Florida classroom bookshelves left empty as education reform law goes into effect

I jammed a thumb-up on #100 not because I think we should "Make sure your children read it." Instead
I think it should be available to children if they wish to read it.

I'm inclined to assert Republicans have hit bottom, wishing to ban such book.
But they will continue to prove me wrong, by sinking ever lower.

I surely hadn't anticipated this, but yesteryear's Republican reverence for Reagan makes a little more sense to me in the context of MTG, Cruz, Trump, & DeSantis.

Any idea what % on the book-banning bandwagon have actually read the books they aspire to ban? I suspect most of the book-banners have not read most of the books on their ban list.
My guess is that only a miniscule percentage of the people asking that books be banned have actually read them.

Probably about the same percentage of "Christians" who have actually read the Bible.
"My guess is that only a miniscule percentage of the people asking that books be banned have actually read them.
Probably about the same percentage of "Christians" who have actually read the Bible." S2 #102
I doubt those two percentages are numerically close.
I hope those two percentages are not numerically close.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65)
I'm confident some in history have used religion as a tool to manipulate believers.
But it's unwise to leverage that to dismiss, condemn all believers, some of whom are surely sincere.
One of the elements of distinguishing one from the other:
Is the ostensible believer applying holy scripture to shape their own life? Or merely as justification to impose their personal will on others?

Some cite the word of god, holy scripture to support a false position. "Spare the rod, spoil the child", ostensible biblical justification for child abuse.

But that quotation has only tenuous relation to the Holy Bible *.
"Spare the rod, spoil the child" is attributed Samuel Butler, a 17th-century poet, specifically to the poem Hudibras. And at that, not about child-rearing.

* “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” – Proverbs 13:24
In this Biblical context "the rod" was an instrument used by shepherds, not to punish, or even to discipline their livestock, but merely to guide them on their path.
Children need guidance, not a fat lip.
imgur #104

As a quip, humor presenting an unusual or unexpected perspective, the cartoon may not necessarily withstand objective scrutiny, it's fine. But:
it insinuates the binary pro vs con standard of ideological and behavioral opposition.

Book banning, censorship of any kind is an alarming slippery slope. BUT !!
Can even an absolute ideal be implemented without exception and without harm?

What is the opposite extreme of the book banner? Laissez-faire?
I don't think 4 year old children should be watching X-rated rape and snuff films. So

unfortunately for ideological purists we can not simply eliminate literary discretion. It's a cute cartoon none the less.
The cartoon frame in #104 & #106 are nearly identical except for what's on the white-board, and in the book cabinet.
The subliminal finger in the eye is many a thinking man has more cubic feet of books on shelves than refrigerator space.
The cabinet, full in #104 and empty in #106 is smaller than most residential refrigerators in the U.S.
It's a metaphor of course. It's not the absolute size of the cabinet, but its content the cartoon calls attention to.
A parent screening A-list colleges may ask how many books in the college library. How many parents ask that at a PTA meeting?

A picture worth 1,000 words?
A thousand thanks S2.

#106 raises another important point.
We can't teach "the 3 R's" without books / texts.
So by disapproving some, the GOP is approving others. That may be the more alarming aspect of this story,
not what's being withheld, but what's being offered instead.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. - John Philpot Curran (1750-1817)
Now that we know book-banning / brain-washing is a proclivity within the population, we shall either submit / succumb to it, or battle it to the last child.
Thank you S2,
The resource in #108 is worth considering. There are other e-book sources too, including https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/

"You know what to do ..." S2 #108

Get a Library Card​

Brooklyn Public Library's card is free for anyone who lives, works, pays property taxes or goes to school in New York state. There is a limit of one library card per person.

1. Who is this card for?​

Child ages 0-12
Teen ages 13-17
Adult 18+

2. Tell us about yourself​

3. Where do you live?​

4. How should we contact you?​

The difference between 109 and 108 is the latter is available wherever you live - not just to residents of NY state.

And I've used Project Gutenberg to read old out of print novels and stories where the copyright has expired.
"The difference between 109 and 108 is the latter is available wherever you live - not just to residents of NY state.
And I've used Project Gutenberg to read old out of print novels and stories where the copyright has expired." #110
a) oh
b) I don't have a smart-phone, thus can't scan the code in #108. So I used ixQuick to search, and posted the hit I got. BUT !! If you have a link with broader access than NYS please post it for those of us that don't use a smart-phone, but do have Internet access. Thanks. Good idea. It's particularly useful w/ COVID still around.
If you go to the Brooklyn Public Library website

and search for "books unbanned" without the quotes that should do it - I haven't looked at titles etc or tried to download any books tho.

Florida, we are told, is the land of freedom, where the scourge of wokeness and the tyranny of radical leftism have been stamped out by the benevolent jackboot of Governor Ronald Dion DeSantis. That may be how Republican Floridians see themselves, but the view from the outside is one of political horseshoes and slipping masks. Ever since the passage of the “Parental Rights in Education” law in 2022, Florida school districts have gone on the warpath against any and all books that don’t fit their freedom-loving sensibilities, banning nearly 565 documented titles in 2021–22 alone. The latest title on the chopping block is the notorious work of critical queer theory known as… Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation (2017)?

According to the Vero Beach school district, the book was deemed “not age appropriate.” The reason? It covers Frank’s self-described attractions, not only to boys but also to another girl. Perhaps those who opposed characterizing the Parental Rights in Education bill as “Don’t Say Gay” were right after all — in this case, “Don’t Say Bi” is rather more fitting. The cultural right can profess that they are simply pushing back against the excesses of radical left-wing ideologies, but words are cheap. What their actions demonstrate, time and time again, is that they are using today’s tools to endlessly reanimate yesterday’s bigotries.

This abridged retelling of Anne Frank’s diary — adapted by Oscar-nominated Israeli film director Ari Folman and wonderfully illustrated by Israeli artist David Polonsky — is not a mere dumbing-down and reformatting of the material for a younger audience. Rather, it captures ....


The MAGAmerican dream lives in Sarasota

On Florida’s Gulf Coast, a loose coalition of activists, officials and Trumpworld celebrities is building the world they want to live in

There are a few ways to enter Sarasota County’s modern conservative paradise, but Vic Mellor led me in through what he calls “the cave of doom.”

It’s a narrow, mostly concrete tunnel, painted black and nearly impenetrable to the Florida sunshine. The only sources of light are illuminated quotations that give the tunnel a ...

iirc sanarchus advocated anarchy, and promoted it with idealistic zeal.
"Crime will wither away after the fall of capitalism." sanarchus
MAGA perceives Utopia.
The cognitive recognize dystopia.

I'm still not certain whether the essence of their motive, of their intent is malice, or ignorance.