"Since 1968 1,516,863 people had died from guns on American soil." #119
I'd want to know more about how this statistic was acquired. Does "American soil" include all of North America, Central America, and South America?
The problem w/ #119 is bias confirmation, what Psychologist Joy Browne calls "feeling good about feeling bad".
Rather than inspiring corrective political reaction, it seems merely to validate the gun-banners. BUT !!
If "American soil" refers to the 50 United States of America, aren't we overdue for a summit conference?
Do you suppose we could persuade President Harris to hostess such summit of our top 1% problem solvers, experts in federal law, and other problem-solving disciplines? What's the excuse not to? We have higher priorities than human life?
Not to mention lawn darts and Kinder Eggs
I miss Jarts, but find Bocce an adequate substitute.
I met a friend from 6th grade at Long Lake, NY on Monday April 8, so we could watch "totality", the lunar occultation.
I don't have a Bocce set, but stopped at a gravel wash at the river and culled enough stones for a rustic Bocce set.
It helped pass the time while the post-eclipse traffic cleared.