Photos, vids, etc ....

"Says the guy who looked directly into an eclipse without eye protection."
Seems to me, by the shallowest standards, Donald is aging less ungracefully than Melania.
She started out much higher, thus had further to fall?
"Professionals have determined that Trump speaks at a 4th grade level." #1,643
No great fan of Trump here, but I suspect 4th grade reading level is about routine for discourse in public settings, at market, library, police station.

"Republicans think" #1,643
Is that what they call it?
How quaint.
They imagine desire, without accounting for consequence? Preliterate children do that too!

"Teanderthal Party" #1,643
Ha !
Oh Can-a-da ...
what took you so long?

I sincerely appreciate the wording in #1,646. It might be too easy to middle-finger the entire horde to the South.
This inspirational meme focuses the sentiment, courteously side-stepping the matter of the tens of millions that voted Trump back into office. They didn't do that in 2020, but somehow in 2024 things were different somehow.

"And all his sycophants will believe that he actually accomplished something ...." #1,648

Bias confirmation.

“Everyday we make good in our motto: 'Promises made, promises kept.'
We've kept more promises than we've even made.” U.S. President Trump 19/05/20 per CBS LATE SHOW Stephen Colbert

“A promise that you didn't make, but kept, is just a thing that happened.” CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert 19/05/21

The Trump perspective:
There's no limit to the credit you can get if you don't care whether anything is accomplished.

The Democrat alternative:
There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit.
"I'm gunna get one of them high payin' tech jobs!" #1,649
I acknowledge the red-neck stereotype. Worth mentioning, it's not an implausible meme, but a generalization offensive to some, for very good reason.

Also worth noting, Elon Musk should well know about H-1B visas.
The U.S. issues non-citizens such visas not so much as charity to foreign nations,
but instead out of necessity for domestic U.S. industry.
And despite H-1B, there are still reportedly many well-paying jobs available in the U.S.
simply because of the absence of qualified applicants. H-1B may help, but it has not solved the problem.

#1,649 satirizes Trump / MAGA xenophobia, premised on a false distinction between "us", and "them".

This may make for amusing comment at a current events message board like

But in a variety of cases including Trump's intended FBI purge, it is a substantial threat to U.S. national security. Not a laughing matter.
"... she threw the lights on and shouted at Steven Webb Sladki, telling him he wasn't taking notes ..." former 7th grade classmate of Steven Webb Aladki #1,652

"Just remember, what you're seeing & what you're reading is not what's happening." President Trump
"US Takeover of Gaza Strip Paused After Trump Told It's Not a Strip Club" #1,658
Will we, will history ever know whether Trump is simply ignorant, or also sociopathic?

Skepticism about the precision of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change may suit the human tendency to presume a static status quo.
After all, for over a million years of human history we had no similar collective action planet-threatening adversity.

"DEI initiatives were not put in place to ensure lower-qualified minorities could get hired instead of more highly-qualified White people. It was put in place to ensure lower-qualified White people were not hired instead of more highly-qualified minorities." #1,659
a) What a lovely sentiment.
b) Is it literally true?
"Affirmative Action" for example, may not have been.
Is conclusive evidence available that demonstrates more qualified minority applicants were rejected in favor of less qualified Whites?
Certainly on the margins it must have happened. But was it a problem of significant scale to require an institutionalized compensation such as DEI?

I'm not reflexively rejecting the validity of the quotation. I'm embracing the principle, while simultaneously expressing my own ignorance about the details of the history.