H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

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"I could post dozens of examples where the first words out of the cops moth is "do you have ID?"" m #20
Certainly true!
It's not illegal for a policeman pursuant to probable cause to stop and question, including to inquire about identity. In fact, for decades NYC applied a policy known as "stop and frisk". I'm not sure, but I think that may have relatively recently been discontinued, not just for obvious Constitutional reasons. Stats indicated those stopped / frisked were disproportionately minority young men. I gather such NYPD practice usually turned up no evidence of criminal misconduct.

It would have to be an extremely unusual circumstance for a policeman in the U.S. to have a legitimate business related need to know a subject / suspect's Social Security number. And citizens have a legitimate reason to restrict access to that information. Why? It's the linchpin of "identity theft", a crime that can wipe out a citizen's savings, or worse.
I wouldn't disagree with the handcuff risk. That's not an endorsement, merely an acknowledgement.

Technology has done an end-run around all this, as now high resolution cameras in coordination with facial recognition can accomplish what a half century ago individual policemen pounding a beat could only dream of. Of course facial recognition technology is currently deficient, perhaps only 80% reliable. BUT !! The police would then at least have a mug-shot to work with.

I realize it's thin gruel, but citizens do have limited recourse against police excesses. I don't know whether statute or precedent has yet established whether citizens have a right to activate their cellphone or similar video-cam at the beginning of such police encounters. If there is now such a legal standard, and that established standard is that U.S. citizens do not have this legal right, then our republic is lost.
It's not illegal for a policeman pursuant to probable cause to stop and question, including to inquire about identity. In fact, for decades NYC applied a policy known as "stop and frisk". I'm not sure, but I think that may have relatively recently been discontinued, not just for obvious Constitutional reasons. Stats indicated those stopped / frisk

ed were disproportionately minority young men. I gather such NYPD practice usually turned up no evidence of criminal misconduct.

Certainly a cop can ASK for your ID (he can ASK almost anything) but they now frequently compel it with the threat of arrest if the "request" is denied. Even when state law is clear that you dont have to ID unless arrested (for something else) cops will still threaten arrest for failure to identify even when the person is quoting the relevant state law they will still push the issue
The "stop and frisk" has been replaced by the "Terry stop" (see Terry vs Ohio) which is frequently misapplied to "allow"the cops to search any one

It would have to be an extremely unusual circumstance for a policeman in the U.S. to have a legitimate business related need to know a subject / suspect's Social Security number

the law on this is quite clear SSN is not to be used for the purpose of identification see sample SSN below
I dont what good the cops having high quality images of the suspect would do in many cases I have seen the cops have (with a photo of the wanted man in their possession) arrested people decades younger and of the wrong skin color although in fairness they did have a SIMILAR name not the same name but certainly used some of the same letters

but citizens do have limited recourse against police excesses
maybe in theory, it seems that it is impossible in many places to actually lodge an official complaint (I have seen video of people arrested for trying) there is no forms on which to make a written complaint, the complaint can only be made in person, the only person who takes complaints is unavailable.
And if you manage to navigate the obstructions the police investigate themselves and find no wrong doing.

I saw an interesting video the other night it was two videos cut together one was a sheriff at a press conference saying that home invaders should be shot and should no mercy the other video was of two cops from the same sheriffs department forcing their way into a home no warrant no exigent circumstances)
"cops will still threaten arrest for failure to identify" m #22
I know.
I think there are only a few categories of this.
- When it happens with the knowledge and tacit consent of police command (the "chief"). That could be a wink & a nod, or a "don't get caught" disclaimer.
- COPs are generally given so much latitude it's a double-standard. On divided highways in the U.S. there are occasionally paved bridges between the opposite direction highway segments. These paved links are usually clearly marked: no U-Turns. BUT !! Police vehicles use them for precisely that purpose. And emergency vehicles are also in practical terms (regardless of what the written law says) exempt from speed limits, and other MV & traffic laws. I don't want to write a book about it her. But essentially they get away with murder (except in rare cases like George Floyd).
"I dont what good the cops having high quality images of the suspect would do in many cases I have seen the cops have (with a photo of the wanted man in their possession) arrested people decades younger and of the wrong skin color although in fairness they did have a SIMILAR name not the same name but certainly used some of the same letters" m #22
It's best to keep perspective m #22. I'd be careful to not leverage an exception into the standard upon which to judge the whole. At least one case comes to mind that matches your description. It may or not be one you had in mind.
Either way, I'm not sure how common the familiar, theatrical "police line-up" is anymore. I gather police use a photo array, perhaps 4 x 2 (total 8) mug shots, and see if eye-witnesses all finger the same suspect. One good, high-res image of a suspect could be ideal for that, among other things.

As a cinematographic technique cutting between scenes of two competing groups can be entertaining. Knowing that it's actual police video rather than a screen writer's fertile imagination can focus the viewer's interest further.

BUT !!

Criticism's easy mm.
Got a better idea? Not me. About the best I can come up with is:
- full time live mic body-cams, &
- baccalaureate degree prerequisite. High school grads doing police work because they flunked the McD's employment application process is a recipe for what we've got. Time to fix it.
When it happens with the knowledge and tacit consent of police command (the "chief"). That could be a wink & a nod, or a "don't get caught" disclaimer

not just the police chief but the local prosecutors and judges
Thank you mm #24. So it's not merely one bad apple in the barrel, threatening destruction of the larder. It's a keg of compost, unfit for any but worms and bacteria.
When award nominations are collected for those brightening our day, you may be a candidate. Not for posts like #24 though.
In the "the other football" category:
two teams face off on the "grid-iron", the 100 yard long field of play. The quarterback is the heart of the offense. The QB calls the plays, and a skillful QB wins trophies.
Some say Brady is the G.O.A.T.
Greatest Of All Time.

He's won some Superbowls, indeed.
Might seem like just the next chapter in a fairy tale life, a prize-winning QB with a fashion model wife.
At the end of last season Brady announced his retirement. Not too long after that Brady signed for another year, this year.
It hasn't been a good season for Brady, or his team. And now:

Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen announce divorce after 13 years of marriage

A sobering reminder to quit while ahead?
never heard of either party

But in other news Jerry Lee Lewis has died - odd that his sexual relationship with a 13 year old child was largely ignored whilst Epstein's relationship with a 19 year old nearly caused the sky to fall down
Jerry Lee Lewis ... his sexual relationship with a 13 year old child
a) His cousin, if I read today's news correctly, &
b) I think they married.

It's easy for me to look down a long snooty nose with disdain. But rather than that I thank my lucky stars I've not been attracted to a 13 year old girl since I was a 13 year old boy. I must be damning to an adult, though I've read of fully women being attracted to boys. Oh well.

RIP Mr. Lewis.

Meanwhile: here's a headline with interesting global implications:

Europe Could Drop Natural Gas As A Bridge Fuel By Editorial Dept - Oct 28, 2022, 8:00 AM CDT

Europe May Drop Natural Gas as Bridge Fuel
- As Europe’s TTF spot natural gas prices have tripled this year from an average of 46 per MWh in 2021 to 134/MWh this year so far, the long-term sustainability of gas demand is called into question.
- According to Rystad, with recent gas prices it would be 10 times more expensive to operate gas-fired power plants in the long term than to build new solar PV capacity in Europe.
- For gas-fired plants to become competitive against renewables by 2030, spot prices would need to fall to at least 17/MWh…

"The elephant in the living room" here is, natural gas can generate electricity 24 / 7.
So what unmentioned storage medium might render switching to PV a viable option?

I've noticed some backlash against PV in New York State. Farmers seem to be organizing opposition to PV. I'm not sure I know why. The obvious, that their agricultural fields would be taken from them.
But perhaps there's an indirect issue, that PV installations will take up acreage, and that may increase the taxes on the remaining available land, farmland.

Not sure.
a) His cousin, if I read today's news correctly, &
b) I think they married.

yes his cousin----------not sure if that makes things better or worse
and yes they married because in the land of the free you can rape 13 year olds just so long as you marry them first
in the land of the free you can rape 13 year olds just so long as you marry them first
I gather it's a tradition the Europeans brought with them. I don't know what the standard was among aboriginal Americans.

However I'm guessing it's a standard more common, and or perhaps more tolerated in the Southeast, the armpit of the nation by some standards, "Trump country" if you will. The irony with that is Trump is a "daim Yankee", ordinarily more than enough for him to be reviled by those that brandish the rebel battle flag. But Trump would never have won the vote if not for support from the Southeast U.S.
I've not been there in the new millennium, except for a long weekend back in 2016. Not sure Utopia can be found on either side of the Mason - Dixon line.
Top Republicans deny any link between GOP rhetoric and Paul Pelosi assault
The assailant, David DePape, broke into the Pelosi family’s San Francisco home early Friday morning and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, San Francisco police said. He called out “where’s Nancy?” during the invasion, according to police.
RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel lamented the “unfair” Democratic argument that the yearslong villainization of Nancy Pelosi contributed to the attack on her husband as the investigation continues.
it isn't here either, without parental or judicial consent to the marriage

phew! thats OK then..

I recall reading that a girl who was married off at some ridiculously early age (and is now a campaigner against child marriages) saying that at the judicial over sight meeting the judge didnt even ask her if it was what she wanted. Which is admittedly what you might expect because in the US she would have been deemed incompetent of having any input into the decision but it would have been nice if he had asked.

In most states and under federal law, sex with a child that would otherwise be considered rape – in some cases, felony rape – becomes legal within marriage. ( but a parent cannot consent to their minor child being raped )

children typically are not allowed to initiate a legal proceeding – such as seeking a protective order (to prevent marriage) or even filing for divorce – unless they act through a guardian or other representative.


Just let sink in for a few seconds.........girls (its almost all girls) aged 10 are getting married
i'm done here. please delete my membership, sear. i'll be damned if i deal with this kind of shit on yet another board.
Sear it has not gone unnoticed by me that my opinions and the facts I introduce have to a greater or lesser extent been behind all of the recent flush of hard won new members leaving.
This saddens me, I realise that having your world view challenged is never easy particularly so when it is challenged with verifiable fact rather than just opinion. It seems however that some people only wish to talk into an echo chamber and have their views mirrored back to them.
In future I will only be posting on the round table so if you wish to reach out again to those who have left and assure them that their views are safe here they will hopefully come back.
and yet in no European country is it legal to have sex with a 13 year old - even if you marry her first
True - they have to be at least 14 in Austria, Italy, Serbia, Germany, and Portugal. In most of the rest of Western Europe the age of consent is 16 or 17 although it's 15 in France. In the US it varies between 16 and 18 with 16 being the most common.

It's 16 in Canada (although, until relatively recently it was 14). It's worth nothing that Canada has a "close in age" exemption which says a 14 or 15 year old can have sex as long as the older party is less than 5 years older than the younger.
Ukraine troops greeted with flowers in Kherson after Russian retreat
By Jonathan Landay
KLAPAYA, Ukraine, Nov 12 (Reuters) - Villagers holding flowers waited on the road to the southern city of Kherson to greet and kiss Ukrainian soldiers on Saturday as they poured in to secure control of the right bank of the Dnipro River after a stunning Russian retreat.

Volleys of incoming and outgoing artillery fire continued to blast around Kherson's international airport and the police said they were setting up checkpoints in and around the city and sweeping for mines left behind by the Russians.

The mayor said the humanitarian situation was "severe" because of a lack of water, medicine and bread in the city where residents celebrated their liberation in what President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called a "historic day" on Friday.
In the hamlet of Klapaya, about 10 km from Kherson's center, Nataliya Porkhunuk, 66, and Valentyna Buhailova, 61, stood on the verge of a rutted track holding bunches of freshly-picked flowers, smiling, and waving at passing vehicles carrying Ukrainian troops.

Still think the vote Putin held at gunpoint in Ukraine was legit?

MH17 verdict all defendants convicted in flight downing

The Washington Post 48 minutes ago

2 Russians, 1 Ukrainian get life sentences for downing 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight, killing 298 aboard​

Russian missile struck down the 2014 Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 that killed nearly 300​

The three men, who were not present for the ruling, can appeal the court's decision.
The ruling helps bring a close to an eight-year-long case that captured the world’s attention after a civilian flight traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, 2014, was shot down while flying over eastern Ukraine.
The tragedy occurred just months after Russia invaded Ukraine, seized Crimea and left upheaval in the nation's eastern regions.

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