Photos, vids, etc ....

And MTG does it again ....


JFK set his brother loose on the mafia, and it may well have been what got him killed. If JFK were alive today, he would be pushing to see known mafia associate Donald Trump locked up.

According to former Mafia members, Trump never did that kind of business with them. They only ever did construction work because they controlled the industry in New York and Trump was in real estate. Other than that, they kind of hated him because they didn't like how he did business. They didn't respect him enough to want to do anything more with him.

Just ask yourself, how crooked someone has to be if the Mafia doesn't want to deal with them?
"And MTG does it again ...." S2 1,343

"If John F. Kennedy ..." MTG
- piffle -
Says who Marge?
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. -- Plato
You're preaching to the choir here Marge. Anyone stupid enough to believe your spew is likely already to be a Trump voter. So are you supporting Trump? Or undermining yourself?
"Say what you will about Bill maher but he's spot on about this" #1,350
I'm not whining about the politics, just puzzled / annoyed with the style. Do we need the parental metaphor?
There's soooo much substance to clobber Trump with. & it's premature to clobber Harris / Walz, not sure this team has anything we can legitimately call a track-record.
Let's keep our clothes on, and sunbathe in a doggy toilet !


Would you want to be the one homeowner on the block with a porch in occlusive proximity to the neighborhood?

Schadenfreude (German: literal translation"harm-joy") is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another. It is a borrowed word from German; the English word for it is epicaricacy, which originated in the 18th century.
Schadenfreude has been detected in children as young as 24 months and may be an important social emotion establishing "inequity aversion". More from Wikipedia
On this Sunday morning / ET I don't consider a Harris / Walz win a certitude. - but -

there are detectable "death spiral" characteristics evident in Trump's recent conduct.
"cultural heroin for the working class!" #1,353
There's more than one possible explanation, but the likely explanation is
Trump is so addicted to whatever immediate reward he receives
from his current rambling, improvisational campaign style, he's willing to
forfeit the election for it.

You're not presidential material.
But with a little training you might make a passable swing-shift assistant manager at a Piggly Wiggly's.
I don't care for cosmetic metal.
I'd want the hardware removed before the tango became a tangle.

Cute kid.
She's inspired in me a renewed appreciation for the constructive potential of scissors.
