Photos, vids, etc ....

Columbus was a man of his time his actions though abhorrent to us would have been normal in his day (centuries later European Americans were hardly treating their Black slaves any better).
absolutely not. People in his own time condemned Columbus as a monster.
mark mywords said:
Columbus was a man of his time his actions though abhorrent to us would have been normal in his day (centuries later European Americans were hardly treating their Black slaves any better).
absolutely not. People in his own time condemned Columbus as a monster.
Seems obvious to me these are two diametrically opposed positions.
None the less I suspect each has some validity.

Surely then as now, slavery has both critics (condemners), and advocates (proponents, practitioners). So that debate continues, even if the enslaved % of Earth's living human population has ebbed a bit between the 15th and 21st centuries.
What has changed is government policy.

However evil Columbus may have been, I don't recall any historic account of Columbus serving prison time for kidnapping or enslavement.
If he had completed his "discovery" adventure in 2021 I suspect it might be a different story.

You've posted this before:
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." Stephen Roberts

Similar logic, but more concise.

BUT !!

There's a self-defeating irony in the purist atheist creed. Logically they may be factually correct that there's no proof of any supernatural anything. BUT !!
Many that cling to this "truth" obstruct their own benefit.
"The fact that somebody over-sells an idea doesn't make it a bad idea. It makes them a bad salesman." Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA ret)
Perhaps there never was a talking serpent, or a pregnant virgin. BUT !!
That doesn't mean wisdom of the ages disclosed in holy scripture is not valid.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. *
I'd welcome a list of fundamental principles for humans, that's superior to this sensible libertarian lesson.

Would atheists decry role-models, because they're not divine? I'm grateful to the role-models that inspired me, enabled me to be better.
So what's more important about religion? Leveraging an excuse to disregard its constructive potential? Or sidestepping "truth" to benefit from timeless wisdom?

That's not an argument for believing the unbelievable.
It's a practical application of Representative Frank's (D-MA) insight.

* "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." KJV Matthew 7:12 (the Golden Rule)

"photoshop" (generic) has come a long way.

And none of them will be since literally everyone on that list is rich as fuck and they're all connected as fuck.
Rep. Gosar (R-AZ) deletes tweet backing Trump's call to "terminate" parts of Constitution


As a representative, Gosar was required to swear an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
Schopenhauer might have said it first, but he said it in German. I don't care for the English translation I read, so I quote Carnegie.
"All honor's wounds are self-inflicted." Andrew Carnegie
Plenty of targets to aim the accusatory finger, but it is an embarrassment that Trump has evaded incarceration this long.
Does this mean that Russia was just sitting around twiddling it's thumbs waiting for this guy to be released?

"I wonder if Brittney Griner will sing and stand for the national Anthem now that the United States has compromised national security to free her? Tomi Lahren
Did she not before?
Or is the problem that to Lahren all them nigras looks alike, and Lahren is recalling the NFL's Colin Kaepernick?
S2 #94
Looks like the Biden administration / Secretary Blinken got played.
The scale of the disparity in the prisoners exchanged is revealed by contrasting their "crimes".

Brittney Griner:
a professional athlete possessing a personal use quantity of "vape cartridges with cannabis oil" [source: CNBC].

Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout:


Not clear to me Paul Whelan & Brittney Griner together equal the threat Viktor Bout does.

In context of Russia's ongoing War in Ukraine, will this Biden administration release of Bout result in the slaughter of more innocent Ukrainians, or other innocents around the globe.
And Bout was imprisoned for over ten years so his contacts will all be "stale dated". And you do have to wonder why Russia wants him back. It's not as if they were sitting twiddling their thumbs waiting for his release. So what value do they see in him?