Quotable Quotes

"Even Vladimir Putin... says that Biden's, and this is a quote, 'politically motivated persecution of his rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.'" ~ Trump

And Trump will fix the American system - after all, how else can he be PfL ("President for Life)? [end sarcasm]
The following may not rise to the level of world peace. - but -

It's a glimmer ...

Trump lashes out after Colorado ruling removing him from ballot​

Predictably, the ex-president took to his social media site to condemn the decision – and to raise funds

Donald Trump declared Wednesday “a sad day in America!!!” after the Colorado supreme court disqualified him from the presidential ballot next year over the January 6 insurrection.

Why did Colorado disqualify Trump from the state’s 2024 election ballot?

Though Trump did not address the decision during a rally on Tuesday night in Iowa, where he went on unhinged rants against immigration, he has posted multiple all-caps declarations of fury on Truth Social since the decision was issued late on Tuesday.

“What a shame for our country!!!” Trump wrote on Wednesday. As with his 91 criminal charges and assorted civil trials, Trump also seized on the Colorado ruling for fundraising purposes.

http s://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/20/trump-response-colorado-disqualified-2024-ballot
"I think Democrats wake up every morning and they look at the calendar on the iPhone and it says 'January 6th.' The date never changes. And then they get into an electric vehicle and go get an abortion." ~ former Trump WH adviser Kellyanne Conway
"I don't call them prisoners. I call them hostages." ~ Trump, on January 6th participants serving time after being convicted of crimes
"Under Crooked Joe Biden, Christians and Americans of faith are being persecuted like nothing this nation has ever seen before. Catholics in particular are being targeted and evangelicals are surely on the watch list as well." ~ Trump

"Christians" have been (falsely) claiming persecution since time immemorial ....

"Christians" have been (falsely) claiming persecution since time immemorial ....
Like feeding the Colosseum's lions, for the entertainment of the audience?

There may be worse days than Christmas eve for a deference to optimism, the "glass half-full" perspective. If thin-skinned enough anyone can find a detail to take offense at.
The indications I've reviewed demonstrate pessimism is its own self-enforcing penalty, and optimism its own reward.
The reality is, Utopia is not a planet. Like food and safety, happiness is not parceled out evenly around the globe. We can be bitter, hostile, resentful, angry at our own lack of metaphysical perfection. - OR -
Happiness is not having what you want; it's wanting what you have. Spencer Johnson
Re #527 &528

"Christians being forced to maintain a low profile during their most sacred holiday due to all the persecution" #529
Please pardon me if I'm a little slow. Is the persecution of Christians a substantially worse example of oppression on Earth than the genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza today?
I don't mean to endorse persecution in general, or derision of Christians in particular.

Seeming dismissive, indifference to persecution of millions not our purpose here. BUT !
Wearing a hair shirt 24/7 isn't likely to make the persecuted feel any less itchy. Once a year, Christmas day perhaps, might make sense to slip into a nice comfy cardigan and count our blessings.

From the Vatican: Joy to the world !
From Tel Aviv: Oy to the world !
"You're going to have a crash the likes of which you haven't seen because of what they are doing. It's going to be scary... The stockmarket is good because they think Trump is going to win the election. Whatever good they have right now is...coming off the fumes of what we left them." ~ Trump, on the economy
Re #530

Sounds like you're missing the sarcasm - Christians (and I use the term loosely) claim they're being persecuted when, in reality, they're the ones doing the persecuting. Just consider the number of anti-abortion bills and anti-trans bills that have been introduced. Or look at #527.
Re #530
"Sounds like you're missing the sarcasm - Christians (and I use the term loosely) claim they're being persecuted when, in reality, they're the ones doing the persecuting. Just consider the number of anti-abortion bills and anti-trans bills that have been introduced. Or look at #527." S2 534
I won't pretend the following is an unbiased contrast, none the less:

"... slay the infidels wherever ye find them..." Holy Qur'an: chapter 9 Verse 5

"turn the other cheek" Holy Bible Matthew chapter 5 verse 39

Re #530
"Christians (and I use the term loosely) claim they're being persecuted when, in reality, they're the ones doing the persecuting."
I suspect books have been written on that. None the less at my level of seniority I'm baffled into indifference about it. In the case you cite, the minority is oppressing the majority, the female population.
In our democratic Republic, with female voters outnumbering male voters, these dangerous legislative malefactors could be smacked down hard. If (when) they are not, I blame the women.
"They have rights who dare maintain them." -- James Russell Lowell
If the female majority stands passively by waving au revoir to their most basic rights, ...
I won't pretend the following is an unbiased contrast, none the less:

"... slay the infidels wherever ye find them..." Holy Qur'an: chapter 9 Verse 5

"turn the other cheek" Holy Bible Matthew chapter 5 verse 39

"Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed." ~ Exodus 22:20

If a city has people who believe in other gods, kill everyone in that city ~ Deuteronomy 13:12-18

Before you say "that's in the Old Testament" remember that Jesus said that all of the laws of the Old Testament would last until the end of time.

"... would last until the end of time." S2 #536
And then what ?! [/zany]

authority vs validity
religion vs science
The difference: religion is limited by invariant mythopoeic holy scripture, limiting growth, and impeding progress.
Science is peer reviewed, and is intrinsically progressive.

A guy, not just a guy, THE guy from the patent office declared:
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." Charles H. Duell: US Patent Office Commissioner 1899 (Charles Holland Duell)
Turns out, not so much. And
"As the area of our knowledge grows, so too does the perimeter of our ignorance." Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
The more we know, the more we know we don't know. BUT !

Market share is in contest. I gather over the millennia science's slice of the pie has substantially encroached on the religion bidness.
"Christianity is not a religion; it's an industry." Author Unknown
Cafeteria Catholics, or Cafeteria Christians may be scorned by some. I understand the appeal of purist philosophy, simplicity.

I wouldn't ignore both Old and New Testaments just because somebody planted a steamer in Herbert 3:7.

The Golden Rule makes about as much sense to me as any philosophy I can name. And we reap as we sow. Bitter people lead bitter lives. Don't they?

Good cheer? Why not?
We have no option other then to be bitterly optimistic. Schroeder
And when all else fails:

"Believe nothing,
No matter where you read it,
Or who has said it,
Not even if I have said it,
Unless it agrees with your own reason
And your own common sense." Buddha

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

Openminded and indecisive are not necessarily synonyms.

In the spirit of the season, good will toward men, and their deplorable wenches. (sarcasm is fun)
27 ~ number of bills passed by Congress in 2023

906 ~ number of bills passed by the 80th Congress, dubbed by Truman the "Do Nothing Congress"
"I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms and what people couldn't do... I think it always comes down to the role of government." ~ Nikki Haley, asked what caused the Civil War

"It was about slavery." ~ Biden
"I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, 'I'm going to be the scorekeeper here,' I think we'd win [in California], I think we'd win in Illinois, and I think we'd win in New York." ~ Trump