Photos, vids, etc ....

I was born in 1954.
The Trump zeitgeist embodies too many similarities to conspicuous satire in the eras of other presidents.
Are they kiddin'?
Or not?
" ... doesn't mean it won't be a good time" Addams Family #1,664
Cara Mia !

Enough with the TLA ! *
We don't need hundreds of pounds, stacks of classified documents scattered through Mar a lago to understand Trump's really not that good at keeping secrets.
rupar #1,666
"Oh woe is everything!" Grace06

* I'm a refugee from nerdville. In conversation with a coworker he mentioned "TLA". I asked him, "What's TLA?"
He said: "Three Letter Acronym". - ha -
Is it any wonder I retired early?
"That was a logical assumption. What else was he supposed to think?" S2

"2 guys wearing matching outfits ..." #1,674
I don't often laugh out loud at these, I did on that one.
It pokes fun at both sides, bigotry, and stereotypes.
"Terry Fox ran a full marathon every day on 1 artificial leg for 143 days until he died ..." #1,677
I've never run a marathon, suspect the attempt would be fatal. Kudos to any that have.

"Tom Brady is the greatest athlete of all time?" Gatz #1,677
I don't recall this claim.
But several sources have suggested former NFL QB Tom Brady was the greatest NFL QB of all time. He has after all several Super Bowl rings to corroborate it.

The underlying intended point is well worth making. There's surely a more accurate way to make it.
"Golfo del Gringo Loco" #1,679
Trump has inspired me to wonder whether the precision of describing his category of abnormal mental process and conduct will be refined, advanced, improved as a result of his prolific and superbly documented example.
Such terminology evolves. Such terms as "idiot", and "imbecile" had technical definitions, but are now considered obsolete, "manic-depression" subsequently known as bipolar disorder.

It might be easier to discuss Trump's behavior / policy lunacy if given the vocabulary to do so more precisely.
It's been over a decade. If such technical / clinical vocabulary already exists, why has it been so seamlessly excluded from the press?

"Golfo del Gringo Loco" #1,679
4 years beerFacePlant01s.JPG