BR, please pardon my "senior moment" here. You know Victor Danilchenko?
At his site (last Spring?) we discussed the horrendously missed opportunity of the U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush (GHWB) administration.
Victor clanged that there was nothing the West could do. So I posted a rough draft of what President sear would have sent Gorby within a week of the Berlin Wall tumble:
Dear President Gorbachev:
For decades the U.S. and U.S.S.R. were locked in a mutually depleting Cold War that threatened our mutual annihilation.
That War is now over, and some might expect the victor to harvest the spoils.
But the United States of America maintains a proud tradition of welcoming our former adversaries as friends, as we have with both Germany and Japan after WWII.
Not a mere rhetorical welcome without substance or concern, but genuine, substantial peace and prosperity.
The Soviet economy was a zero sum game. For government to have more, the good people of the Soviet Union had less, and for the Kremlin to keep pace with the Pentagon, the good people of the Soviet Union were forced to have a great deal less.
As president of the United States I offer to you, to Russia and the good people that populate her, the same determined hand of friendship that it is our tradition to extend.
It will be a very long road Mr. Gorbachev, measured not in miles, but decades. Many challenges and obstacles await us in our mutual effort to welcome Russia to a far more prosperous, more comfortable, more secure future.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." There is no benefit to delay. The sooner we begin to rebuild, to modernize, to benefit all of Russia the better.
I have appointed a liaison team to establish communications with their counterpart working group in Russia.
This combined team can begin by establishing the objectives Russia chooses to achieve, prioritized to your preference, to be executed only upon your approval.
If any time you sense a snag in their progress, or if you simply wish to touch base to solidify mutually beneficial diplomatic relations, please feel free to contact me directly.
Both our nations have paid a price. But the wisdom of your world-class leadership is surely equal to this task that lays before us. Our liaison team has communication keys to share with yours, for their consultation with Germany, Japan, and other Western nations eager to offer constructive suggestions on how to optimize Russia's post War transition.
All best to you and and Raisa.
Your partner in Russia's prosperity, with kindest regards
United States President George Herbert Walker Bush
I'd appreciate your insight here BR. Am I way off base here?
Seems to me the West allowed Russia to founder terribly, leaving it to draw a perfectly rational conclusion: the West still views it as them vs Russia, NOT Russia has joined us.
Seems to me if we'd accorded Russia some portion of the kind of post war aid accorded Germany and Japan, we'd all be better off.
a) Life in Russia including the standard of living would have improved. It would now be superior to where it actually is, because we left the Russian economy to stagnate.
b) There would be no war in Ukraine right now, because Russia would have known it had more to lose than to gain if it did invade Ukraine.
As Kris Kristoffersen wrote: "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose." I sincerely believe the U.S. treasury, and Ukraine's homeland are paying the penalty for GHWB not sending Gorby a letter like that.
Victor never acknowledged my post. I assumed I nailed him, and he was simply too shy about it to acknowledge.
Shouldn't the West have welcomed Russia, and snuffed out all embers from the Cold War, lest they fester & flare, as they have in Crimea and Ukraine?