H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

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Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's a woman (and black) could it?
It could.
It might.
But even if that's a component of their position, I suspect it may have as much or more to do with the president's age than the vice presidential attributes you've mentioned.

I blame Biden as much as Harris for this. CERTAINLY the VP's obligations are Constitutionally enumerated. BUT ! The VP's role in any presidential administration is determined by the president.
In any administration, but particularly in the presidential administration of the oldest man ever holding the office, succession is an issue, more so in a 2nd Biden term, and more critically important with Russia at war.

So I ask you S2 #200, when was the most recent time you read a report of VP Harris in the news? Doing something constructive? Demonstrating impressive executive skill? Not that Biden's much different from previous presidents in this regard, but Biden's kept Harris substantially out of public view. And if Biden tried to recover from this now by launching an unannounced campaign to address that, I believe it could be recognized as such, simply supplying political ammunition to Biden's partisan critics.

Candidly I don't know whether Harris would be a capable, perhaps even wise U.S. president. But I recall enough of her campaign for the presidency to confess she left me unimpressed.

Replacing Harris for the 2024 race is no panacea. For obvious example, replace her with whom? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin might deserve consideration. Secretary Buttigieg is one of the most nimble-minded Democrats I can name. But Norfolk Southern has left egg on his face.

Bottom line: If Biden doesn't change running mates, perhaps Biden can at least change Harris' image, nurture public confidence in Harris as a capable, resourceful, competent exec. Unfortunately that's a task that may beyond both Biden & Harris combined.
Have to say that Buttigieg is among my favorites - part of me wanted to see him as the Democrat's candidate for POTUS last election but I'm also well aware that homophobia runs deep in America so it's safe to say that that he's pretty much unelectable. As Biden's running mate that might not be quite as big a deal but I can imagine the GOP saying "If anything happens to Biden do you want "one of them" to become President?"
What impressed me about Mayor Buttigieg campaigning for the Dem. pres. nom. was:
most candidates when asked a question they use it as an intro. to preface one of their prepared speeches.

Buttigieg conspicuously (to those that know to look for it) did much less of this than those he ran against. Secretary Buttigieg may have hit a rough patch lately. BUT !! by 2028 it'll be a distant & substantially immaterial memory.

"If Donald Trump was not already beyond the pale, his behaviour on 6 January 2021 made sure that he became so. He will not and cannot return for a second term." https://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-looks-set-shock-122509791.html

Ross Clark / Tue, March 14, 2023 at 8:25 AM EDT

"He will not and cannot return for a second term" based on what? Electoral improbability? Or statutory certitude?

"Trump, once widely seen as a grave threat to the world, has all but disappeared off our radars because we cannot conceive of how any decent human being could possibly vote for him following the manner of his departure from office last time around." Clark

Speak for yourself Clark. Current public opinion polls indicate there are many, perhaps millions that would vote for Trump if they could. Trump winning his party's nomination seems unlikely. Winning the general seems virtually impossible. BUT !! You over-state the case.
t-man !
An automobile recall, almost two dozen vehicles !
At first I thought you were kidding.

You're not kidding !
This deserves our attention.

Russia to try recovering downed US drone, as US vows to 'protect our equities'​

Russian fighter jet collided with US drone, and US says, 'We obviously don't want to see anybody getting their hands on it'​

Russia attacked this drone reportedly while it patrolled international airspace. US officials call it reckless Russian piloting. It seems to be skillful, if the Russian plane downed the US plane and returned to base. This deliberate collision seems to be Russia's way of cautioning the US about military cooperation with Ukraine. Incidents like this escalate wars.
Thanks R #207.

I agree, we don't need Russia being able to sort through our drone wreckage. But, meanwhile, here's a declassified image of the damaged drone propeller blade ("2"). It leaves me wondering what happened to the Russian aircraft that hit it. Do we know it returned to base safely?


ICC issues war crime arrest warrant for Putin​

Reporter: Putin could be arrested if he travels outside of Russia *

* So could former President GWB.

Sen. Mark Kelly flew with Russian pilots in the Navy and with NASA, and he said the Russian fighter jet running into a US drone shows 'how incompetent they are'​

Sarah Al-Arshani / Sun, March 19, 2023 at 11:50 AM EDT

mark kelly has a skeptical expression wearing a us navy bomber jacket

Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., Arizona Capitol in Phoenix, on Nov. 7, 2022.AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File
  • A US drone crashed after a Russian fighter jet clipped its propeller over the Black Sea last week.
Sen. Mark Kelly flew with Russian pilots as a US Navy combat pilot and as a NASA astronaut.
"I'm not surprised by this. I mean, I flew with Russian pilots, fighter pilots who couldn't fly formation. And I watched this video, and it's pretty obvious what happened. He lost sight of it, and he crashed into it," Kelly told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday.

Senator Kelly may be correct. Incompetence certainly could explain this. And incompetent Russian piloting is the favored explanation among administration officials.
Incompetence is not the only possible explanation, nor is it the most likely. It may also have been the Russian pilot demonstrated enough skill to cause a mid-air collision, downing the U.S. aircraft, while leaving the Russian aircraft sufficiently airworthy to return to base safely.
That doesn't mean it isn't risky, & reckless. But it may require pilot skills independent of the ability to fly formation, Kelly's example.

While either of these two would explain it,
it is axiomatic that it is imprudent to underestimate an enemy, as Kelly may have here.

We can hold Pilot / Astronaut / Senator Kelly (D-AZ) in highest esteem. Doing so does not rule out the possibility Kelly tilted toward insulting an enemy instead of veracity in time of War. Such motive is understandable particularly for a military officer. But the truth is more important.

And the truth may be, that Su-27 pilot may be a more skillful warrior than Vlad Putin, & perhaps even Kelly.
Associated Press

Prosecutors rest in sedition case against Proud Boys leaders​

MICHAEL KUNZELMAN / Mon, March 20, 2023 at 10:07 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal prosecutors on Monday rested their seditious conspiracy case against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four lieutenants charged with plotting to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.
Jurors will hear testimony by defense witnesses before they begin deliberating in one of the most serious cases to come out of the Justice Department’s massive investigation of the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

Ukrayinska Pravda

NATO considering deployment of up to 300,000 troops on border with Russia​

Ukrainska Pravda / Sat, March 18, 2023 at 10:46 PM EDT
NATO is discussing the need to strengthen the eastern borders with Russia by concentrating equipment and a military contingent of up to 300,000 soldiers, which should prevent Russia from expanding the war beyond Ukraine.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"?
After a collision between a US MQ-9 Reaper drone and two Russian Su-27 jets, US drones continue to fly over the Black Sea, but they have changed their routes, moving away from Crimea.
Source: CNN with reference to US officials
Details: According to CNN, the drone flights have remained in international airspace, but the US has moved its drone flights further away from airspace surrounding the Crimean peninsula and eastern portions of the Black Sea.
One of the US officials told CNN that the routes are part of an effort to avoid provocations, as the Biden administration remains careful to avoid an incident that could potentially escalate into a direct conflict between US and Russian forces.

It's good that President Biden is deliberate about avoiding providing Putin an excuse to escalate, and draw the U.S. into direct combat regarding Ukraine (or not).
But as described above, might the U.S. military accommodating Russia this way be interpreted by Putin / Kremlin as U.S. / Biden cowardice? An opportunity for further aggression against the U.S.?

Court Battles
Court rules Michigan school shooter’s parents can stand trial for manslaughter

In my opinion government's failure to hold irresponsible gun owners responsible for harm to humans resulting from leaving deadly weapons unsecured renders both negligent gun owners and negligent government mutually responsible for the carnage.
This news headline doesn't mean the problem is solved. But in the ongoing deluge of bad news, this is a glimmer of optimism.

Thanks, Obama! The hilarious reason why a judge just blocked Wyoming’s abortion ban.​

Republicans just got a painful reminder that political stunts can backfire.
By Ian Millhiser Mar 23, 2023, 4:20pm EDT

On Wednesday, a judge in the deep-red state of Wyoming temporarily blocked a state law that would make performing nearly any abortion in that state a felony. She relied on a 2012 amendment to the state constitution that was intended to spite then-President Barack Obama.

Many of these allegations were downright ludicrous, such as former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R) false claim that Obama’s health bill would require “my baby with Down Syndrome ... to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society’ whether they are worthy of health care.”

It remains to be seen whether the highest courts in these states, some of which are extremely conservative, will ultimately agree that these anti-Obamacare amendments prohibit abortion bans.


Hoist by their own petard.

Judge Beryl Howell rejected Trump's claim of executive privilege in an order issued last week and unsealed today reaffirming that executive privilege belongs to the Office of the President and extends solely to the sitting president. Consequently the umbrella that Trump had hoped to shield top aides with disappeared and the grand jury can move ahead to compel testimony from key witnesses and their detailed interactions with then President Donald Trump.

And how many more years will slip by before Trump is actually held accountable?

Any prosecutor that thinks Trump is punished by having charges against him pending may not know Trump's legal history.

I don't know why this has been allowed to drag on for so many years. And in the absence of any compelling reason, it appears to be sloth, indifference, as if presidential involvement in an insurrection doesn't deserve the prompt legal attention that parking tickets routinely receive.
Rightly so, BUT !!
They can't appeal until after a conviction. Right?
And there can't be a conviction until after a trial. Right?

When is any of that going to begin to happen?
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