Uvalde - the followup


fric·tion (frĭkshən)
2. Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash.

[Latin frictiō, frictiōn-, from frictus, past participle of fricāre, to rub.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
We have to find this toddler - and when we do, remember that the only way to stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun ...

"toddlers" "shooting people" #103
You can't argue with statistics.
This is proof, the problem is NOT guns. The problem is toddlers ! They're dangerous ! THEY'RE KILLING PEOPLE !

BAN ALL TODDLERS ! SAVE THE WORLD !! [inspired by Pat Paulson's slogan: "Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people."]
We have to find this toddler - and when we do, remember that the only way to stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun ... #103
I think you won this one S2.

B U T !

We know it's possible to have a modern, Western style nation with guns, but without the continuing binge of mass-murder as manifest in the U.S.
Switzerland proves that.
Is there a compelling reason we haven't harnessed our most brilliant minds to removing the fangs from our firearms serpent in Paradise?
Banning weapons may be unConstitutional. Is public safety?
"Kayleigh practices lockdown drills at school. Along with 95% of public school children in the United States." #105
Born in 1954 I remember the "Duck-&-Cover" drills during the Kennedy administration / Cuban Missile Crisis. The protocol is familiar, protect from building collapse by sheltering under desk.
Back then is was nuclear Cold War stalemate.

In the new millennium it's? Psychologically maladjusted aspiring mass-murderers exercising their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Wasn't our attrition rate substantially lower under Khrushchev?

“We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us,” Pogo
Born in 1954 I remember the "Duck-&-Cover" drills during the Kennedy administration / Cuban Missile Crisis.
I was in Canada so no duck and cover drills but I do remember them installing an air raid siren in the park across the road from my parent's house.
I was in Canada so no duck and cover drills but I do remember them installing an air raid siren in the park across the road from my parent's house. #107
There are passionate, and persuasive arguments on each side of the "guns vs butter" debate. BUT !!

It seems General Horner not only has late word, but quite likely the last word on it:

"There's no more extravagant waste than a 2nd rate military." Gen. Horner
First day of school .... #109
There's been recent (current?) controversy about arming teachers.
Why not arm students?

If as Art. 6 Sect. 2 of the Constitution says, our Constitution is "the supreme law of the land", and the 2nd Amendment says the right to keep & bear arms "shall not be infringed"
then why have we usurped the right of our "public" (government) school students to keep & bear arms?

Tell us what specific age restriction on our "right to keep and bear arms" is enumerated in 2A. And if none, then why are we compelling / requiring
these vulnerable citizens to attend school defenseless?


Illinois law banning concealed carry on public transit is unconstitutional, judge rules

A federal judge has ruled that an Illinois law banning the concealed carry of firearms on public transit is unconstitutional

https:/ /abcnews.go.com

There's plenty of room for an extended, insightful, constructive, productive, decisive debate on the Constitutionally enumerated right of the People to keep and bear arms. BUT !!

It is catastrophically short-sighted and self-destructive to simply contradict this "supreme law of the land" with subordinate statute, leaving the Bill of Rights wording intact, and the meaning & practice subverted.

If there's an overwhelmingly persuasive argument for a public transit exception to our Second Amendment, ultra-splendid.
In that case all we'd have to do is ratify an amendment to our Bill of Rights to infringe this right which for centuries has included the explicit provision "shall not be infringed". That means, even on a bus.

This post #113 is not an endorsement of guns. Instead it's a deliberate expression of a resolute commitment to the rule of law.

B.O. R. ARTICLE #2: Ratified December 15, 1791
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I thought about putting this in the humor thread (only because it's from The Onion) but, on second thought, realized that it's a pretty accurate comment on the current state of affairs.

Georgia state officials on Thursday arrested the father of the 14-year-old suspected in a school shooting that killed four people and wounded nine others on Wednesday, saying the father knowingly allowed his son to have the murder weapon.
Colin Gray, 54, father of 14-year-old suspected Apalachee High School shooter Colt Gray, poses for police booking photos in this undated handout photo released September 5, 2024. Barrow County Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS

From that article:

.... the first U.S. campus mass shooting since the start of the school year.

Move along. Nothing unexpected here. More to follow. Just a regular part of the school year.
The debate about whether the risk of punishment is a deterrent rages on unresolved.

Early reports indicate "Dad" Colin Gray, was aware his troubled son might benefit from institutional intervention,
but didn't, fearing his own gun rights might be at risk if he did.

Reliable official clarity could addresses that.
Don't hold your breath waiting for it.
"Since 1968 1,516,863 people had died from guns on American soil." #119
I'd want to know more about how this statistic was acquired. Does "American soil" include all of North America, Central America, and South America?

The problem w/ #119 is bias confirmation, what Psychologist Joy Browne calls "feeling good about feeling bad".
Rather than inspiring corrective political reaction, it seems merely to validate the gun-banners. BUT !!

If "American soil" refers to the 50 United States of America, aren't we overdue for a summit conference?
Do you suppose we could persuade President Harris to hostess such summit of our top 1% problem solvers, experts in federal law, and other problem-solving disciplines? What's the excuse not to? We have higher priorities than human life?

Not to mention lawn darts and Kinder Eggs
I miss Jarts, but find Bocce an adequate substitute.
I met a friend from 6th grade at Long Lake, NY on Monday April 8, so we could watch "totality", the lunar occultation.
I don't have a Bocce set, but stopped at a gravel wash at the river and culled enough stones for a rustic Bocce set.
It helped pass the time while the post-eclipse traffic cleared.