What to call this thread?

On Grooming ....



What can I say - the bigots are out in force

Republican governor vetoes transgender youth care, sports ban in Ohio

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has vetoed Ohio House Bill 68, which is comprised of two acts: the "Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act," which would ban transgender minors from receiving gender-affirming medical care, and the "Save Women's Sports Act," which would prevent transgender girls from taking part in girls' and women's sports.

What can I say - the bigots are out in force
The commercial clutter @link is kind of distracting. I started watching the DeWine vid, but got a toenail fungus ad.

On topic: "gender-affirming medical care" seems like a euphemism for surgery, and perhaps hormone treatment.

This leaves me wondering what such persons did a few centuries earlier. A burly female (stereotype deliberate)? Dress like a blacksmith. Right?

They can be whomever they wish to be. BUT !
I'm not sure it's ethical or sensible to ring any bells that can't be unrung for persons that have not yet reached adult age.

I have just a tiny bit of experience with this, a schoolmate got irreversible rhinoplasty. She may as a high school student have felt better after. I thought she looked better before.
I'm not sure it's ethical or sensible to ring any bells that can't be unrung for persons that have not yet reached adult age.
Failure to administer hormone blockers is an irrevocable decision (it's a bell that can't be unrung if you prefer). If hormone blockers aren't administered the result is a boy with breasts and a period or a girl with a deep voice, facial hair, and an Adams Apple. And the surgery required to correct these is far more invasive than would have been the case if hormone blockers had been administered beginning at the onset of puberty.

And surgery isn't performed on someone under the age of 18 in any case (and yes I'm aware that there have been exceptional cases).

Biden administration's Title IX proposal receives stark warning from UN expert: 'Detrimental effects'

Story by Ryan Gaydos

The Biden administration’s Title IX proposal that would expand the meaning of sexual discrimination to include gender identity and prevent schools and colleges from banning transgender athletes received pushback from a United Nations expert Wednesday.

Reem Alsalem, a U.N. special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, expressed concern the proposed changes would violate biological women and girls’ rights to ...


Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license​

Updated September 14, 20232:35 PM ET

A federal jury has awarded $100,000 to a same-sex couple who sued a former county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue them a marriage license, claiming that doing so would violate her religious beliefs." #190

The former Kentucky county clerk who in 2015 declined to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples must pay $260,000 in fees and expenses to the couple’s attorneys in addition to the $100,000 in damages awarded by a jury last year, a federal judge ruled.

$fine BUT !

It's easiest to snuff out a wildfire while it's still on the match. If they'd strangled this infant in the cradle, it wouldn't require the dragon-slaying involved here. It's a strategy akin to locking the barn door after the horses are stolen. Discrimination based on religious liberty is nonsense. It should never have gone this far.
"The only question is how much she's going to receive via a "Go Fund Me" account - she may well come out ahead." #248
"Among life's perpetually charming questions is whether the truly evil do more harm than the self-righteous and wrong." Jon Margolis

I haven't read the stats on the contribution profile of such $collections. Average contribution $7.34 ?
- OR -
A generous lump sum from one wealthy donor?

Either way I continue to puzzle over whether they believe their cause righteous, of if they know they're wrong, but don't care.

Similar story with Trump voters.

Bible-Thumping Ohio Lawmaker Suggests Critics of Her Anti-Trans Bill Should Be Drowned​


The Ohio Republican behind a bill that would ban transgender students from using bathrooms aligned with their gender identity quoted scripture in justifying the legislation on Wednesday, deploying a verse suggesting that her opponents should be drowned in the sea.

State Rep. Beth Lear whipped out the reference to Luke 17:2 while answering questions on House Bill 183 at a morning committee hearing. Facing Lear, State Rep. Joseph Miller, the ranking member of the House Higher Education Committee, asked her how she could “jive” her bill with “the teachings that you proclaim.”

“In Luke 17, Jesus says that if you cause one of these little ones of mine to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and be thrown into the deepest sea,” Lear replied. “So—there are also concerns that Jesus has for children. And in Genesis, he tells us that he created the male and female.”

OH State Rep. Beth Lear (R) uses scripture to justify a discriminatory bathroom bill:

"In Luke 17, Jesus says that if you cause one of these little ones of mine to stumble, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and be thrown into the deepest sea." pic.twitter.com/jkm6ozaBbq
— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) January 10, 2024
Lear has previously invoked the Bible in explaining her reasons for sponsoring the proposal, which she introduced alongside State Rep. Adam Bird (R) and more than a dozen other Ohio Republicans last May. At an October hearing on the matter, according to The Buckeye Flame, Lear recited Genesis 1:27, saying, “In our country, since the Puritans and Pilgrims first arrived and until recently, we believed ‘God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.’”

Nor did Wednesday mark the first time the Ohio lawmaker has used violent imagery to justify the measure. At that same October hearing, Lear shared a disturbing anecdote about a young girl who had been gang-raped by an athletic team. An adult in the child’s life, Lear claimed without further elaboration, had then “encouraged” her to transition to male. The Republican refused to answer questions about the alleged incident from Cleveland.com at the time, citing the need to protect the victim’s privacy.

The Wednesday committee hearing served as a means for Lear and Bird to unveil a new version of the bill more closely aligned with the language of another measure targeting transgender minors. That proposal, House Bill 68, prohibits transgender children from receiving gender-affirming medical care and prevents transgender girls from competing on sports teams that align with their identity. On Wednesday, it was pushed through by the Ohio House, which voted ...

"her opponents should be drowned in the sea." #250
"No right is absolute. Conversely, no government authority is absolute." lawyer, law Professor and former ACLU head Nadine Strossen
Rep Lear has a First Amendment Constitutional right to religion. BUT !!
a) That is not an absolute right.
b) Lear's right does not trump the equal rights of others. Lear is entitled to her preference. She has no right to inflict her religious preference on others.
This post #252 might easily be misunderstood.
It's not intended to undermine anyone that doesn't conform to the conventional male & female standard. BUT !!

It does demonstrate that the issue creates a complication that may place innocent children at risk.

Male 'posing' as transgender allegedly raped inmate at all-women facility on Rikers Island, lawsuit says​

'Rose Doe' says the male prisoner moved into the Rose M Singer women’s jail on April 4, 2022, and claims the rape took place on April 7​

By Lawrence Richard Fox News / January 25, 2024 1:20pm EST

An imposter allegedly pulled this scam at Rikers jail.
So why could not a pedophilic imposter pull this same scam at a public school, or other child-populated venue?

That doesn't mean we have to bash anyone. But it does provide reason to be alert to this unusual risk.
"Note that it does not say the individual was trans - only that they were pretending to be." #253
Thank you S2.
I deliberately used the word "imposter", but I'd hoped to be more explicit. Thank you for helping me to complete the picture. Good communication might look easy. So does playing Chopin on a concert grand, I suppose.

Religious studies professor supports trans rights claiming Bible 'portrays gender as a colorful spectrum'​

Catholic university professor says Biblical 'scripture and trans rights are not at odds'​

By Kendall Tietz Fox News / Published January 26, 2024 5:14pm EST

FOX interposes hoops, obstructing access to their version of the story. BUT ...
This post #256 is not agenda-driven. Persuasive arguments and information have already been posted here as public information. BUT:
There is another side to this issue. The following from a respected source, NYT.JPG may offer a perspective under-represented here.

As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.​

Feb. 2, 2024 / Grace PowellCredit...Janick Gilpin for The New York Times

By Pamela Paul / Opinion Columnist
Grace Powell was 12 or 13 when she discovered she could be a boy.
Growing up in a relatively conservative community in Grand Rapids, Mich., Powell, like many teenagers, didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. She was unpopular and frequently bullied. Puberty made everything worse. She suffered from depression and was in and out of therapy.
“I felt so detached from my body, and the way it was developing felt hostile to me,” Powell told me. It was classic gender dysphoria, a feeling of discomfort with your sex.
Reading about transgender people online, Powell believed that the reason she didn’t feel comfortable in her body was that she was in the wrong body. Transitioning seemed like the obvious solution. The narrative she had heard and absorbed was that if you don’t transition, you’ll kill yourself.

At 17, desperate to begin hormone therapy, Powell broke the news to her parents. They sent her to a gender specialist to make sure she was serious. In the fall of her senior year of high school, she started cross-sex hormones. She had a double mastectomy the summer before college, then went off as a transgender man named Grayson to Sarah Lawrence College, where she was paired with a male roommate on a men’s floor. At 5-foot-3, she felt she came across as a very effeminate gay man.

At no point during her medical or surgical transition, Powell says, did anyone ask her about the reasons behind her gender dysphoria or her depression. At no point was she asked about her sexual orientation. And at no point was she asked about any previous trauma, and so neither the therapists nor the doctors ever learned that she’d been sexually abused as a child.
“I wish there had been more open conversations,” Powell, now 23 and detransitioned, told me. “But I was told there is one cure and one thing to do if this is your problem, and this will help you.”
Progressives often portray the heated debate over childhood transgender care as a clash between those who are trying to help growing numbers of children express what they believe their genders to be and conservative politicians who won’t let kids be themselves.
But right-wing demagogues are not the only ones who have inflamed this debate. Transgender activists have pushed their own ideological extremism, especially by pressing for a treatment orthodoxy that has faced increased scrutiny in recent years. Under that model of care, clinicians are expected to affirm a young person’s assertion of gender identity and even provide medical treatment before, or even without, exploring other possible sources of distress. ... [much more at:]

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Kathleen Kingsbury, the Opinion editor, wrote about this column in an edition of the Opinion Today newsletter.
"The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant

I have short patience for hypocrisy.
I have little to no patience for religious hypocrisy. How many are converted by preaching to the choir?
I thought we'd already won that one, years ago.

A new generation, so we have to go through it all again?

Wining about Al the Grape is fine. But Americans have more recent heroes to fret about, Abraham Lincoln for example.