gosh love you for that S2."And it was staged to the point of ridiculousness - " S2 #220
Same thing @Madison Square ...
I was guest of my precocious girlfriend, 3 grades ahead of me (though only 1 year older).
Kinevil's stunt-driver warm-up show was highlighted by the stunt cars driving over a ramp on left-side wheels, so the driver could balance on right wheels.

At that age I was not s a v v y enough to realize what she explained to me after the show.
The stunt-drivers started out weak, only getting the wheels up off the ground a foot or two. BUT
they slowly built up to driving a distance balanced only on right wheels, and even turning (a necessity inside Madison Square Garden).
She explained to me, the drivers could have done that from the start, but it would have been a much shorter show.
So to give the audience their money's worth, they built up to it gradually. (dragged it out, if you prefer)
That's show-biz.
When I first learned this I might have felt betrayal (W H A T ?! You mean there IS NO Santa Claus ?!)
But it's woven into the fabric of contemporary society.
I have a child-like appreciation for magic tricks. Some may lose their appreciation for "magic" once they learn how the illusion is performed.
Not me.
Louis Armstrong used to dance while he played, leading me to believe he was spontaneously improvising his musical performance.
Years later I learned his bodily gyrations were part of the act, but that his music was rehearsed.
When I first learned that it seemed to me Armstrong was an imposter, not what he seemed to be.
It took me a while to mature to the fact that it was all part of the act, and that our beloved Satchmo rather than being a fraud, was an inspiration, a member of a severely discriminated against minority, a self-employed celebrity entertaining millions with his unique style.
Oversimplification perhaps, but "glass half full" isn't the end of it. A bitter, condemnatory world-view is self-sabotage. Why live like that? Hate harms the hater. And appreciation is the remedy for ingratitude. Is the life of an ingrate worth living? When alternatives abound?