Photos, vids, etc ....

Define that.
They're long-term partners. He's cited numero uno on his choice of exercise / hobby.
She's committed enough to him, secure enough with him to understand that even if he did have a fling, he'd still be committed to her. She's done the math. She's concluded her most favorable prospect is not him with a compound fractured femur, but riding bottle-blondie shotgun in his teeny-weenie compensator.

- OR -

She's got something going on with the pool boy, and she wants hubby out of the house.

S2 #226
- blush -
Hashtag mic drop.


In 2016, when Jade Hameister was only 14 years old, she cross-country skied almost a hundred miles to the North Pole; the youngest person ever to do so. The temperature was hideous-below-zero, the ice shifting and unstable. There were goddamn polar bears. But she did it. And got trolled online by whiny piss-baby penis possessors. She trolled them right back.

--On This Day in History Shit Went Down: January 13, 2018--

In 2016 Jade, an Australian, gave a TEDx talk in Melbourne, and it was posted to YouTube. You know in Star Wars when Obi-Wan Kenobi said of the Mos Eisley spaceport that “you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”? The old Jedi never imagined a YouTube comment section. The misogyny was palpable. Many told Jade to “Make me a sandwich,” a common catchphrase used by sexist douchenuggets to demean women.

So, Jade made them a sandwich.

But first she skied across Greenland. Going across the polar icecaps, in June of 2017 she traveled almost 350 miles in 27 days, becoming the youngest woman to accomplish such a feat. With two down, Jade was determined to complete the “polar hat-trick.” All that remained was skiing to the South Pole.

She began her trek late in 2017, starting at the Ross Ice Shelf on the coast of Antarctica. The trip took 37 days, and she arrived at the South Pole on January 10, 2018. Three days later, on January 13, Jade posed for a photo and posted it to her social media. The photo shows Jade in bright pink winter attire, standing next to the South Pole marker, flags representing various countries waving in the icy breeze behind her. In her right hand she holds a plate with a sandwich resting atop. She commented that it was “for all those men” who left the sandwich comments, writing, “I made you a sandwich (ham & cheese), now ski 37 days and 600km to the South Pole and you can eat it.” Hashtag fucking boom hashtag motherfucking mic drop.

Jade did leave out two additionally impressive metrics in her righteous burn. She began her journey at sea level. The elevation of the South Pole is 9,300 feet. Well, since she’s Australian let’s clarify that as 2,800 meters. Anyway, way the fuck up there. She skied uphill the whole goddamn way. The other metric is that she did this while pulling a 220-pound sled.

The idea of the sandwich was a joke discussed during the trip to the pole, but never that serious. It was only at the last minute she decided to actually do it. Their camp was only half a mile from the pole, so she skied back with the sandwich for the pic, referring to the whole thing as “just kind of funny.”

Goddamn hysterical if you ask me.

Prime Time Crime​

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed former US Attorney Robert Hur as special counsel to probe discovery of documents that were from his time in the Obama Administration that were found in Joe Biden’s former office and home. Republicans are going to hammer this to a freaking pulp because it plays right into their plan to impeach him. The dumb ones think they’ve really got something on him but the smart ones (who are even more dangerous than the dumb ones because they know better but go along with the devil) know that ....

#231 contrast to #232

I prefer #231 because it has at least a pretense of logic. I'd like to know the details. What's the $165,000,000,000 spent on, and who is spending it?
#232 seems more like comic relief, preaching to the choir. It's not likely to convert many Republicans.
Trump may not be a Nazi but the Nazis think he is


From the board where I found the pic:

Almost fell out of my chair. Sister’s kids (the South, 11 & 13) at museum with me, read a plaque and asked “what’s the KKK?”
Turns out Southern schools are stepping right over that bit of history entirely.
S2 #236
When I first read this I thought it might have been a form of satire a bit over my head.
I've since corroborated it. I'm sure there's more to the story than that. For example, a set-up for a future vote, to expel legislators wearing sleeveless attire. - grim -