French, Le & La, among others."In fairness, in some languages "things" do have a gender but that's grammatical gender, not sexual gender." #563
he ![]() pron. 1. Used to refer to the male person or animal previously mentioned or implied. 2. Usage Problem a. Used to refer to a person whose gender is unspecified or unknown: Someone left his umbrella in the lobby. b. Anyone: “He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence” (William Blake). Usage Note: Historically, the pronouns he, him, and his have been used as generic or gender-neutral singular pronouns ... The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. |
Men In Black is a well made movie.
New research suggests trans athletes could experience physical disadvantages
A new study has suggested that trans athletes may actually be at a physical disadvantage compared to cisgender athletes.
New research suggests trans athletes could experience physical disadvantages
A new study has suggested that trans athletes may actually face physical disadvantages compared to cisgender
It's silly to present this issue as a single profile."A new study has suggested that trans athletes may actually be at a physical disadvantage compared to cisgender athletes." #567 *
* Advocates of either side of this debate may perceive their position to be decisive."I think you can have it all. You can't have it all at once." Oprah
PBS obtains minor funding from congress."PBS has removed a series of videos about LGBTQ history from its website ..." #569
It's a continuing debate, whether the government subsidy PBS & NPR receive worth the burden.“Any time money is involved, strings are attached.” Bill Maher
Within wide latitude, yes."Boys can dress however they want." #571
There are any number of reports on line of girls and boys being punished because their hairstyle was deemed "inappropriate". The school's actions range everywhere from sending the student home until they change things to a teacher coming up behind them and hacking off things like ponytails, etc.- repercussion for hair style violation
Yes. We may have read some of the same headlines."... a teacher coming up behind them and hacking off things ..." S2 #573
You make me feel like Rip Van Winkle. I didn't know "skorts" was a word, even though I've dined with a spork at Taco Bell before.skorts