Photos, vids, etc ....

Can You Really Die From Too Much Soy Sauce? Yes, And ...
Sodium has a fairly narrow therapeutic index. I believe Sodium is an essential nutrient. Not enough is a problem. Too much, also a problem, particularly for those with neurological heart disease.

S2 reflecting on the the content in #638 in #640

Republicans want to cut Veteran benefits by 22%. This is how Republicans say thank you to those who served our country.

a) Grim.
b) Republicans have been cutting taxes without spending reductions. Democrats nailed Republicans on this by asking: if you want to cut spending, what spending do you want to cut. The good news is Republicans have finally answered the question. The bad news is Republicans have finally answered the question.

And while Republicans may not realize it, this proposal further jeopardizes U.S. national security, U.S. sovereignty.

Addressing the U.S. Military Recruiting Crisis - War on the Roc​

Mar 10, 2023 ... During the last fiscal year, the Army missed its recruiting goal by 15,000 active-duty soldiers, or 25 percent of its target. This shortfall ...

U.S. military recruiting expects shortfalls in FY 2023 - Spectrum News​

Apr 26, 2023 ... The Army and Air Force estimate they'll miss their goal by 10,000, while the Navy expects to be short by 6,000 sailors. The Marine Corp and ...

U.S. Army Has a Recruitment Problem. Here's How to Solve It - TIME​

Mar 7, 2023 ... When Army leaders projected late last year that active Army troop strength for 2023 would have a shortfall of almost 20,000 from the projected ...

In the context of the Jan 6 Insurrection, risking U.S. sovereignty may not be of particular interest.
Mark Twain said he used to complain about having no shoes, until he met a man that had no feet.

On this holiday (holy day) dedicated to the celebration of maternity it's not imprudent to remain mindful of our broader manifold blessings, maternity included.
Vid #642 reminds how exquisitely fortunate we are to have use of two competent legs.

We wouldn't have them without "Mom". Thank you Mother. Happy Mother's Day.
But we have them.
Plan to restrain your appreciation until time begins to attrit ? Is the life of an ingrate worth living?

Happy Mother's Day
The only ones who would want to cover up the inhuman atrocities of fascism are fascists.


When ISIL burst into U.S. news media for such crimes as deliberately destroying irreplaceable antiquities and the history they revealed, conservative syndicated columnist George Will attributed the following to George Orwell:

“He who controls the past controls the future.
And he who controls the present controls the past.”
Orwell, according to George Will
fas·cism (făshĭz′əm)
1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

[Italian fascismo, from fascio, group, from Late Latin fascium, from Latin fascis, bundle.]

Word History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority. The Italian name of the movement, fascismo, is derived from fascio, "bundle, (political) group," but also refers to the movement's emblem, the fasces, a bundle of rods bound around a projecting axe-head that was carried before an ancient Roman magistrate by an attendant as a symbol of authority and power. The name of Mussolini's group of revolutionaries was soon used for similar nationalistic movements in other countries that sought to gain power through violence and ruthlessness, such as National Socialism.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"The only ones who would want to cover up the inhuman atrocities of fascism are fascists." S2 #644
- yep -
A somewhat "different" take on the Wizard of Oz

In the book the slippers were silver but the road was yellow brick not gold.
S2 #646
sear stream of consciousness reaction:
- I didn't read the book
- In the movie Zardoz Sean Connery wore a ruby red diaper.
- In the movie the slippers were ruby red.
- A plot summary I read for the movie read approximately: A Kansas farm girl is transported to a surreal landscape where she kills the first person she encounters, and then teams up with strangers to kill again.
- I think Margaret Hamilton did a nice job in the role of The Wicked Witch of the West.
- Judy Garland, the actress that played Dorothy would have been about 16 during the filming. The movie was made long before CGI so "little people" were culled from around the world to play the role of Munchkins. Many of them were from carnivals etc. and some sources report several of them propositioned Ms Garland, and caused various other problems during the filming.
- The prop "snow" used to awaken them from their narcoleptic trance in the poppy field was asbestos.
- The movie The Wizard of Oz did not win best picture, as it was released the same year as Gone With The Wind.
- The Wicked Witch of the West's final lines included "I'm melting!" and "What a world!"

The movie is after all a musical. The following is the lyric the cowardly lion dominates:

Your Majesty, If you were King, you wouldn't be afraid of anything?

Not nobody, not nohow!

Tin Man
Not even a rhinocerous?


How about a hippopotamus?

Why, I'd trash him from top to bottomamus!

Supposin' you met an elephant?

I'd wrap him up in cellophant!

What if it were a brontosaurus?

I'd show him who was King of the Forest!

All Four

Courage! What makes a King out of a slave?
Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave?
Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk, in the misty mist or the dusky dusk?
What makes the muskrat guard his musk?
Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder?
Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder?
Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot?
What have they got that I ain't got?
All Four [Dorothy, scarecrow, tin man, and cowardly lion]

Then you can say that again!
If you haven't seen these they make interesting reading:

If you go to the bottom of the pages you'll find several other links to collections of trivia re the movie - they're listed across the top of the page as well but without the pics - some of those links also talk about the books (there was an entire series of them and some were seriously violent)

As for Judy Garland, her life wasn't all roses - being forced to diet to look younger than she was being fed drugs during the filming of the movie to the point she was addicted to
... Garland had minders who snatched plates of food from her at the studio commissary, and she was encouraged to keep to a diet of black coffee and as many as 80 cigarettes a day. Garland was also given an assortment of stimulant and depressive drugs to help her finish the film and complete an exhausting promotional road show with her frequent on-screen companion Mickey Rooney. This practice likely kickstarted the substance abuse problem that perpetually plagued her and ultimately led to her demise.
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1684275967188.png from S2 #647

"God is dead" -Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead" - God

S2 #649 pending
The Supreme Court handed a win to the defenders of the medication abortion drug mifepristone by pausing lower court rulings that would have disrupted access to the drug as a result – from a lawsuit filed by anti-abortion doctors seeking to wipe away the US Food and Drug Administration's two-decade-old approval of mifepristone.
That means FDA's current regulatory scheme around the drug remains in place, ensuring that access to medication abortion — in the states where it is legal — is maintained at least for the next couple weeks, and likely longer.

Not sure, but can't rule out the possibility the court has realized usurping a Constitutional right isn't as popular as their lunatic fringe lead them to believe.
WWJD #654
Fine. BUT !!
It is generally an error to conflate religion and god. As philosopher George Carlin observed (wry satire), [some] religionists created god in their own image and likeness.
There is much ancient / eternal wisdom in the Holy Bible, not least, the golden rule. A Biblical prohibition on prophylactic condoms is unknown to me.

MTG #655
Is her hair doing that because she's hanging from the roof of the bat cave? Who needs a fright wig when reality is scarier than Jewish space lasers starting wildfires?
This is Allen Turner, the rapist, he apparently has been going by his middle name, but make no mistake, Allen Turner is Brock Turner, the rapist.
