Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

"... you really have to wonder who would even consider hiring the Hells Angels for security?" S2 #499
Inattentive cinema attendees?

"Trump Pressures Republicans to Pass a Law to Keep Him Out of Jail Forever" #500

Trump is a banana Republican.
And while I'd be astounded if there aren't better reasons, I suspect the 14th Amendment ("equal protection" clause) would be enough to render any such statute unConstitutional.

The Republicans are under a lot of pressure here. Nikki Haley ran against Trump in the primaries, declared Trump unfit for the presidency. Since then she endorsed Trump, committed to voting for him.
(former) Governor Chris Christie [R-NJ] reportedly has not endorsed Trump, yet.
"... you really have to wonder who would even consider hiring the Hells Angels for security?" S2 #499

You have to remember that in the mid-60's there were a number of "biker movies" that made the Angels and other gangs like them out to be some sort of hard partying rebels rather than serious hardcore criminals. And there were a bunch of wannabe copycats - I know a group of high school students who had crests made up for the back of cutoff denim jackets - that lasted until somebody from the Satans Choice told them to stop.

Hells Angels on Wheels (1967), Wild Angels (1966), and so forth.
Just saw an interesting comment on another board re Trump's immunity claim. The poster predicts that the Supremes won't rule until after the election. If Trump wins they'll rule in his favor but if Biden wins they'll decide not to rule because they don't want to give him immunity.
"Just saw an interesting comment on another board re Trump's immunity claim. The poster predicts that the Supremes won't rule until after the election. If Trump wins they'll rule in his favor but if Biden wins they'll decide not to rule because they don't want to give him immunity." S2 #504
That seems to me to indict SCOTUS, independent of Trump, your point, & the post/er's, I gather.
I do sense SCOTUS would like to rule to favor Republicans independent of (or perhaps despite) legal merit. BUT !! They're aware the precedent in so doing would eventually kilobyte them in the anatomy. So:
- keep powder dry
- if SCOTUS gets what it wants without ruling, fine,
- if SCOTUS gets what it doesn't want, over-rule.

As yet unclear to me:
are Republicans doing all this because they have a political objective in mind? Trash the Constitution?

Or are they just doing it because they can?
As yet unclear to me:
are Republicans doing all this because they have a political objective in mind? Trash the Constitution?

Or are they just doing it because they can?
Not sure about trashing the Constitution but they're seriously looking to erase any and all progress that's been made on the civil rights front.

From the Clarence Thomas thread

Uncle Clarence strikes again ....

His opinion was given in a case concerning racial gerrymandering in voter districts in South Carolina. They voted 6-3 to allow the local GQP keep their racial gerrymandering.

And not only did the 6 scumbags decide that racial gerrymandering is ok if done purely for partisan reasons, Clarence stepped up to say that states should be allowed to racially segregate in education if they wanted to.

All this comes as it’s reviled that his partner in slime Sam Alito has been flying insurrectionist flags outside his homes in sympathy of Trump and the Jan 6 mob, during cases concerning them that he refused to recluse himself from. And not forgetting also that Clarence’s wife was also in on that insurrection.

This can’t go on any more. Something’s got to give.

Also be prepared for a load of right wing deflection, gaslighting and gloating about this.

The tense tick, tick, tick of jury deliberations at Trump’s first criminal trial

Story by Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

The mood flips from torpor to high tension in a second on the high-security 15th floor of the grimy old Manhattan courthouse where a jury will resume deliberations on Donald Trump’s fate Thursday morning.

Seven men and five women jurors, headed by a foreperson who grew up in Ireland, were deep into a fourth hour of their historic task when they shattered the oppressive tedium of Wednesday afternoon. A buzzer demanding the judge’s attention sounded, suddenly sending ...


Donald Trump Is Now a Convicted Felon

In a historic verdict, a jury found the former president guilty of falsifying business records related to a pre-election hush-money payment

A JURY IN New York City found the former president guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records stemming from a payment to keep adult film actress Stormy Daniels quiet about an alleged affair out of fear that it would hurt his chances of winning the 2016 election.

The conviction comes in the heat of Trump’s third presidential campaign, which he has largely organized around the idea that President Joe Biden is masterminding a vast conspiracy to bring a series of criminal cases against him in order to hamstring his chances of winning back the White House. There’s no basis for the outlandish claim, which has been widely adopted by the Republican Party. Trump is the party’s presumptive presidential nominee and will debate Biden on CNN later this month.

It’s unclear how the conviction will affect Trump’s chances of winning the election, but there’s no doubt that Thursday’s verdict and the former president’s other alleged criminal activity will continue to dominate the campaign season. Just as Trump was the first ...


"Donald Trump Is Now a Convicted Felon" #509

In a few days we'll find out by how much Trump's poll popularity has improved, now that he's not merely "a very stable genius", but also a victim of crooked Biden.

Donald Trump Is Now a Convicted Felon

In a historic verdict, a jury found the former president guilty of falsifying business records related to a pre-election hush-money payment

A JURY IN New York City found the former president guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records stemming from a payment to keep adult film actress Stormy Daniels quiet

Three other Trump cases pending unlikely to reach jury verdict before election day. If Trump regains the presidency he'll appoint an attorney general likely to dismiss both the insurrection case and the classified documents case. No date yet on the Georgia election interference case.
"Three other Trump cases pending unlikely to reach jury verdict before election day." t #512
It's been over 3 years. Right?
If this pace is the norm, then the problem goes deeper. "Justice delayed is justice denied."
If the system inflicts this on all "suspects", fix the system.
If the timing has been changed to Trump's preference, that exceeds formal executive privilege. "Heads I win. Tales you lose"?
If Trump deliberately delayed hoping Nov. 2024 would precede any verdict, and that's not a crime, make it one. I know:
ARTICLE1. SECTION 9. 3 No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
It won't unring the Trump bell. But it will hold penalty of law against any further attempt.

Presidents seem to get special privilege. One needn't be blockaded by a presidential motorcade to know this.
This entire Trump decade has been a glaring red flag. And yet this convicted felon careens toward a second "4 year" term of indeterminate duration.
"Guess which of NYC's newspapers is part of a right-wing billionaire's propaganda network" S2 #515
Alright. No quarrel w/ me there. BUT: *

I "liked" this pic for a number of reasons, many of them "shapshot-in-history". The U.S. flag as a partially closed curtain over the lottery scratch-off tickets.
It's indoors, though many magazines and newspapers were sold from sidewalk sheds.
I don't know if I was actually ever in that particular store, may have been. But its general appearance is familiar to me.
Trump is a record setter:
- first president to be twice impeached
- first president to be convicted of multiple felonies
- first president to have Mexico pay for the wall ...

* I'm a native New Yorker, born in NYC, near where Pappy grew up. Newspaper wars are not new to NYC. Rupert Murdoch / The New York Post has been the scorn of "liberals" since the '70's.
iirc in the '60's there were a dozen papers in NYC. "Last Man Standing"

"For your listening pleasure" #516
Perhaps I brandish my age ignorant of my embarrassment.
Thanks for the imgur.
My interest isn't artistic, but technological and sociological.

I haven't studied the psychological & developmental affects of smartphone
technology on human maturation.
But I've been wary enough for long enough to never have carried one.

One example of the tech. impact:
In the '60's she'd have been in a garage band, meaning face-to-face relationships.
I understand smartphones make kids feel connected, and
being deprived of their smartphone can induce symptoms of pharmacological withdrawal.

I suspect there's more to it than that.

Whether the smartphone is more a danger to the future of humanity than Trump, I can't say for sure
Republicans: We need to respect states' rights! / NY state court: *convicts Trump on 34 counts* / Republicans: No, not like that!

"Republicans: We need to respect states' rights! / NY state court: *convicts Trump on 34 counts* / Republicans: No, not like that!" #519
Good one!

Trump & or his minions have accused / blamed the 34 convictions to Biden. Biden counters, it's not even a federal court.
"Speaker Mike Johnson said the Supreme Court should "step in" in the aftermath of guilty verdicts for former President Donald Trump on dozens of felony counts in New York." Adragna #519
It is an absolutely gargantuan blunder, a horrendous precedent to not have blocked Trump's eligibility to be on a primary ballot.
If today's government officials aren't merely cowardly, or mega-sloths, they should repeal the insurrection clause of the Constitution. Until they do, they're party to its violation.