Photos, vids, etc ....

no just honestly reporting what the New Testament says,

You might find Mark chapter 15 informative or is citing the NT also considered antisemitic?
No. Only your (and historical christian) interpretation of it.

First of all, Jesus is a mythological figure. He didn't even exist, though he was perhaps based on some local cult leader who did.

And secondly, according to NT, romans killed Jesus. Pilate saying "I wash my hands" is simply a claim -- he still gave the order.

Then of course there is actual christian theology:

There is no basis in the scripture for the argument that the Jewish people were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. That's the declaration made by Pope Benedict the sixteenth​

But hey, when one is an anti-semite intent to perpetuating anti-semitic myths, why let facts stand in your way? After all, the whole "jewish deicide" thing is only a core pillar of traditional anti-semitic hate and violence! Nothing to worry about.

Why am I not at all surprised that, on top of defending genocide and studiously avoiding russian nazism, you are an anti-semite?
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There is no basis in the scripture for the argument that the Jewish people were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.​
Even if they had, by now they're probably too old to prosecute.
For those that believe it was so, do you also believe there either was, or was not a proper trial first?

We may judge matters of the past by the standards of the past. It's Saturday October 15, 2022.
That's the standard that applies to those living today.
Anybody you'd like the New York State Police to round up? I've got their telephone number. It's nine one one.
No. Only your (and historical christian) interpretation of it.

First of all, Jesus is a mythological figure. He didn't even exist, though he was perhaps based on some local cult leader who did.

And secondly, according to NT, romans killed Jesus. Pilate saying "I wash my hands" is simply a claim -- he still gave the order.

an interesting arguing technique Jesus didnt exist and any way the Romans killed him!
Jesus probably (almost certainly) didnt exist but to a lot of people his existence is real, if you are one of those people then you probably believe what the NT says and accept it as truth.
The NT Matthew Mark Luke and John on this are all in agreement (and they dont agree about much) the Jewish orthodoxy wanted Jesus killed, they trumped up the charges and delivered him to Pilate who found no fault in him but was too weak to go against the pressure from the Sanhedrin even with this pressure he gave the Jewish populace the chance to pardon Jesus and they refused.

There is no basis in the scripture for the argument that the Jewish people were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.
I believe that I gave you THREE references there is a fourth if you want it

Mark 15:1 “Very early in the morning, the chief priests, with the elders, the teachers of the law and the whole Sanhedrin, reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away and handed him over to Pilate.”

Matthew 27:1 “When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:”

Luke 23: :1-2 "Then the whole multitude of them arose and led Him to Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse Him, saying, “We found this fellow perverting [a]the nation, and forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, saying that He Himself is Christ, a King.”

John 18: 28-38 covers the same event

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Yes. And in the myth, it was still Pilates who ordered Jesus killed.

And of course the fact that modern theologians have long since discarded the vile pile of hate that is the "jewish deicide" thesis -- but you haven't.
Matthew 27:1 “When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:”
Yes, clearly you know theology better than Pope Benedict XVI.

so you are a fan of the Nazi pope cant say that I am shocked

Pope Benedict XVI repudiated the Jewish deicide charge in his 2011 book Jesus of Nazareth, in which he interpreted the translation of "ochlos" in Matthew to mean the "crowd", rather than the Jewish people

Mmmm 1st century Palestine, I wonder who formed this crowd, Muslims? Hindus? Anabaptists? (I bet it was Jews)

Ratzinger was being politic not scriptural you could get in to some hot water these days (even as pope) for saying anything even remotely negative about Jews. any way he was not speaking "ex cathedra"

Some rabbinical authorities, such as Maimonides and, more recently, Zvi Yehuda Kook have asserted that Jesus was indeed stoned and hanged after being sentenced to death in a rabbinical court.

For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all men.

— 1 Thessalonians 2:14-1
You guys are in way over my head here. Just a passing comment:

Decades ago PBS broadcast a series on Jews. I think it was a series of broadcasts, each about an hour. So it was a detailed history. Abba Eban narrated iirc. And iirc they didn't devote more than a single sentence to Jesus Christ. "King of the Jews"?

So what Sears?
At least some Jews, perhaps also some Israelis, seem to find JC a touchy subject. I don't have all the pieces to that puzzle. But I've got enough to know some of the puzzle pieces are missing.
At least some Jews, perhaps also some Israelis, seem to find JC a touchy subject
handing out New Testaments in Israel is a criminal offence, Christian churches and people who have switched from Judaism to Christianity have been attacked - its not frequent but it definitely happens there was a few years ago now a bomb attack on the home of one convert (Messianic Jew) which almost killed his son.

"Police in Israel are investigating the burning of hundreds of New Testaments in a city near Tel Aviv, an incident that has alarmed advocates of religious freedom.
Investigators plan to review photographs and footage showing "a fairly large" number of New Testaments being torched this month in the city of Or-Yehuda, a police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said Wednesday."

"Dozens of Israeli mail carriers in the city of Ramat Gan, a suburb of Tel Aviv, have refused to deliver Christian New Testament Bibles to residences, arguing that delivering the Bibles is forbidden according to their halacha laws, or the collective body of Jewish laws"

"On Dec. 29, 1977, Christians in Israel and the occupied territories protested a new law passed by the Israeli parliament making it illegal for missionaries to proselytize Jews. Protestant churches charged that the law had been “hastily pushed through parliament during the Christmas period when Christians were busily engaged in preparing for and celebrating their major festival.” The law made missionaries liable to five years’ imprisonment for attempting to persuade people to change their religion, and three years’ imprisonment for any Jew who converted.
The law came into force on April 1, 1978, prohibiting the offering of “material inducement” for a person to change his religion. A material inducement could be something as minor as the giving of a Bible."

"After five years of waiting for justice, a Messianic Jewish pastor in Israel says he is satisfied with the sentence given to an ultra-Orthodox, Jewish nationalist who bombed his home and almost killed his son."
handing out New Testaments in Israel is a criminal offence,
That's a little bit what I was referring to, though I didn't know it was that formal a grudge. I'd have though after a few millennia ... let bygones be bygones. NOPE !

Book burning?

Mail carriers?

Too strange. Something else must be going on here. Somebody ran over somebody's cat, or something.
so you are a fan of the Nazi pope cant say that I am shocked

Yeah, the nazi pope who repudiated your anti-semitism.

Lots of christian theologians repudiated your anti-semitism. Benedict was simply of the most prominent.

That you'd continue to push your filthy anti-semitic lies is not at all surprising.
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Yeah, the nazi pope who repudiated your anti-semitism.

repudiated it by twisting the facts until they squeaked .
He reinterpreted a word from "Jews" to "crowd" but since the crowd were Jews does it really change anything?

what would a crowd in 1st century Israel / Palestine consist of if not Jews?
Perhaps a passing group of Hindus petitioned the Jewish court but I seriously doubt it
A broader perspective: [my apology to any broads offended by that]

What have we here?
Two non-believers locked in heated debate about what probably didn't happen two millennia ago?

This is an indication of just how comfortable life is with modern society's
- division of labor
- high tech labor saving appliances
- abundant home heating fuel
- abundant safe food
- enough leisure time, and no higher priority than to flog this one like a rented mule.

Is it any wonder why I LOVE you guys ?!

first rule of posting a link READ IT FIRST

from your link
"Israel has not begun passing out Hebrew New Testaments to our brave soldiers as some have reported. The truth is that Israel recognizes and respects the religion of all its citizens"

could I perhaps interest you in a cheap pair of asbestos trousers?

The facts are as I reported them I have nothing to gain by misrepresenting them

"Proselytizing is legal in the country and missionaries of all religious groups are allowed to proselytize all citizens; however, a 1977 law prohibits any person from offering material benefits as an inducement to conversion". US state department (filthy anti Semites

asbestos trousers?
asbestos "shorts" might make a good pseud for a mod. on a flame board. - OR -

A fire department's highlight reel.

Never been to the Middle East.
But I gather the culture is different there, and what may be technically legal may be in other ways "discouraged". Not sure. Don't know. But in practical terms I doubt there are lots of primly dressed Jehovah's Witnesses out on foot trying to convert the world.
"Proselytizing is legal in the country and missionaries of all religious groups are allowed to proselytize all citizens; however, a 1977 law prohibits any person from offering material benefits as an inducement to conversion". US state department (filthy anti Semites
Not them. Only you. Only anti-semites like you, and your lying ilk, claim that Israeli laws treats bibles as bribes.

That prohibition on material inducement is a part of the anti-bribery law.
That prohibition on material inducement is a part of the anti-bribery law.

Does it matter what section of the law it is?
giving out religious material to help Jews convert is illegal simple as that it doesnt matter if the section of the law prohibiting it is in the anti bribery act or the dangerous dog act it is illegal.

BTW this "anti bribery law" (PENAL LAW 5737-1977)covers such things as sedition, influencing a foreign power, gambling, prostitution, causing death theft forgery and carrying guns! (and obviously offering inducements to leave Judaism)

at this point your pants are now burning well above knee height

The Israeli Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty (Basic Law) provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respected this right in practice. While there is no constitution, government policy contributed to the generally free practice of religion, although governmental and legal discrimination against non-Jews and non-Orthodox streams of Judaism continued. - US State Department
m #58
Not that you don't know m #58, but to make it explicit:
there is some fig-leaf comfort in legal hypocrisy.

The United States Constitution, "the supreme law of the land" (art.6 sect.2) enumerates that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." BUT !!
We infringe & usurp this right all over the place. "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" except in:
- law courts
- post offices
- public schools
- airports
- etc

Therefore, we get the self-aggrandizing glamor of being able to boast an absolute: "shall not be infringed", and then infringe the living daylight out of it.

Don't know about Israel, but wouldn't surprise me if it's to some degree that. Statutory hypocrisy.