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Pence discovered classified documents in Indiana home​

The New York Times

Classified Documents Found at Pence’s Home in Indiana​

Seems like we need improved protocol.
WASHINGTON — Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., said Tuesday she'll oppose Speaker Kevin McCarthy's efforts to keep a handful of Democrats off key House committees.

“As I spoke against it on the House floor two years ago, I will not support this charade again," she said in a strongly worded statement. "Speaker McCarthy needs to stop 'bread and circuses' in Congress and start governing for a change.”

Spartz's statement came in response to McCarthy's stated intentions to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from the Foreign Affairs Committee and keep Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., off the Intelligence Committee.

McCarthy, R-Calif., has unilateral power to keep members off the Intelligence panel, which is structured as a permanent select committee and gives the speaker special authorities. But he may need the support of a majority of the House to block Omar from Foreign Affairs. ...

“Two wrongs do not make a right,” Spartz said in her statement. “Speaker Pelosi took unprecedented actions last Congress to remove Reps. Greene and Gosar from their committees without proper due process. Speaker McCarthy is taking unprecedented actions this Congress to deny some committee assignments to the Minority without proper due process again.”

Greene, Gosar, Omar, Swalwell (compromised by a foreign Chinese agent) and it could be argued, Adam Schiff, don't belong anywhere near any committee assignments so I agree with both ex-speaker Pelosi and in this instance, Kevin McCarthy, the only one I'm slightly unsure on is Adam Schiff but he hasn't always passed the best judgement has he? The only issue is who McCarthy wants them replaced with, arguably much worse characters and in that sense, yes McCarthy is in the wrong.
Please pardon my ignorance. Is there such thing as a member of the U.S. federal congress that doesn't have at least one committee assignment? In that case, what would they do all day? $raise $money for their next election?

If Speaker McCarthy shuffles Democrats to committee assignments where those re-assigned Democrats will be perceived by McCarthy (R) to do the least good, that means Speaker Pelosi (D) is the more statesman-like of the two. Reportedly she kept such shenanigans to a minimum during her respectable tenure.
Please pardon my ignorance. Is there such thing as a member of the U.S. federal congress that doesn't have at least one committee assignment? In that case, what would they do all day? $raise $money for their next election?

If Speaker McCarthy shuffles Democrats to committee assignments where those re-assigned Democrats will be perceived by McCarthy (R) to do the least good, that means Speaker Pelosi (D) is the more statesman-like of the two. Reportedly she kept such shenanigans to a minimum during her respectable tenure.
Ilhan Omar IMHO belongs nowhere near any serious committee assignments, just like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the Boeberts of the world, a while back she said something to the effect of 'the USA is as bad as the Taliban'.

She is nuts.
Ilhan Omar IMHO belongs nowhere near any serious committee assignments
Even if true, if that were the actual criterion applied, would there be anyone left to populate the committees?
just like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the Boeberts of the world
"Truth is stranger than fiction."
Ever wonder about MTG's parents, her upbringing? What process produces a maniac like that?

- embarrassing -
I do not believe she reflects the United States of America well.
You know that already. - but -
... doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
Even if true, if that were the actual criterion applied, would there be anyone left to populate the committees?
Yes, there are many Congress people who don't think 'America is as bad as the Taliban', do you think those are the words of a reasonable person who can make laws effectively?

She was rebuked by your favourite Pelosi BTW -

Nancy Pelosi rebukes Ilhan Omar for tweet on Israel, Hamas and Taliban

This article is more than 1 year old
Omar’s tweet stoked controversy for appearing to equate the actions of democracies and ‘groups that engage in terrorism’
The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, issued a rebuke of Ilhan Omar on Thursday, after the outspoken Minnesota congresswoman said she was a victim of “harassment and silencing” by fellow Democrats over a remark about the US, Israel, Afghanistan and Hamas.

“Drawing false equivalencies between democracies like the US and Israel and groups that engage in terrorism like Hamas and the Taliban foments prejudice and undermines progress toward a future of peace and security for all,” Pelosi said, in a statement issued with the House majority leader, Steny Hoyer, and other members of the party hierarchy.

Omar made the initial comments on Monday, in a tweet accompanying video of a question she asked the secretary of state, Antony Blinken, in a House hearing.

“We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity,” Omar wrote. “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan and the Taliban. I asked Secretary Blinken where people are supposed to go for justice.” [..]
She and the squad fought hard against sending any aid to Ukraine as well, because they are pro-Putin sympathisers who think NATO is as bad as Russia and China etc. Not a fan of extreme proggies who draw false equivalence and make excuses for genocide, many leftists made excuses for the Serbian terrorists once upon a time too....
Yes, there are many Congress people who don't think 'America is as bad as the Taliban
And if thinking "America is as bad as the Taliban" were the only criterion of undesirability then I might agree with you.
It isn't.
And the not plausible reality is, many if not members of the Republican party in congress prioritize partisanship ahead of citizenship, thereby perjuring their oath of office.

Perhaps it's just me. But I believe any member of congress (MOC) that perjures their oath of office is not fit for that office.
do you think those are the words of a reasonable person who can make laws effectively?
Potentially, but not reliably. "A broken clock is right twice a day."
your favourite Pelosi
Perhaps you have inferred what I have not implied.
I've acknowledged Pelosi's [D] legislative leadership skills. But I've acknowledged McConnell's [R] leadership skills as well.
But you represent it as subjective, "your" favourite. Indeed, given a choice between Pelosi & McCarthy I prefer Pelosi, as I believe her agenda is substantially more faithful to the Constitution. I do not recall Pelosi having to give up the store to the most radical in her caucus simply to take the speakership.
Frankly I think McCarthy demonstrated his lack of fitness for the office by caving in to them. I believe he would have demonstrated greater principle and spine by simply withdrawing (or suspending) his speakership candidacy. By proving to the radicals that he (McCarthy) will dance to their tune, he forfeits much of the constructive power he might otherwise have wielded.

Following a hunting incident wherein VP Cheney shot his hunting buddy in the head.
“For years Democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot. Cheney taught ‘em a lesson. Aim higher.” Jay Leno
She and the squad fought hard against sending any aid to Ukraine as well, because they are pro-Putin sympathisers who think NATO is as bad as Russia and China etc. Not a fan of extreme proggies who draw false equivalence and make excuses for genocide, many leftists made excuses for the Serbian terrorists once upon a time too....
Pelosi opposed funding aid to Ukraine following Russia's invasion?
Count me a skeptic. But even if so, she may have had a reason. For example, there might have been a poison pill in the bill which she deliberately blocked. In any case Ukraine is getting U.S. aid.
I'm not endorsing Pelosi 100%. I'm acknowledging her leadership skills which include a political skill metaphorically referred to "herding cats". She doesn't take it to the floor for a vote until her vote count indicates she'll win the vote.

Part of the M-1 is it has not a diesel engine, but a jet engine, and reportedly has substantially more demanding maintenance requirements. BUT !!
I gather the U.S. position is:
- Ukraine needs the German tanks, but for geopolitical / historic reasons Germany doesn't want to be out front on what Russia might portray as an escalation.
- So Biden is set to approve aid of M-1, knowing that many if not most of them may end up parked 10 miles from where they begin within Ukraine, a $costly expedient to get Ukraine the German tanks they need.
And if thinking "America is as bad as the Taliban" were the only criterion of undesirability then I might agree with you.
It isn't.
And the not plausible reality is, many if not members of the Republican party in congress prioritize partisanship ahead of citizenship, thereby perjuring their oath of office.

Which is why I said that Ilhan Omar AND people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are not fit to hold top committee assignments, why are you now inferring that I want people like Boebert et al to hold committee assignments when I explicitly said just the opposite only a few posts ago..?

Perhaps it's just me. But I believe any member of congress (MOC) that perjures their oath of office is not fit for that office.

Potentially, but not reliably. "A broken clock is right twice a day."

Perhaps you have inferred what I have not implied.
I've acknowledged Pelosi's [D] legislative leadership skills. But I've acknowledged McConnell's [R] leadership skills as well.
But you represent it as subjective, "your" favourite. Indeed, given a choice between Pelosi & McCarthy I prefer Pelosi, as I believe her agenda is substantially more faithful to the Constitution. I do not recall Pelosi having to give up the store to the most radical in her caucus simply to take the speakership.
Frankly I think McCarthy demonstrated his lack of fitness for the office by caving in to them. I believe he would have demonstrated greater principle and spine by simply withdrawing (or suspending) his speakership candidacy. By proving to the radicals that he (McCarthy) will dance to their tune, he forfeits much of the constructive power he might otherwise have wielded.

Following a hunting incident wherein VP Cheney shot his hunting buddy in the head.
“For years Democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot. Cheney taught ‘em a lesson. Aim higher.” Jay Leno

That was probably no accident. ;) McConnell is an awful, awful leader who caved in to Trump and has no leadership skills beyond being the 'grim reaper' for legislation, why you would lavish any praise on him I simply don't know, he deserves none. You can compare these guys with past leaders, such as the late Byrd who was Senate Majority Leader, who proved a successful leader in the other chamber.

The difference between Pelosi and McConnell (why you are bringing up the senate and the house I'm not sure) is that McConnell caved in to radicals and Pelosi held a firm line against people like Ilhan Omar.
Pelosi opposed funding aid to Ukraine following Russia's invasion?

Huh? No, Ilhan Omar and the rest of the squad opposed funding to Ukraine for as long as they could, would have thought this was fairly obvious and didn't need proving..?
"why are you now inferring that I want people like Boebert et al to hold committee assignments when I explicitly said just the opposite only a few posts ago..?" BR
You quoted me before you posted this, suggesting they're related. I see no connection that also supports your assertion / accusation about "people like Boebert to hold committee assignments".
"Ilhan Omar IMHO belongs nowhere near any serious committee assignments" BR #127
"Even if true, if that were the actual criterion applied, would there be anyone left to populate the committees?" s replying to BR #127

I thought my post was a question. Can a question be wrong?
That was from an older post, I am quoting your last post.. in the last post you appeared to infer that I want Republicans to hold committee assignments but not Democrats.

Nevermind, it seems you think Ilhan Omar is fit to hold top committee assignments when it's clear that not all Democrats are like her, that is up to you, but I feel she is unfit. There are probably good programs she helps with in her local community s as she cares about her local community, but she seems more like a good local politician rather than a national one, just my opinion.
"McConnell is an awful, awful leader" BR #134

"I've acknowledged McConnell's [R] leadership skills as well." s #131
I consider "awful" (your word) subjective. Whether or not I agree is immaterial.
My position stated in #131 and yours in #134 are not mutually exclusive.

My posted comment addressed skill, not awfulness.

One of my examples of McConnell's skill:
On the subject of minimum wage, the Dems were trying to raise it. McConnell opposed, saying:
- If we make employment more expensive, is it any wonder why there would be less of it? -

I'm not congratulating McConnell for this. Instead I'm acknowledging it's an argument that's difficult to refute. I attribute that to skill, not a lack of awfulness. They are not mutually exclusive.
you appeared to infer that I want Republicans to hold committee assignments but not Democrats.
The appearance is flagrantly incorrect, your apparent conclusion equally so.
it seems you think Ilhan Omar is fit to hold top committee assignments
The reason I have no such opinion is I have fact zero to base it on.
If you cite an authenticated fact about him / her / it I can contextualize it, and provide you my considered opinion. As of now I could not provide any such thing, as I have no information to base it on.
Might not happen every day. Here's a victory for the good guys:

Thu, January 26, 2023 at 3:13 PM EST

DENVER (AP) — The Colorado baker who won a partial U.S. Supreme Court victory after refusing to make a gay couple’s wedding cake because of his Christian faith lost an appeal Thursday in his latest legal fight, involving his rejection of a request for a birthday cake celebrating a gender transition.
The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that that the cake Autumn Scardina requested from Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop, which was to be pink with blue frosting, is not a form of speech.
It also found that the state law that makes it illegal to refuse to provide services to people based on protected characteristics like race, religion or sexual orientation does not violate business owners' right to practice or express their religion.

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