Photos, vids, etc ....

Hasn't this giant mystery caravan been heading towards the US for at least six years??
"Americans can see right through their open-borders agenda." Sen Tom Cotton #1,323
It seems years ago to me I first read the word "caravan" regarding a march of U.S. bound immigration seekers.

My alarm stems from the fact, Republicans don't have enough of a legitimate political campaign agenda to run on, so they're trying to appeal to the simpleminded bigotry of the xenophobe.
And that's the way bias-confirmation works. Persons tend to believe what they want to believe, and so accept this Cotton nonsense without so much as a smell-test.

Karma is an invaluable lesson for opportunists that believe they can perpetrate what they themselves recognize as inappropriate, but believe they can escape consequence.

There's additional insight from this,
the distinction between what we understand, and what we believe.

Singer/ song-writer Carly Simon sang a song titled “You're So Vain”. According to NPR's Scott Simon's interview broadcast Saturday 15/11/21 the inspiration was Warren Beatty; though Carly's deepest and most painful love may have been for James Taylor.

Carly's Dad helped found publisher Simon & Schuster.

Perhaps subjective, I think of the familiar vid of the Trump's escalator ride preceding his announced candidacy as "the escalator ride",
though true to form "escalate" means "higher" and for the Trump's literally and the nation & world metaphorically it was descent. Savor the irony, or not.

es·ca·late (ĕskə-lāt′)
v. es·ca·lat·ed, es·ca·lat·ing, es·ca·lates
To pass (a transaction or case) on to a higher level in an organizational hierarchy: escalated the customer's complaint.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
At least Kevorkian was honest
#1,333 #10
#10 ?
I rather hope the Harris campaign did not authorize / approve this. Avoiding negatives is a powerful, prominent element of public persuasion.
I am curious about the sign behind it that it covers.
Seems Barron is just as (whatever) as his brothers


Ignoring the grammar his phrase "... ready to get sacrificed ..." (a opposed to "be sacrificed") says a lot about him, none of it good. Not "ready to sacrifice for their country" but "get sacrificed".
"Seems Barron is just as (whatever) as his brothers" #1,335
It may be authentic, but I'm open-minded that it may be less than 100% so.
In addition, his pappy is Trump? D.J.?

Bitter experience in my own bloodline has alerted me to how grotesquely unethical parents can raise children as bad or worse.
Rightly or wrongly I'm a little more forgiving w/ Barron than I am w/ his older brothers.
Rightly or wrongly I'm a little more forgiving w/ Barron than I am w/ his older brothers.
Only because he hasn't had time to mess up as badly as they have.

Pretty much the only comments we've seen about his behavior have been about him throwing serious hissy fits when he doesn't get his way.
"Only because he hasn't had time to mess up as badly as they have." S2 #1,337
We can agree older sibs. got a head-start.
I can't endorse the "only" stipulation.

D.J. attended boarding school, New York Military Academy iirc.
I don't know the details of Barron's lodging. I suspect he may have spent time w/ Melania when she was not with the president.
~mid-teens tend to differentiate themselves from their parents, an early step in finding their own path in life.
Barron is only beginning that journey.
No surprise if he ends up as his older brothers have. But in my near pristine ignorance of Barron & familial influence, I can't rule out the possibility
Barron may find a way to balance the tightrope between rejecting his father's despicable public persona, while not rejecting his paternity.

"Pretty much the only comments we've seen about his behavior have been about him throwing serious hissy fits when he doesn't get his way." S2
Even if so, Barron didn't invent the "poor little rich boy" standard.
I'm not a psychiatrist. But I suspect education and discipline can be powerful tools at displacing the temper tantrum.
We can blame Barron, if 18, a boy in my opinion, independent of statutory legally emancipated adulthood.

My opinion, those that raised him deserve some credit / blame.
Is it really that complicated? Those that raised him spoke English. He speaks English. Should we be surprised he's not fluent in Mandarin?
If those that raised Barron didn't teach him not to "hissy fit", seems to me he's part victim.