Photos, vids, etc ....

"Originalism" #1,600
By 18th Century standards Trump's choices for his administration officials might appear enlightened. They're not all White men. They're mostly White men. BUT !!
- Few if any of them wear powdered wigs
- or knickers
- or draft memoranda with quill pen

cabinet05.JPG cabinet04.JPG
Not Trump but one of his sycophants (aka a sitting Congressman)
... deportation list. #1,597

The Hill

Bishop who called on Trump to show mercy: ‘I have had people wish me dead’​

Ashleigh Fields / Fri, January 24, 2025 at 11:48 AM EST
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde said this week she has had “people wish me dead” after she called on President Trump to “have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now” during an inaugural prayer service at the National Cathedral.
“I have had people wish me dead. I’m not sure they have threatened to kill me, but they seemed to be pleased if I met my eternal destiny sooner, rather than later,” the Episcopal bishop said during a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow” show.

"Every religion seems to me to produce a fundamentalist element, and they root that fundamentalism in the claim that they possess the only truth, and they're going to impose that truth on anybody that doesn't have it. Now we've done that as Christians in the past. We didn't like Galileo because we didn't think he quite understood where the sun was in relation to the Earth. We persecuted Jews. We did inquisitions. We had religious wars. We told women they were second class citizens. We today persecute gay and lesbian people constantly in the name of the god of love. I find that attitude appalling." Episcopal Bishop John S. Spong

"I've had 16 death threats. None of them have come from Buddhists or atheists, they've all come from Bible quoting true believers, which I find rather interesting." Episcopal Bishop John S. Spong
"Speaking of that Nazi salute - you know the one that Trump's followers are tying themselves in knots pretending it didn't happen" S2 #1,604
I did not know that. Not certain I do now.

"... She [Gray] says that Musk felt nothing during the tour, & only 'cared about how he looked'." "This is Elon Musk. A sociopath, if ever there was one. To deduce, from this visit, that he is a friend of the Jews is desperately naive." Gray #1,604
A brilliant mind that innovates in both science and humanity such as Ben Franklin can obscure the fact not all brilliant minds do.
Gandhi taught that if we don't disdain a man missing an arm, we should not disdain missing a conscience.

"... She says that Musk felt nothing " Nehorai #1,604
Steady Nehorai & Gray.
We can plausibly report behavior.
We test our own credulity to state as fact, the emotion of another, particularly as gleaned from an absence of typical behavior. Why was Musk at Auschwitz? To make public his own coldheartedness? For what purpose?

Musk may be inured to the Holocaust, or undemonstrative as typical of a scientist's dispassion.
Even if so, does this render Musk ineligible to serve the People?

We can harbor, & express concerns about Musk's agenda. Is antisemitism a primary reason for alarm?

Even if so, not the only item on the list.
the salute ....
Elon! Bud-A !
What did you think was going to happen?

You sir have placed yourself in a precarious position before then jamming finger in eye to over a hundred million of your countrymen.
And Elon,
even cartoons don't have cars as silly looking as your "truck".

This seems to indicate that Republicans want to repeal child labor laws so they can force children to ... [checks notes] WORK ALL SUMMER SO THEY CAN AFFORD FOOD.
This human trash goblin went on to say children should be “thinking about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge out the government when they don’t need to.”


Does anyone actually believe his claim about working in the fields?

#1,610 - grim - *
" ... [checks notes] WORK ALL SUMMER SO THEY CAN AFFORD FOOD." #1,610
I'm not opposed to children's nutrition.
But in my experience, particularly for young children, their care is the obligation of their parents. Coercing young children to perform extended labor, work for food
constitutes sociological regression, in this case with Republican approval.

I'm all for fiscal responsibility. I enthusiastically endorse balanced budgets. BUT:
It can be considered sociopathic to balance the U.S. federal budget by taking nutritious food from the mouths of children.

"This human trash goblin went on to say children should be “thinking about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge out the government when they don’t need to.” S2 #1,610
Bell-curve substantial populations, in this case hundreds of U.S. federal legislators, and we expect an ideological spectrum, 6 sigma fringes and all.

But holding children to adult standards is not merely troglodytic, invoking attitudes rejected as barbaric in the previous millennium,
is apparently to McCormick [R-GA] no longer barbaric.
Commenting on NATO President Trump said: "I said it was obsolete. It's no longer obsolete." April, 2017
And so now, coerced subsistence child labor if ever barbaric is no longer barbaric?

In that case, and in light of Trump deporting our agricultural labor force, why squander resources teaching these young leaches reading & writing?
They don't have to know how to spell their own name to harvest crops.


* McCormick's stated position here is not merely heartless, troglodytic. It's ignorant.
Children that are not performing manual labor during summer break between grades are not doing nothing.
Instead they are socializing, learning the social skills they'll need as responsible employees, tax-payers, voters, and with luck, responsible parents with the literacy-based resources to feed themselves and their families.

"Rich McCormick"?
poor McCormick !