What to call this thread?

This is new.
That's fine. We can't have progress without change.
But as this is change, perhaps the standards applied should be updated to accommodate current & future realities.

Two Trans Contestants To Compete For Miss Universe 2023 Crown

Christine Lai
Without taking a side pro or con, seems to me there should be explicit standards for this. Why?
Without explicit standards, the judges may simply express their personal preferences, without guidance from written standards. In that case, right or wrong, majority preference wins.
And that majority opinion or Zeitgeist tends to change over time.
Is it fair to contestants present & future for them to be judged by unwritten standards that may vary from one year to the next?
For the record, Jenna Talackova competed in the Miss Universe Canada contest in 2012. She didn't win (placed in the top 12) but did share the title of Miss Congeniality.

The only problem with the title is that DeSantis can't be humiliated. After all that requires the ability to be embarrassed about ... anything.



Forget Bud Light, popular beer brand files for bankruptcy​

A number of regional brewers have failed at a time when you think they would pick up market share due to the Anheuser-Busch brand's scandal.

You would think that the problems facing Bud Light due to the fallout from its marketing deal with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney would be good for smaller brewers. The once top-selling beer brand in the United States has lost over 25% of its sales and you have to assume that those customers did not stop drinking beer.
The reality is that the struggles of the Anheuser-Busch In-Bev (BUD) brand seem to be good for other mass-market beer makers. Brands like Modelo, the new top-selling beer in the world, as well as Coors Light, and Miller Lite have seen their shares grow.


I'm not sure how to interpret this.
Former Bud Light fans are trans-phobic?
So insecure in their own manhood they require a brand with a more macho image?

Expert opinion varies.
Some anthropologists attribute the first major human foothold on what we call civilization was the agricultural plow.
Alternate opinion suggests it might instead have been beer. That kegs of beer were simply too difficult to accommodate a nomadic hunter / gatherer lifestyle, thus promoting the first permanent human settlements.
If that latter is the historically accurate explanation, Bud Light's demise seems a little ignominious after millennia of human history of burping and watering the shrubs.
I vaguely recall a 5th grade science lesson that mentioned moss that had over 100 sexes. - but -

So far as can recall, for humans it's egg (female gamete) and sperm (male gamete), each haploid.
"Biological sex is far from binary ..." #206
For human reproduction I suspect it is. How an individual identifies may be a separate issue.

It ain't that simple

And it's doubtful if there has ever been a true human hermaphrodite - the term you're looking for is intersex.
Gametes do.
"These are simplistic ways of thinking about what is scientifically very complex." #208
The complexity is not disputed here.
But proportion surely seems relevant. To accurately characterize an entity it makes sense to describe the 99%, rather than pretend or insinuate the 1% exceptions accurately represent the whole.

And I'm not sure the issue is biology, genetics. In this forum isn't what matters more the sociology? Egalitarianism may be essential to a properly functioning human social structure. Not sure what role it has in science.
It ain't that simple
Not clear to me what non-simplicity you have in mind.
And it's doubtful if there has ever been a true human hermaphrodite - the term you're looking for is intersex.
There are several terms not in common use that having definitions for here might help.

I added the 3 words in #207 to acknowledge I'm aware humanity is not purely binary. But some natural manifestations such as anencephaly may not be regarded as having an indispensable role in sustaining the human race, the way conventional pregnancy has.

Bottom line, with scientific accuracy and legitimacy we can acknowledge complexity. But humanity's more fundamental task may be applying the principles of tolerance widely and emphatically. You hear that Speaker Johnson?
"... not only does he want to turn the US into a Christian theocracy he's determined to roll the clock back to the 1800's." S2 #211
- He with two masters serves neither. -

When congressman JFK ran for president there was concern that as a Catholic, President JFK would serve the pope, instead of the People that elected him.

Not sure how such dual loyalty applies to Johnson in the new millennium. Early indicators are not encouraging.
"Big difference - while JFK was a Catholic he wasn't a religious fanatic - Johnson is" #213
And that is the danger of the precedent.

I expect we shall see an escalating avalanche of public service oaths to the Constitution perjured, until we prosecute such perjury. So far, not much.
7 Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:-"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump has already claimed that he had no duty to support the Constitution
Denying the duty may not be a violation. Fomenting violent insurrection intended to overthrow United States federal government is an unmistakable violation.
"He's playing semantics." #217
It's his game. He can name it anything he likes. If that's the name of the game he's playing, that's the name of the game he's losing.
"The Oath says "preserve, protect, and defend" - it doesn't us the word "support"" #217
Here's AHD's contribution, the definition of one of the words actually written into that specific Constitutional clause.

de·fend (dĭ-fĕnd)
v. de·fend·ed, de·fend·ing, de·fends
1. a. To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm: a vaccine to defend the body from infection.
[Middle English defenden, from Old French defendre, from Latin dēfendere, to ward off; see gwhen- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

AHD also includes a synonyms list. "support" is not included.

Synonyms: defend, protect, guard, preserve, shield, safeguard
These verbs mean to make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm. Defend implies repelling or being ready to repel an attack: The army defended the border against the enemy. The politician responded quickly to defend his reputation.
often suggests keeping something safe by coming between it and any threat of harm or injury: Police protected the stores from looters. Sunglasses protect your eyes.
suggests keeping watch: Their dog guarded the house against intruders.
To preserve something is to protect it from future harm or alteration: An environmental group purchased the wetland to preserve it from commercial development.
suggests providing a barrier against something dangerous or destructive: "Grant's remaining units made their way through heavy timber ... in turn, however, the woods shielded them from Confederate bullets until they were almost on top of the enemy line" (Brooks D. Simpson).
Safeguard implies the vigilant protection of something of great value or importance: The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Therefore Trump's defense seems to be, by me [Trump] substituting a word that is NOT in that Constitutional clause is not a synonym for those that are, because the Constitution isn't written as I Donald J. Trump wish it were, I as president was not bound by it.

- piffle -

I'm confident Trump is using the best arguments he can find to protect himself here. Apparently this word substitution ruse is the best Trump can do. If he had a better one, what's he saving it for?
The House approved a measure late Tuesday that would slash Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's taxpayer-funded government salary to just $1.
The bill — which was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. — was passed via voice vote Tuesday as an amendment to the 2024 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, the standalone funding bill for the General Services Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission and other related agencies.
"I’m proud to announce my amendment to FIRE Pete Buttigieg just PASSED the House. Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have sex," Greene said in a social media post Tuesday. "American taxpayers should not be on the hook for paying for his lavish trips or his salary."
"Pete Buttigieg doesn’t do his job. It’s all about fake photo ops and taxpayer-funded private jet trip to accept LGBTQ awards for him," Greene added. "I’m happy my amendment passed, but he doesn’t deserve a single penny."

Similar Republican antagonism in the senate

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, is planning to introduce a resolution Friday that would overturn the Biden administration's decision to tie certain federal funds to left-wing priorities.
Cruz's resolution particularly targets the Department of Transportation's (DOT)

These Republicans reflect partisan opposition to Democrats and Biden, both house and senate. Even if these Republican congressional actions don't amount to much they seem popular with Republican voters.
Thanks t #219
Doesn't look like either of these will go very far. They'll fizzle in their own chamber.
But it does seem to indicate what these leading Republicans think their job is in DC.