Photos, vids, etc ....

... the rhetoric that Donald Trump has been spewing since 2016 has created an environment of political violence that's not even safe for him. ...
JD Vance, you said that he was Hitler. Nikki Haley said he [Trump] was an agent of chaos. It wasn't just Democrats speaking the truth to the matter."

Charlamagne Tha God, author of Get Honest Or Die Lying on CBS The Late Show Live hosted by Stephen Colbert, shortly after the Trump assassination attempt

Green Day pissing off conservatives again ....
Seems to me the pseudo-con irritation is less a matter of them preferring others not to disagree with them,
than that they're forced to confront the reality that there is an alternate view.

Learning from the best. In that person's reality the election was stolen and his critics are just being mean to him (and that includes the jury who found him guilty on all counts).
Learning from the best. In that person's reality the election was stolen and his critics are just being mean to him (and that includes the jury who found him guilty on all counts). #1,303
I'd have thought by now, a capable psychoanalyst would have publicized an assessment of Trump's personality.

a) Does Trump KNOW he is a schemer, and imagine himself to be exquisitely clever at deceiving his way to glory? Or

b) Does Trump sincerely believe the fiction he spews, incapable of distinguishing it from reality?


c) Is it possible it's a combination of a, & b ?

d) other
Just pointing out ....
I get it, high school math to the rescue!
If Seville has only run a hundredth of a second slower in 2024 he would have tied in 1988 ?
How fast do you have to run to finish 36 years earlier than you start?

Albert? Is there something you're not telling us?

- or -

I wonder why.
Better nutrition?
Nutrition, shoes, training.

And today's Olympians don't have to be "amateurs" so they can train full time.

Once upon a time you'd actually hear athletes complaining that some competitors were cheating because they actually trained during the week. Now they can train full time (kind of like the Russians in days of old who simply enlisted athletic superstars in the army).
When one one hundredth of a second separates a winner from a loser, wouldn't take much to influence outcome.
Jesse Owens dope-slapped Hitler by beating Hitler's "superior" Aryan competitors. The Aryans wore sneakers. Owens wore slippers.

Might we add to the list on 1,308 exploding population? When the population increases from 4 billion to 8 billion, the number of top 1%ers also doubles.


Men's Olympic basketball ... N.G.
Still haven't figured out why so many pros were allowed to compete.

You're a machine darlin'.
"... concerned about what happens to boys who are in the vicinity of menstrual supplies ..." She
Who is "concerned about what happens to boys who are in the vicinity of menstrual supplies"?

What are the 3 highest priority concerns?
The Trumpists are going crazy because Walz is providing menstrual supplies in schools and that includes installing them in the boys' washrooms.
The Trumpists are going crazy because Walz is providing menstrual supplies in schools and that includes installing them in the boys' washrooms.
"30 days in the electric chair!" Barry Farber

I'm not denying the snicker-worthiness. But I find reassurance that if that's the best issue they've got, day got nuttin'. ahhhh Reassuring. Recent polls show Harris over Trump by 3 pts.
[former hurricane] Debby dealt.
She's oozing East, but left some rubble behind her. Commercial power's been out here 26 hours so far.
I'm limping on a notebook. Couldn't get audio from #1.314.
Maybe if Mr. Machine comes up I can try again.

It asked for a Faceplant logon. Don't got none. BUT! I did get some postage stamp video, just not enough on this notebook computer screen to read the subtitles.

The most disappointing time in my life was when the red hat cult members came out of hiding. Until then I naively had no idea there was the amount of latent hate, racism, misogyny and xenophobia that existed in our society.


Their cult leader has told them not just that it's OK to be a shitty human, but that they can be proud, and that their biased, uninformed opinions matter. Vote, and get others to vote, like your lives depend on it (because they do)
The desire to belong is prominent in human culture.
Yet in many cases it seems to approximate a "zero-sum game". Meaning, a religiously unaffiliated person may not have close ties to neighbors.
Join a local church, and ties to fellow attendees are likely to be strengthened. BUT !!
Such ties may have a corresponding, approximately proportional isolating affect from neighbors not attending that same church. A "zero sum" game.

Trump / MAGA / red-hats seem to enjoy the superlative fellowship. If as Trump asserts Biden is the worst president in history, voters can harbor a delusion of heroism by threatening to vote Trump.
Notable in the MAGA horde, factual accuracy is secondary.
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16
- piffle -

If fidelity to truth is not a significant criterion in the choice of presidential candidate, anything goes.

Irish toast:
May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't, may god turn their hearts.
And if he doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping.

Or, just have them wear a red hat.
"negligently treated since 2021" #1,319
Alright, but Dobbs v. Jackson was a court ruling from 2022 according to Wiki.
I'm aware the law requires such patients, even those without medical insurance, are by law to be treated.
Not sure what the intended point is here.

Dobbs is unmistakably bad law.
Perhaps Republicans will pay for it at the polls this November.
If not, women deserve what they get.
"In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve” French diplomat and historian Alexis de Tocqueville
The U.S. isn't exactly a democracy, but females are exactly a majority. If they don't vote Republicans out, gosh help them.