Photos, vids, etc ....

S2 #619
I wish we had a few MAGA posting members to comment. Without them, leaves it to me. O. M. G. !

This agenda does not surprise me.
What's news to me is that these are the specific agenda items that are the GOP / Speaker McCarthy's ransom terms.

I don't envy his position. BUT !! He skillfully engineered himself into this, by giving away the store so on the umpteenth vote he could gain the speakership.
He thinks he's a star so that means sexual assault is okay??
a) Yes.
b) Is he wrong? If anyone knows Trump knows:
- there are rules that must be followed, and
- there are rules that needn't be

"He thinks he's a star so that means sexual assault is okay??"

He's gotten away with it so far. That, and much, much else.

Kimmel has a suite of nicknames for Trump, including the great pumpkin.
Kimmel ! Orange you ashamed !?
- must be out of his gourd -

[I got a chuckle from Kimmel's "Vladimir Gluten"]

Media (often associated with "liberal" bias) have battled the dilemma:
- report the Trump outrages, thereby providing Trump continuing free publicity, or
- not

I wonder if print media might simply disclose: The Republican front-runner uttered / tweeted additional alarming outrages today.
It keeps the "Trump" name out of the paper, and minimizes the publicity derived.
It's not a panacea. Worth a try?
Just a question:

Do his supporters worship him because:

(1) They don't understand what these words mean; or
(2) That's what they like about him?

You're asking the right question S2 #626.
Just a question:

Do his supporters worship him because:

(1) They don't understand what these words mean; or
(2) That's what they like about him?
I don't see "self-righteous" on the list.

Life is competitive. Trump talks like a winner, though he wouldn't be without the electoral college.
For there to be winners there must be losers. It seems Trump's conspicuous Potemkin Village personality; weak enough to be recognized as bogus, but sturdy enough not to collapse, may seem a sort of DIY Robin Hood. A champion of low achievers?

Ironically, even that's an illusion. By tax cut standards Trump is a champion mainly of the wealthiest.
S2 #628

On premise that they're FBI investigators, rude FBI investigators are likely to generate ill-will between the public and themselves, likely to be an obstacle in future FBI investigations. Bad form. Perhaps that's the intended message in #628.

S2 #629

It's practice I suppose. But half the difficulty is hoisting the weight from floor to shoulder. That skill is not developed by this exercise.
Celebrating over 20 years of GOP Thoughts and Prayers

Thoughts and Prayers - a way to make yourself feel good while doing absolutely nothing
Be sure to dress appropriately the next time you're in Florida.


While we're at it, here's a pic of a young FDR (the future President) complete with dress, long hair, and flowered hat


And then there are the Founding Fathers - I'm sure they couldn't imagine men in wigs, tights, makeup, and heels. How disgusting can you get?
