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Why Waco?

Why is Donald Trump holding the first rally of his 2024 campaign in Waco, Texas, on Saturday?

S2 #221
iirc it was recently announced the 30th anniversary of this Clinton / Reno torture slaying - mass murder - genocide. Even so, did Trump connect the dot here?
Could it be the Trump campaign did a little bargain venue shopping, and Waco offered the lowest bid?
More likely because Texas is MAGA territory and Waco is central

I have noticed Trump's support seems concentrated in the South. Ironically, those same Southern Trump supporters might call other native New Yorkers "Daim Yankees". They're willing to overlook that in Trump's case.
Following a segment on Russia's Ukraine War, including interview with Evgenia Kara-Murza from the Free Russia Foundation PBS displayed the following graphic:


Reports vary wildly. This site reports : "only 63 were imprisoned" at U.S. federal level for marijuana law violation. source: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/whos-really-prison-marijuana

Forbes says "40,000 Americans Incarcerated For Marijuana Offenses". source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanol...-up-activists-said-this-week/?sh=4ceb9650c16f

The latter suggests though the U.S. War on marijuana at federal level applies in all 50 States, it's the individual States that are carrying the burden of incarcerating these citizen prisoners of Drug War.

Are U.S. prisoners of Drug War not political prisoners? They're criminals, because government says so. Right? So how is that different from Russia?

The major difference seems to be the U.S. is holding orders of magnitude more political prisoners than Russia, based on this Forbes / US Mission to the OSCE contrast.

This may not make Russia look any better. The U.S. cannot blame Russia, or Putin for this. It is the U.S. that disgraces itself “2.3 million of our fellow Americans behind bars — it’s the largest prison population on the face of the planet." source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...ny-people-are-in-prison-on-marijuana-charges/

Apparently these Drug War oppressors in the U.S. take no shame in such a large incarcerated population in the nation we memorialize in song as "the land of the free, and the home of the brave". Hypocrite much?
Re #221 & #223

Trump Sings a Song of Sedition

The January 6 jail anthem was a shocking addition to his repertoire. But our national attention span is so short that we’ve already moved on.
By Tom Nichols

At his rally in Waco this weekend, Donald Trump stood at attention as a choir of jailed January 6 rioters sang an anthem of sedition, and media outlets barely blinked.

Every Day, Every Medium​

Almost 30 years after a cult leader caused a disaster in Waco, Trump rallied his own political cult—and the location cannot be a coincidence—in that same Texas city. The Waco tent revival featured the usual Trumpian cast of grifters, carnies, and misfits, including the fan favorites Mike Lindell and Ted Nugent. Most of the former president’s speech was, of course, about himself and his many grievances, and the crowd reportedly began to thin out somewhat early.

And yet, in Waco—the first rally of Trump’s 2024 campaign—Trump proved he is still capable of doing shocking things that once would have been ...


Re #221 & #223

Trump Sings a Song of Sedition

And he's singing it off-key. BUT !! The good news is, that's a key that can get Trump in to prison.

S2 #230
This news is grim, to those that read it between the lines.
The real news flash here, a binary alarm:
- Either Florida Governor DeSantis is so out of touch with U.S. law he doesn't understand the limitations Posse Comitatus imposes. Or
- DeSantis does understand, but has found the Trump key to a $Billion $Dollars worth of free publicity. Just tell an outrageous lie, and let the press that opposes him elevate him to higher office.

If the latter, this may be in early stages.
Trump honed this skill to mesh with the 24 hr. news cycle. We'll soon know how well DeSantis has memorized the Trump playbook.

Author Haberman mentioned this:
"I don't think it's responsible to ignore it. I do think it's responsible to contextualize it."
... "It was incredibly cynical politics. ... We all thought we were fact-checking him [Trump] and in fact we were just spreading this further."


Get it together 4th Estate, or you'll end up putting Trump II (DeSantis) into office.
... I consider DeSantis to be a weak copy of Trump ...
In law enforcement it's known as "copy-cat".

I share your well-reasoned view, BUT !!

let's not overlook the fact that both of these egotistical miscreants are out for "number one", meaning themselves.
Both of them would trample the rights of others for perceived self-benefit.
As such, we can't be certain DeSantis won't do as bad or worse.

It's not easy to quantify such treachery. One way is by counting corpses. By that criterion, President GWB may be ahead of these other two.


BUT !!
That's not the only criterion. And for all GWB's manifold faults, I don't recall him ever being party to armed, bloody insurrection. Can DeSantis be far behind?

Russia's Navalny has mystery ailment which may be slow poisoning - spokeswoman​

Guy Faulconbridge, Andrew Osborn and Filipp Lebedev / Thu, April 13, 2023 at 3:51 AM EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) -Alexei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition politician, is grappling with severe stomach pain in jail that could be some sort of slow acting poison, his spokeswoman said on Thursday.
An ambulance was called for Navalny overnight on Friday to Saturday to the maximum security IK-6 penal colony at Melekhovo, about 250 km (115 miles) east of Moscow, where he is being held. Kira Yarmysh, his spokeswoman, told Reuters.
Navalny was suffering from severe stomach pain, she said, and could not eat the prison food provided to him because it was making his pain worse and since Monday has has been banned from buying alternative food.

"He doesn’t eat anything because he is prohibited from receiving parcels with food or to buy food in the prison store and the food that is provided by the prison to him actually worsens his stomach pain," Yarmysh said in English.
"His health is not a good condition," she said. "We can't rule out the idea that he is being poisoned, not in a huge dosage as before, but in small ones so that he doesn't die immediately but for him to suffer and to ruin his health."

What will Navalny martyrdom accomplish for the cause?

Wagner Group Leader calls on Putin to declare end of war​

Alona Mazurenko — Friday, 14 April 2023 Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group, asks the Russian authorities to declare the end of the war and concentrate on gaining a foothold in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Ukraine's President Zelenskyy is on record saying not only does he want Russia out of Ukraine, but also Crimea.

The result is even if Putin did accede there might yet be years of bloody battle as Russia and Ukraine contest the ground Russia has already scorched.

The GOP Is Making It Harder for College Students to Vote​

Ryan Teague Beckwith
Sat, April 15, 2023 at 7:00 AM EDT
(Bloomberg) -- Republican lawmakers are making it harder for students to cast ballots where they attend school, after the GOP suffered stinging recent electoral losses largely due to a historic surge in turnout from younger voters backing Democrats.
A new law in Idaho specifically bars the use of student identification cards to vote, while a change in Ohio law means students will no longer be able to use tuition or college housing receipts as a form of voter ID, long a popular option for students without state driver’s licenses.

Isn't this pretty much a confession?

The GOP hasn't put a Republican in the white house by popular vote in the new millennium.

They tried bloody insurrection to keep their loser in the white house. They failed at that too.

Now they're back to voter suppression. Do you suppose they might consider a political platform the People actually want ?! Instead of stifling opposition?
S2 #237

The electoral outcome was unexpected. The Republican palace coup d'état, not merely discriminates against the population majority, but usurps what was ruled a Constitutional right.
Elections have been held since. I'm not seeing much of a penalty exacted against Republicans for this.

I simply can't explain why. Maintaining the carnage in our classrooms is simply too high a priority for this "pro-life" Horde?
For 10 minutes I've been puzzling over how to phrase this #240 response, without having it seem a contradiction. I don't mean to contradict it. BUT:
Isn't the NRA bought & paid for by the GOP?

Can't both be true?
But then, being so circular (yin yang comes to mind) it identifies a relationship, if not an origin.

In any case, good example of why I'm so label-averse. Labels don't really mean much. "Conservatives"? So many of the headline-grabbers that claim conservatism are anything but. In my opinion, the GOP that earned a reputation for conservatism in generations past have abandoned, forfeited the noble principle.
Ironically they've left both the label, and the principle to the Democrats. Worth noting, the Republican's scorched-Earth approach has left the "conservative" label so unappealing the Dems. haven't touched it, even if they have earned it.

The upshot: if you want to vote conservative, vote Democrat.
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