Seems to me, by the shallowest standards, Donald is aging less ungracefully than Melania."Says the guy who looked directly into an eclipse without eye protection."
She started out much higher, thus had further to fall?
Seems to me, by the shallowest standards, Donald is aging less ungracefully than Melania."Says the guy who looked directly into an eclipse without eye protection."
No great fan of Trump here, but I suspect 4th grade reading level is about routine for discourse in public settings, at market, library, police station."Professionals have determined that Trump speaks at a 4th grade level." #1,643
Is that what they call it?"Republicans think" #1,643
Ha !"Teanderthal Party" #1,643
Oh Can-a-da ...#1,646
"And all his sycophants will believe that he actually accomplished something ...." #1,648
The Trump perspective:
There's no limit to the credit you can get if you don't care whether anything is accomplished.
The Democrat alternative:
There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit.
I acknowledge the red-neck stereotype. Worth mentioning, it's not an implausible meme, but a generalization offensive to some, for very good reason."I'm gunna get one of them high payin' tech jobs!" #1,649
"... she threw the lights on and shouted at Steven Webb Sladki, telling him he wasn't taking notes ..." former 7th grade classmate of Steven Webb Aladki #1,652
Will we, will history ever know whether Trump is simply ignorant, or also sociopathic?"US Takeover of Gaza Strip Paused After Trump Told It's Not a Strip Club" #1,658
a) What a lovely sentiment."DEI initiatives were not put in place to ensure lower-qualified minorities could get hired instead of more highly-qualified White people. It was put in place to ensure lower-qualified White people were not hired instead of more highly-qualified minorities." #1,659