H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

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He removed me from his site a while back for a bunch of reasons, but he kept insisting that US presidents control inflation, despite himself claiming the opposite just a few months prior - Go figure?
He also told me Liz Truss would make an excellent leader - she had a great plan apparently for a network of liberty around the world. I warned him about her incompetence - he didn't listen - I was proven right, since I left I saw him doubling down on his beliefs about that network of liberty crap. You can't make some stuff up can you? She's gone, I already got proven right - Sunak's attempt at keeping the network of liberty idea was SCRAPPED.

Anyway, he was extremely rude to you over that comment about Gorby and GHWB, I'm sure I saw that exchange myself. I didn't think that was warranted for a mere inquisitive reply. VD rightly pointed out that Gorby brutally suppressed some independence movements in USSR satellite states - such is unacceptable and cessation of such brutal measures should be the prelude to any such peace agreements IMHO, I think that was part of what he was saying and I can't disagree with him on that, he did open my eyes to Gorby's monstrous ways in many respects, it's also true he didn't really want to relinquish power until he was forced to, at the same time that doesn't justify the CIA intervention or the Hardliner Communist intervention.

I find myself thinking none of them are saints, Gorby was still really,r eally bad but I think he was better than Yeltsin - Yeltsin led to Putin, that was an inevitability, VD never acknowledges that in our exchanges, which is an important fact. BTW Yeltsin also brutally suppressed the Chechen independence movements and was responsible for a mini genocide in 1996 so he was an absolute monster too - supported by the West.
That seems like a useful summation of late Cold War Soviet leadership. What alarms me is the prospect that it may foreshadow the future. If health degradation has Putin with one foot in the grave, someone will have to replace him. Medvedev?

There's a common fantasy among those in the West that bad guys will step aside, or be set aside in a Western-friendly palace coup d'état. Problem is, that's exceedingly rare. And what's tragically worse, in those rare instances where we catch a break, such as when Libya's Malomar Quadaffy disarmed himself,
instead of the West rewarding him by indulging his disarmed regime, Quadaffy was allowed to founder.
- So Quadaffy was punished for doing as the West wanted. That reduces further the likelihood such leaders will capitulate in the future. And worse, may provide incentive to nations like Iran to maintain their quest to join the nuclear club.
- And the West suffered by the chaos that was sucked into the post Quadaffy power vacuum.

Is Joe Biden Using Taxpayer Money To Build a Wall Around His Beach House?​

Claim: U. S. President Joe Biden was building a wall on his beach house property using taxpayer money in 2023.
Fact check by Snopes.com: True
Well there are two ways of looking at it.

1) He needs it to keep those who believe tabasco cures COVID out of his compound lest they try to check him for demon blood and signs of consuming child flesh. That can't be fun.

2) He's a typical hypocritical liberal who preaches about redistribution of wealth while living in his walled property.

Black Lives Matter co-founder’s cousin killed in police incident

English teacher Keenan Anderson went into cardiac arrest after being Tasered by US police during a visit to Los Angeles.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors has said her cousin 'deserves to be alive right now' after he died in a fatal altercation with Los Angeles police [File: Amy Harris, Invision/AP Photo]
Published On 12 Jan 202312 Jan 2023

The death of Keenan Anderson, the cousin of a Black Lives Matter co-founder, has sparked outcry in the United States and renewed scrutiny of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), which repeatedly Tasered the English teacher before he went into cardiac arrest.
“They’re trying to George Floyd me. They’re trying to George Floyd me,” Anderson, 31, can be heard saying in police body camera footage, in reference to the police killing of Floyd in 2020 that sparked mass racial justice protests around the world.


"Can we all just get along?" Rodney King
1) He needs it to keep those who believe tabasco cures COVID out of his compound lest they try to check him for demon blood and signs of consuming child flesh. That can't be fun.
When I rolled out of bed this AM I thought I was fairly up-to-date. Live & learn!
2) He's a typical hypocritical liberal who preaches about redistribution of wealth while living in his walled property.
Those living outside U.S. borders might understandably be as surprised as millions living in the U.S.

Joe Biden, Senator Joe for most of his life, seems to be a rare man of the people. For example, Joe used to commute via commuter Amtrak, reportedly mixing easily with his fellow commuters.
When VP Biden was seen & photographed giving a back-massage to a young women. Republicans leapt on it apparently in hope of making political hay. I saw the pics and shared the Republican alarm. BUT !!
The one to designate whether it was inappropriate or not is the woman herself. And reportedly she had no objection.

Elitism is an obvious reason for scrutinizing any government official. Biden may be one of the very rare cases where such alarm may be misplaced.
The Biden classified documents scandal might seem to negate that. But it is yet to be reported who actually transported the classified documents to the locations where they were encountered.
I might have been Biden himself. But it may also have been a subordinate, and potentially, without Biden's consent or knowledge. Let's see what the investigation reveals.
Yeah, you can't really ignore SS guidance, unless you're an idiot like Trump I mean.

As regards the documents scandal, well he referred himself for investigation and they're investigating it with a pro Trum[p special counsel, what more do you want? Can't fault him on all that so far.

‘Unstoppable’ nuclear torpedo to devastate cities with radioactive tsunamis built by Russia

Russia has built the first examples of an “unstoppable” nuclear torpedo intended to devastate coastal cities by creating radioactive tsunamis, state media has claimed.

"The first set of Poseidons have been manufactured, and the Belgorod submarine will receive them in the near future," Tass, a Russian state news agency reported, quoting an unnamed defence source.
The Poseidon nuclear torpedo has its roots in Soviet plans for a weapon that would be able to render coastal cities on the shores of the United States uninhabitable.

source: The Telegraph

Biden takes swipe at Second Amendment supporters: 'You need F-15s' to take on the federal government​

FOX News
Not on January 6.
And Joe: In the 2020 election Trump was the head of government. YOU Senator / VP Biden took on the head of State, and beat him. Did you park you F-15s' in the same garage as the classified docs?
You really endorsing a FOX News headline hitpiece on Biden, sear?

I can understand other sources that are more nuanced, but FOX?
You really endorsing a FOX News headline hitpiece on Biden, sear?
You and I are probably eye-to-eye on FOX. The difference is, I know far less about politics and media on your side of the pond than you do of mine. Not sure how you got so smart. BUT !! I'll try to keep up.
You really endorsing a FOX News headline hitpiece on Biden, sear?
Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer. Sun Tzu, author of The Art Of War, 6th century BCE

It's a mistake to interpret my quoting a source as endorsing that source, or the position quoted.

I haven't seen the Biden comment in context. But in general I think he's mostly wrong, even if a little right. If I may editorialize my previous post, I think my counter-example is brilliant, even if also obvious. I suspect Jan. 6 was the most danger my Constitution has been in, in my lifetime.
S2 #93

a) #93 does not substantiate the alleged Biden assertion: "You need F-15s' to take on the federal government".
- UBL had 4 airliners (not F-15s, but close). He made a mess. By some standard UBL might have taken on the U.S. federal government.
- The Jan. 6 party made a mess. No F-15s.

b) The graphic is (by design) a ridiculous juxtaposition.
This issue has been debated ad nauseum. But a quick sanity check: if contemporary arms are not a useful means of restraining government, why do authoritarian governments prohibit firearms ownership?
"... the soldier on the right ..."
from the text label on the graphic in #93
"The soldier on the right"?
The one guarding the poppy field?

"The strongest reason for the people to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." Mahatma Gandhi 1927
"The strongest reason for the people to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." Mahatma Gandhi 1927
That's another naïve contrast. It presumes the drunkards depicted on the left would form up on the battlefield with weapons that have only a small fraction of the range of the gun on the right.
The graphic infers 19th century combat tactics in a 3rd millennium environment. It's bogus.
There surely may be some self-styled "militiamen" that might imagine some related scenario.

But that's no legitimate justification for assuming a more intelligent asymmetric contest could not be designed.

Acknowledged experts seem to believe the Jan 6 insurrection came uncomfortably close to success. If they had indeed succeeded, would you have the hundreds of millions of U.S. citizens that retained loyalty to the Constitution just shrug, and accept the anti-Constitutional outcome.
Or perhaps might some sensible Americans have attempted a rescue, possibly inspired by Todd Beemer?
It's good if the citizens can overthrow their government in any country, but Shiftless is quite right that's a ridiculous endeavour to think you can take down the combined might of the National Guard/US Army/Navy/USMC/USAF/FBI etc etc with their multitude drones, missiles (lol), jet fighters ETC. Good luck with that if you really are naive enough to believe that shit (that you can take them down).
Shiftless is quite right that's a ridiculous endeavour to think you can take down the combined might of the National Guard/US Army/Navy/USMC/USAF/FBI etc etc with their multitude drones, missiles (lol), jet fighters ETC.
You're both right. Obviously in 19th century, U.S. Civil War style battlefield combat the lesser equipped side might be the side predicted to be vanquished.
You're both wrong in presuming that's the only conceivable scenario.

The reason for concern for the Jan. 6 insurrection is not because they scuffed up the capitol floor a little.
A relatively small mob came perilously close to keeping Trump in power, literally overthrowing President Biden, albeit before the formal inauguration. Had they succeeded, you think Trump himself would have insisted on limiting himself to the 8 year limit the 22nd Amendment * imposes? Unlikely.

This is not merely a simple hypothetical. Romania had a military. BUT !! Citizens of Romania got hold of Romania's General Secretary Nicolae Ceausescu, put him on trial, convicted Ceausescu of genocide and executed him on Dec. 25, 1989
This alone should dispel the myth that a nation with a powerful military cannot be retaken by the people.
It's not the only example. Hank5, battle of Agincourt. etc

* ref:
ARTICLE #22: Ratified February 27, 1951
SECTION 1. No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President during the remainder of such term.
SECTION 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.
BR #99

All without a single F-15.

Please do not infer less than I imply.
A year ago Russia's military was widely considered a military superior Ukraine's.
10 months later, perhaps that assessment was ill-conceived.

We've already wasted far too much time on this trivial detail. Mine was a simple technical counterpoint to Biden's comment about NEEDING F-15s for that. I believe I've now persuasively refuted the point. F-15s are SPECTACULAR weapons platforms. BUT they are not an indispensable prerequisite. Further, I hope Biden knows this, and thus I deduce Biden's assertion was somewhat metaphorical. On that basis I acknowledge his point. A larger hammer drives the nail faster. But it's a generalization, not a metaphysical certitude.
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