I haven't checked lately, but decades ago citizens could volunteer for U.S. military service at age 17, but only w/ parental approval.
I'd be more sympathetic to Trump on this, were it not for the ticking clock. I recuse myself.
My suspicion, out of a population of one million early transitioners, there are likely to be a few post-transition regretters.
I won't guess at the actual number if any.
But if it's 5%, I'm not sure it makes sense to inflict restrictions on the 95% because of the 5% risk. I'm a utilitarian.
I'd be less uncomfortable about it if the transition candidates received some constructive guidance, the details involved, including insights from those that have transitioned, including warnings of perils along the way, before during and after.
I base that on a conversation I had with my niece. She'd graduated high school, and had enrolled in college with a very specific career path in mind.
In one 20 minute conversation I'd shared insight with her that resulted in her literally telling me: "I never thought of that." That 20 minute conversation w/ uncle sear changed her life, for the better I hope.
What alarms me in retrospect is that she did not get that insight from her parents, guidance counselor, teacher, classmate, schoolmate, or ...
No need to re-invent the wheel. Benefit from the experiences of others.
Information's like a gun, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.