Photos, vids, etc ....

A Christian propaganda flyer from the 80s predicting the future.


- 'tis folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. - paraphrase Thomas Gray
Green looks happy.
Walker looks numb. "Herbalists" call it "mellow".
Judo has been called "the art of hitting someone with a planet"

And the reason it's being called "the coldest sport" is because after slamming their opponent into the mat the winner simply gets up and walks away as if nothing happened.
"Democracy is when unelected judges ..." EC / S2 #127
No. That's a republic. If it were a democracy the law judges would be elected.
"You know how long it takes a working man to save $5000?" @sd / S2 #128
Jay Leno says the economy's so bad Dr. Seuss had Green Eggs and Spam for breakfast.
Grooming children with bibles, not drag queens
Conflating moral instruction with transvestism is pseudo-lib bias confirmation.
Moral instruction is fundamental to every child. Transvestism is a fashion choice. That is NOT justification for discrimination or intolerance.

S2 #132
This is not a binary, it's a spectrum. Many a lecturer could correctly introduce his lecture to the audience by calling the audience ignorant. Possibly mostly true. But it's not a constructive approach to teaching. Thus truth can be a weak excuse for insult.
"And the reason it's being called "the coldest sport" is because after slamming their opponent into the mat the winner simply gets up and walks away as if nothing happened." S2 #134
As distinguished from boxing, or MMA?
the winner simply gets up and walks away
As opposed to remaining in the ring for the rest of his life? The winner removes his backpack, sets up his tent in the ring, and fires up the camp stove preparing his first meal of his long retirement, within a meter or two of where he left his defeated opponent on the mat?
as if nothing happened.
It may depend on the level of the competition. In high school, it may be different than a world championship. But either way I doubt the "as if nothing happened" characterization.
Have to say that I trained with (and competed against) Olympic medalists, Pan Am medalists, national champions and I don't remember ever seeing that sort of action on the part of a winning judoka. Not once.
Have to say that I trained with (and competed against) Olympic medalists, Pan Am medalists, national champions and I don't remember ever seeing that sort of action on the part of a winning judoka. Not once.
What did happen?
Presumably they left the building somehow.
Was their success (victory?) acknowledged? Before the ring was exited? If not by raising of hand, how?

Bonus Q:
Of all the "soft" martial arts, which would you recommend for seniors (that have no access to a school, & therefore must learn from a book, or computer screen)? Tai chi ch'üan in the form/s I've seen it (pun not intended) too yoga-like for me. Anything a little more practical? The kind of skill potentially useful in disarming an armed assailant?