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On Grooming ....

The commercial clutter @link is kind of distracting. I started watching the DeWine vid, but got a toenail fungus ad.What can I say - the bigots are out in force
Failure to administer hormone blockers is an irrevocable decision (it's a bell that can't be unrung if you prefer). If hormone blockers aren't administered the result is a boy with breasts and a period or a girl with a deep voice, facial hair, and an Adams Apple. And the surgery required to correct these is far more invasive than would have been the case if hormone blockers had been administered beginning at the onset of puberty.I'm not sure it's ethical or sensible to ring any bells that can't be unrung for persons that have not yet reached adult age.
update:Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license
Updated September 14, 20232:35 PM ET
A federal jury has awarded $100,000 to a same-sex couple who sued a former county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue them a marriage license, claiming that doing so would violate her religious beliefs." #190
"Among life's perpetually charming questions is whether the truly evil do more harm than the self-righteous and wrong." Jon Margolis"The only question is how much she's going to receive via a "Go Fund Me" account - she may well come out ahead." #248
Lear has previously invoked the Bible in explaining her reasons for sponsoring the proposal, which she introduced alongside State Rep. Adam Bird (R) and more than a dozen other Ohio Republicans last May. At an October hearing on the matter, according to The Buckeye Flame, Lear recited Genesis 1:27, saying, “In our country, since the Puritans and Pilgrims first arrived and until recently, we believed ‘God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.’”OH State Rep. Beth Lear (R) uses scripture to justify a discriminatory bathroom bill:
"In Luke 17, Jesus says that if you cause one of these little ones of mine to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and be thrown into the deepest sea."
— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) January 10, 2024
"her opponents should be drowned in the sea." #250
Rep Lear has a First Amendment Constitutional right to religion. BUT !!"No right is absolute. Conversely, no government authority is absolute." lawyer, law Professor and former ACLU head Nadine Strossen
Thank you S2."Note that it does not say the individual was trans - only that they were pretending to be." #253