Photos, vids, etc ....

s2 #65
I consider Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) one of the most skilled politicians in the GOP. Ironically, in the Trump era, McConnell may also be among the most honest and trustworthy politicians within the GOP as well. BUT !!

Within the broader GOP, McConnell's slight departures from absolute precision may not actually result in stacks of corpses.
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt, that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." U.S. President Bush (the younger) televised address to the U.S. March 17th, 2003


In my opinion the fact that so many Republican office-holders prioritize partisanship ahead of citizenship results in their perjuring their oath to the United States Constitution. That each Republican that has thus betrayed his People for ostensible benefit of party has not been purged from office by formal judicial process is in my opinion a systemic failure of potentially catastrophic scale.
I've not yet encountered any rational defense / explanation for the way Musk has botched his twitter deal since before the start.

- Musk was out of his mind to pay that $much.
- Do the math. What was the per capita $cost of the purchase?
- That amount of money could have paid for a whole lot of advertising, for Musk's own competing venue.
- And then botching the management transition as well. Difficult to imagine Musk wasn't sabotaged by one or more of his own advisors.

What makes Musk's twitter blunder so all the more stunning is Musk's industrial successes with Tesla, and SpaceX.

sbteve #67
That's just a little too subtle.
I'm sure a lot of us will get this ... perhaps the best episode of an already great show

For those of you just tuning in, the Pinedale Shopping Mall has just been BOMBED with live turkeys. Film at eleven.


But for those who need a hint (or who are simply too young)

I'm old enough, but wouldn't have gotten it anyway. I once tried to imagine what Lonnie Andersen looked like without a wig. Then I became a Cheers fan.
She was the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis on November 14, 1960.
S2 #73
Thanks. I figured it was something like that. It must have been extremely traumatic for her. I wonder how her parents, and the school's administration prepared her. A prior day's walk-through (rehearsal) perhaps.

S2 #74
- H A -

BUT !!

It's important to note, Christianity may take about as much ideological trouncing by destructive poseurs as political conservatism does.
I believe a genuine adherent to Christ's fundamental teachings such as "turn the other cheek" would leave such drag show attendees as safe as with any unarmed attendee.

Whether a true Christian would carry a firearm to a drag show is a separate issue, but may bear consideration in the matter.
A nice gesture - this way you don't have to ask where to find these topics ...


That said, bet you didn't realize that the Dewey Decimal System is seriously racist (as befits something developed in the 1800's)

You've got me doing MTG molecule math here.
I gather COVID-19 in aerosol / pathogen form tends to snag in a filter mask. I don't know what the pore size rating is for these.
But isn't it true that a molecule of methane is smaller than a COVID-19? Virus?

I realize MTG is no rocket-surgeon. So she may be thinking binary here, that masks either filter all the COVID-19 pathogens, or not. BUT !!
If a filter mask cuts it down to 30% of unmasked emission, probably worth doing. Just as herd immunity doesn't require 100%.

Either way of course, she's a fruit-loop. But I'm guessing a bio-pathogen like COVID-19 is orders of magnitude larger than a methane molecule.