Quotable Quotes

The following is a list obtained by searching the United States Constitution for the character string "immun", a grand total of two.

1 The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

ARTICLE #14: Ratified July 9, 1868
SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Neither of these designates presidential immunity. In fact, Art4 Sect2 may actually indict Trump, implying the universality of law as it applies to "the Citizens of each State".
Perhaps Trump would argue that doesn't apply to him, as Trump is from both New York, and Florida (& DC?).

It's a slow-speed train wreck S2. Governor Christie, the adult in the room, has suspended his own candidacy. At this hour, closing arguments in one of Trump's court trials (Trump reportedly in attendance).

It does seem we are careening toward a November re-election of Trump ... - AND - OR -

even if Trump does lose this November, Trump may insist that he won ... Katie bar the door.
"You need to understand that if Europe is under attack, we will never come to help you and to support you. NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO." ~ Trump, to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in 2020
"You need to understand that if Europe is under attack, we will never come to help you and to support you. NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO." ~ Trump, to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen in 2020
Yet once again Trump brandishes his ignorance here.

35K in Germany
12K in Italy
9K in U.K.
over 10K more in other European assignments.

I do not believe any U.S. commander in chief would toss these loyal U.S. citizens to the wolves, if their welfare was threatened.

Instead of Trump's 2020 assertion, I believe the U.S. military is pre-positioned in Europe to expedite deployment to NATO battle should that become necessary. I also acknowledge the deterrent effect. Several generations, and a new millennium after WWII, Germany remains an "occupied" nation.

Americans might better understand the sacrifice this continues to be for Germany by imagining what it would be like to have drunken German troops stationed here in America, in your home town, or mine.

Apart from that, the "T" in NATO stands for "treaty". And whether President Trump knows it or not, we have treaty obligations to the other NATO member nations.
"Without immunity, it would be very hard for a president to enjoy his or her 'golden years' of retirement. They would be under siege by radical, out-of-control prosecutors, much like I am, but without the retirement! ~ Trump
"Without immunity, it would be very hard for a president to enjoy his or her 'golden years' of retirement. They would be under siege by radical, out-of-control prosecutors, much like I am, but without the retirement! ~ Trump
The orange eminence makes a persuasive argument. AND ! Consistent with the 14th Amendment's equal non-protection clause, ALL us citizens should have immunity. Enjoy your 'golden years' in anarchy MAGA horde !
"I don't know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way having his finger on the button..." ~ Sen. Ted Cruz in 2016, when he won the Iowa caucuses and Trump claimed fraud and demanded a do-over

"This is the third time we have won, but this is the biggest win." ~ Trump last night, on winning the Iowa caucuses for the second time
"I don't know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way having his finger on the button..." ~ Sen. Ted Cruz in 2016, when he won the Iowa caucuses and Trump claimed fraud and demanded a do-over
Reminds me of the distinction between the politician, and the statesman.
And you'll notice that last night Trump claimed this was the third time he'd won the Iowa caucus
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders. It is often comorbid with other mental disorders and associated with significant functional impairment and psychosocial disability.
Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring and inflexible maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating from those accepted by any culture. These patterns develop by early adulthood, and are associated with significant distress or impairment. Criteria for diagnosing personality disorders are listed in the sixth chapter of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
There is no standard treatment for NPD. Its high comorbidity with other mental disorders influences treatment choice and outcomes. Psychotherapeutic treatments generally fall into two categories: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic and Cognitive behavioral therapy, with growing support for integration of both in therapy. However, there is an almost complete lack of studies determining the effectiveness of treatments.

More from Wikipedia
"[Trump] will win the nomination. The news media doesn't want to say it because they need to hype and watch us while we go through the charade." ~ Newt Gingrich

"[Trump] will win the nomination. The news media doesn't want to say it because they need to hype and watch us while we go through the charade." ~ Newt Gingrich
Gingrich said that to a 12 year old?
"Russia's borders do not end anywhere." ~ Putin
a) The West (NATO / US) understands what a catastrophe it would be for Russia / Putin to succeed in Ukraine.

b) I gather the reason the West has provided Ukraine only enough matériel to maintain a stalemate is because the West fears a temperamental nuclear backlash from Russia if the West sent Putin packing in a rout. Have we not by now cleared that hurdle?

c) So how many more Ukrainians (& Russians) will be sacrificed before Russia is expelled?
"We're not a racist country Brian. We've never been a racist country." Nikki Haley on FOX News 24/01/16
Madame Ambassador:
If you're lying, you should know better than to do so on that issue preparatory to an election.
If you believe that absurdity you're not fit for the office you seek.
Former President Trump addressing the record bad weather facing Iowa caucus goers:
You simply can not make this stuff up.
"Sometimes you just have to live with 'great but slightly imperfect.' All presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity, or the authority and decisiveness of a president of the United States will be stripped and gone forever. Hopefully this will be an easy decision. God bless the Supreme Court!" ~ Trump
"Sometimes you just have to live with 'great but slightly imperfect.' All presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity, or the authority and decisiveness of a president of the United States will be stripped and gone forever. Hopefully this will be an easy decision. God bless the Supreme Court!" ~ Trump
As I understand the history of the U.S. Founding, the idealistic vision of "... a more perfect union" produced the democratic republic of the United States of America. People died
to wage and win Revolutionary War so that their own heirs, so that humanity had a post-monarchical option.

That's sacrifice, working to achieve a higher purpose.
"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-90), U.S. statesman, writer. Comment at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1776, in reply to John Hancock's remark that the revolutionaries should be unanimous in their action
And now, on Friday January 19, 2024 this country of the People, by the People, for the People risk loss of the system that has proved itself over centuries of contest & challenge.

And what great, even more noble cause do we jeopardizes the tenure of our mostly successful American experiment?

The personal preference of an insatiable egotist, Donald J. Trump? Your vote for me is more important than your life?
"What if the ex-president commits murder -- then he can't be charged? That seems weird, right?" ~ Sen. Josh Hawley, on Trump's demand for "total immunity"
"What if the ex-president commits murder -- then he can't be charged? That seems weird, right?" ~ Sen. Josh Hawley, on Trump's demand for "total immunity"
Senator Josh Hawley [R-MO]

- meanwhile -
Despite Ambassador Haley campaigning against Trump by calling public attention to chaos following Trump, reports are beginning to trickle in that establishment Republicans have begun to reconcile themselves to the apparent inevitability of Trump winning the Republican nomination,
and Republicans beginning to fall in line with him.

Whatcha got?
Whatcha got?
Given the current makeup of the Supremes it's a given that they'll rule based on ideology, not law.

"Trump is not arguing that he's innocent, he's arguing that he has a right to be a criminal ..." otto #578

🇺🇲 :eek: 🌎

Well stated otto.

Given the current makeup of the Supremes it's a given that they'll rule based on ideology, not law." S2 #578
President GWB & cohort were caught by surprise when early in his SCOTUS tenure CJ Roberts had the opportunity to smack down Obamacare, but instead ruled in support of it.

I don't expect a similar surprise from this Roberts court, -but- there is precedent. We can't rule out the possibility entirely. AND
Surely at least one of these Republican hacks must realize the unwise precedent they establish because they like the outcome in this case will inevitably be used against them.
For most of U.S. history that was an ace in the hole for the principle of justice. Whether the Roberts court is quite stupid enough to plow ahead despite that, TBD.

Thanks for the otto quotation / meme S2.