Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down


#283 & #284
I've wondered what sort of "preparation" the president has shared with his offspring. I can't be certain Donald instructed them to lie, to commit perjury. But I may have seen a sound-bite on one of Trump's sons, showing the son to have been coached on how to deny, plead ignorant persuasively.

I'd be surprised if under conditions prevailing here (front page headline news) that these "witnesses" would not be coached. Immaterial.

It's the Donald, Vladimir gluten, the orange eminence who is the issue.
I'm sure we've all wondered which of the Trump sons is the dumbest - Eric may just have answered that question for us. (At least until the next time Donnie Jr opens his mouth)
... " opens his mouth " #286
Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.- inspired by Proverbs 17:28
Some political opponents may be tempted to find fault with the Trumps, to criticize them, perhaps even insult them.

In their defense I suspect the former president and his two sons may have a 100 IQ, each contributing about 30% to that 100 IQ total.
However, I can't deny, even Donald's college degree is BS. eekonomics U of Penn, '68

Trump and His Lawyers Dare the NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail​

“When a defendant honestly believes he can’t possibly get a fair trial from the judge, one of the tactics is to antagonize the judge to a point of causing reversible errors,” celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz says of the strategy


"Trump and His Lawyers Dare the NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail" #288 *​

Good idea.
I strongly suspect the judicial authorities involved are aware of the risk of perverse benefit to Trump as martyrdom blowback if Trump is "persecuted".

* note:
I considered not replying to post #288 because
#288 is two gross !
"You were not the President in 2021." #291
He was, until noon, January 20.

Ask person with cluttered schedule on what date they $purchased their overcoat they might understandably lapse. BUT

serving as the leader of the free world should be substantially more distinctive in the mind's memory.

Mental incompetence is a well recognized if rarely used protection from prosecution for some.

No such protection regarding serving a term as president, that I know of.

Trump's attorney, and confirmed brainwashed MAGAtt Alina Habba, took to the airwaves on that paragon of truth, Newsmax, after Trump's fraud trial adjourned Monday. She needed to rant about how NY DA Letitia James is "just not that bright."

But that wasn't enough for her. Habba followed with “It’s like being in a circus with a bunch of — I mean, what I want to say I can’t say on TV, ..."

Let's see... what circus animal couldn't she name on TV? Elephants? No, that's fine. Dancing bears? Nope, no issues there. Oh, I see, it's MONKEYS, because she wanted to make a blatant RACIST insult against DA James, who is black. But she knows she can't do that in public, so she just walked up to it and stopped.

Eventually, like all Trump lawyers and sycophants (psychofants), she will be tossed under the bus. Her disposal will be particularly enjoyable when it happens.

Trump instantly lashes out at court clerk as soon as gag order lifted

Gag order was issued after Trump made series of false and disparaging remarks about chief clerk​

Donald Trump has launched a fresh tirade on both the judge and his chief court clerk in his New York civil fraud trial just hours after a gag order banning him from criticising court personnel was paused.

Judge Arthur Engoron had issued the gag order in the case after the former president made a series of false and disparaging remarks about his chief clerk of court Allison Greenfield both to reporters outside the courtroom and on his Truth Social account.

Mr Trump had already violated the gag order twice and incurred $15,000 in fines as a result.

The judge then expanded the order to include his attorneys after Mr Trump’s attorneys also criticised the clerk in the courtroom earlier this month, alleging “bias” against his client and amplifying allegations outlined in a right-wing news website.

But on Thursday, Associate Justice David Friedman of the state’s intermediate appeals court agreed to temporarily lift the gag order, “considering ...


"Trump instantly lashes out at court clerk as soon as gag order lifted" #296

The Good News:
Trump is at least peripherally mindful of his situation.

The Bad News:
If the election were held today Trump would win.
"There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself." Andre' Breton 1896 - 1966

Trump Files Last-Ditch Bid to Have Fraud Case Ruled Mistrial

Trump’s legal team claims Judge Engoron’s use of his chief law clerk had irrecoverably poisoned the New York trial

Donald Trump has filed for a mistrial in his New York civil fraud case, claiming that Judge Arthur Engoron and his law clerk Allison Greenfield have unfairly skewed the proceedings against the former president.

Trump’s attorneys accuse Engoron, who has clashed with the former president and his legal team throughout the trial, of improperly “co-judging” the case with Greenfield, writing in a Wednesday filing that the court had “impermissibly exceeded its discretion in granting [Greenfield] unprecedented status and input into these proceedings and restricted the speech of anyone who seeks to comment on this status, input and/or perceived partisan bias.”

Engoron leveled a narrowly tailored gag order against Trump, and later his counsel, after the former president publicly attacked Greenfield on social media. Engoron made clear that he would not tolerate attacks or public comments by Trump and his team against .....

The most recent tally I've seen of Trump's lifetime court case count was over 4,000.
Little wonder then that Trump would be an expert at false filing & other litigation delays, & obstructions.

I'm alarmed at Trump's successes at remaining on the ballot so far.