Cara Mia !" ... doesn't mean it won't be a good time" Addams Family #1,664
Enough with the TLA ! *"AMA" "CDC"
"Oh woe is everything!" Grace06rupar #1,666
It's painful to me.#1,670
#1,671 & #1,672
I don't often laugh out loud at these, I did on that one."That was a logical assumption. What else was he supposed to think?" S2
"2 guys wearing matching outfits ..." #1,674
I've never run a marathon, suspect the attempt would be fatal. Kudos to any that have."Terry Fox ran a full marathon every day on 1 artificial leg for 143 days until he died ..." #1,677
I don't recall this claim."Tom Brady is the greatest athlete of all time?" Gatz #1,677
Trump has inspired me to wonder whether the precision of describing his category of abnormal mental process and conduct will be refined, advanced, improved as a result of his prolific and superbly documented example."Golfo del Gringo Loco" #1,679
4 years"Golfo del Gringo Loco" #1,679