Quotable Quotes

"I'm entitled to immunity. I wasn't campaigning. The campaign was totally over. It was a rigged election. There's tremendous proof of it. Everyone knows it... Even if I was campaigning, by the way, I'd be entitled [to immunity]." ~ Trump, re January 6th
Seven seems to be a standard for Republican presidents.

Bush being informed by staff at the reading of My Pet Goat of the attacks of 09/11/01
Reportedly Bush remained seated for 7 minutes before standing to the task.
"We are witnessing, in real time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter." ~ Trump spokesman Steven Cheung
"... a confession." #546
It's MAGA's way, "F" precedes "C". First "confession", after that (if ever), concession.

I confess my alarm here.
There's a maniac that's openly threatening to take over the U.S.
And despite media mention, seems nowhere near the level of alarm appropriate to such thing. Is Trump not a greater threat to the U.S. than Japan / Pearl Harbor?
"I think that if we find these kinds of people in Burundi, it is better to take them to a stadium and stone them. That's what they deserve." ~ President Evariste Mdayishimiye, on gay people, in a country where gay sex has been illegal since 2009
"I think that if we find these kinds of people in Burundi, it is better to take them to a stadium and stone them. That's what they deserve." ~ President Evariste Mdayishimiye, on gay people, in a country where gay sex has been illegal since 2009
"President" suggests elections, and plurality support.
I don't know enough about Mdayishimiye to know if the quotation is pandering, or leadership. Either way, not clear to me what great national peril Mdayishimiye heroically champions here. Merely more oppression of minorities? With some sadism for further presidential enjoyment?
"Imagine the most traumatic event in your life, that reaches the level of attention that January 6 garnered -- I mean, it was an international story -- and spending three years trying to convince people it actually f***ing happened." ~ police officer Michael Fanone, who suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury during the attack on the Capitol
"In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won." ~ Trump's legal team, on 2020 election
Then "in actuality, there is no evidence" there was an election?
"Imagine the most traumatic event in your life, that reaches the level of attention that January 6 garnered -- I mean, it was an international story -- and spending three years trying to convince people it actually f***ing happened." ~ police officer Michael Fanone, who suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury during the attack on the Capitol
"Denial is more than just a river in Egypt"?
So the current Republican strategy is, kill off the voters before they can vote for Trump?
"They're the Antichrist of all products." ~ Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, on Covid-19 vaccines
The Independent

Drug that Trump called a ‘miracle Covid cure’ is linked to 17,000 deaths in new study​

Graeme Massie
Fri, January 5, 2024 at 3:22 PM EST
A drug infamously touted by Donald Trump has been linked to nearly 17,000 Covid deaths in a new scientific study.
Researchers say that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was prescribed to patients during the first wave of Covid-19 “despite the absence of evidence documenting its clinical benefits.”
The French study estimated that 16,990 patients in the US, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Turkey may have died as a result of the drug.
The study has been published in the February issue of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy.

"The 'J6 hostages' I call them. Nobody has ever been treated ever in history so badly as those people." ~ Trump on the over 800 individuals who either plead guilty to or were convicted of committing crimes on January 6, 2021

"Happy Fake Insurrection Day!" ~ Donald Trump Jr., on the third anniversary
"As president, I was protecting our country and doing a great job of doing so, and the historians will be saying that. They already are...The least I'm entitled to is presidential immunity, just like any other president would get. I'd be the only one that they would even consider not giving me immunity. Because for whatever reason people are angry that I've done such a good job." ~ Trump, last night
Perhaps an obvious question, or a question with an obvious answer, either way
I puzzle over whether Trump knows he's wrong. At this point I'm not sure which is worse, a mental patient so estranged from reality he can't even get the story right, - OR -
so crooked he knows it, and continues to spin his lies anyway.

Which of these two am I supposed to find less alarming? Our Constitution is in mortal jeopardy.
The answer is not obvious - while there's no question he's bent beyond beyond belief but methinks he actually believes most of what he's spouting.
... "there's no question he's bent beyond beyond belief but methinks he actually believes most of what he's spouting." #558
My bad. #557 suggests it's an exclusive, or simple binary. It probably isn't.

Your #558 is difficult to refute. The context I'm trying to integrate into the analysis is the decades of time Trump has been living in his own fictional alternate universe. At very least (supporting your #558) Trump's first lie might have vexed himself a little more than his one hundred thousandth lie.

Trump was recently asked: If VP Pence had the authority to not certify Biden the winner of the 2020 election, will VP Harris have the authority to not certify Trump the 2024 election winner? It was not Trump's most graceful moment.

It may be both.
The following is an example that suggests to me Trump is outright lying.
"Most people agree that we're entitled, as a president, to immunity." ~ Trump
Based on what Donald?
Precedents established by all the other crooked presidents over the centuries?
Or a specific article and section of the Constitution? Why keep that secret? Why not validate your assertion by citing the Constitutional wording that supports your immunity claim?

Instead Trump bases it on public opinion, "most people" though I know of no such poll. If rather than an objective poll Trump gleaned this from Trump's own interactions at Trump's own campaign rallies, then the correct phrasing would be not "most people", but "most Trump supporters".
Candidly I suspect Trump hasn't sampled enough opinion on that from plausibly objective sources (individuals) to formulate a valid conclusion.
"I think it’s paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate the criminal law,” Judge Henderson said.

PS pending: