ....
"If he's got to post surety for his appeal (or even come up with the premium for his bond) he's got a serious problem. And if you include the probable judgment in the fraud trial ...." S2 #1,047
- Based on Trump's survivability record this is just one more steaming divot not to stomp.
- Based on the outcome of previous criminals similarly charged I'd predict you nailed it: "... he's got a serious problem." [nice epitaph]

As I read #1,047 attitude reminded me:
Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see them tumble down stairs.
S2, I get the impression if Trump were being lead up the steps to the gallows you'd throw a banana peel under his foot, not to postpone his death, but in hope he might sprain an ankle in the fall before his plunge.
Something to remember

"crack open an ice cold Bud Light." S2 #1,050
ooooohh ! gazzzinga !

The following suited to immature audience:

chick stumbles into a bar, orders a beer.
beertender asks: Anheuser-Busch ?
chick replies: It's just fine. And how's your johnson ?

"Another Republican profile in courage and integrity regarding Trump" S2 #1053

S2, I don't know BM.
So I can't decipher whether this conspicuous volatility reflects his politics accurately,
or whether he's more Machiavellian than that.

Either way, holy cow, pass the maple syrup, eh.
"Chaos is the GOP plan, one that threatens the world. Sunday baby!" #1,056
"Water is wet" is an uncommon message, not because it's an impenetrable mystery, but because it's common knowledge. No point in stating the obvious.
I'm not contradicting Bridevaux here. But I'm a little puzzled that he's gone to the trouble here. The obvious explanation:
in his view, it's news, it's informative to a portion of the population sufficient to warrant his effort. That implicit message may be as informative as his explicit message.
"They make a lovely couple" S2 #1,058
"Couple"? Of whats? Ohhh! Cellmates? At Allenwood?
A nice long honeymoon for them, all expenses paid.
Giuliani's in luck. Trump flaps gums professionally, bet he's an excellent kisser.

Meanwhile, not sure about the Latin beat to this YouTube. From the islands? To the islands?

The GOP is in crisis. Leaderless. Rudderless.
The nation is in crisis. Dysfunctional congress. Open season on children at our government schools.
The world is in crisis. War in Europe, AND the Middle East.

Grey clouds sometimes have a Silver lining.
Crisis fatigue can function as anesthetic, or at least an analgesic. If every day is Christmas, Christmas isn't special.
With the globe awash in crises, since we can't worry about everything, we're more inclined not to worry. Dystopia here we are!

Reminds me of the bloke bent on suicide, bought a family-size bottle of Aspirin, intending to swallow the contents, end it all. BUT !!
After he took two, he felt better.