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And another train derailment in Ohio ...

Another Norfolk Southern train derails in Ohio; railroad says no toxins aboard

By Brad Brooks

A Norfolk Southern (NSC.N) train derailed in Ohio on Saturday, the second such incident involving the railroad in that state in about a month, prompting local officials to order residents living near the accident site to shelter in place.

Norfolk Southern said the train that derailed near Springfield was not carrying hazardous materials and that no one was hurt. Local authorities said first responders on the scene were working to confirm that ...

The accusatory finger has been aimed at President Biden, "The Buck Stops Here".
But reportedly it was President Trump, not President Biden that reduced federal rail regulations.

Transportation secretary Buttigieg has been criticized by Republicans for alleged missteps including inappropriate HazMat response involving toxic vinyl chloride.

The question: is this perceived increase in commercial derailments a consequence of specific Biden administration action or policy? Or is it consistent with the long term frequency of transportation problems, which can cluster statistically, independent of federal rail standards?

additional perspective:
I'm not sure any of the regs Trump removed were considered causative here. Could be. But what little I've read of it looked more like partisan whining than actual cause and affect blame.

Mike Lindell’s Plan to Sue Kevin McCarthy Just Fell Apart​

Tue, March 7, 2023 at 12:36 PM EST
Late last month, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was busy working with staunchly pro-Trump lawyers on a plan to sue House speaker Kevin McCarthy. On Monday afternoon, the plan collapsed entirely, a “very disappointed” Lindell tells Rolling Stone.


What’s the future of the International Space Station?​

Moscow has announced its decision to withdraw from ISS after 2024.

The International Space Station (ISS) is seen as the final frontier of global cooperation after the Cold War.
American and Russian astronauts collaborated despite the challenges of their nations’ relationship here on Earth.

But even the ISS could not escape the tensions created by the war in Ukraine.
Russia says it will withdraw from the programme after 2024, and launch its own similar space station.
NASA called the announcement a surprise.

The report says:
"Russia says it will withdraw from the programme after 2024, and launch its own similar space station."

No it won't.
The reason NASA went international was the U.S. wasn't willing to pay the astronomical cost exclusively.
Russia has no realistic prospect of being able to operate let alone "launch its own similar space station." The Soviet Mir might have been an orbiting space station. Mir had nowhere near the capability the ISS has.

I suspect Putin is simply showing a temper tantrum here. He can't conquer Ukraine, so he does this instead. HOWEVER, it may also be Russia is so depleted both by War and by economic sanction that Russia simply can't afford ISS participation.

Either way, a news headline worth noting.
If he'd had any sort of reasonable sex ed this probably wouldn't be happening.

Lauren Boebert trashes sex-ed — then announces teen son is making her a “36-year-old grandmother”

“He said, ‘well didn’t you make granny a 36-year-old granny,’” she said. “I said, ‘yes I did'"


Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., announced that her 17-year-old son will be making her a "36-year-old grandmother" in April.

Boebert, who called to cut funding to schools that teach students comprehensive sex education at last week's CPAC, announced at a Moms for America event that her son Tyler and his girlfriend are expecting a baby boy.

Boebert during the announcement took at dig at LGBTQ Americans, saying that she and her husband are raising their four boys "to be men before liberals teach them to be women."

Boebert then revealed that "come April, I will be a Gigi to a brand new grandson."

"Now, any of you who have young children who are giving life, there's some questions that pop up. There's some fear that arises," Boebert said in a video posted by Patriot Takes.

Boebert said that when she approached her son and told him that he is making her a "36-year-old grandmother," he reminded her that she was a teen mother herself.

"He said, 'well didn't you make granny a 36-year-old granny,'" she said. "I said, 'yes I did.' He said, 'well then it's hereditary.'"

More Republican hypocrisy.
It suggests to me they have a serious comprehension gap that prevents them from making the cognitive connection between the lunatic policy they champion, and the results they themselves condemn.

It seems Republican political slogans don't actually have to make sense. "Make America Great Again" America had become ungreat by 2016?
"Boebert during the announcement took at dig at LGBTQ Americans, saying that she and her husband are raising their four boys "to be men before liberals teach them to be women."" S2 #188
"Teach them" to be women? Either I'm ignorant about LGBTQ, or they are.

My impression, correction / clarification eagerly invited, this topic is about synchronizing out of sync aspects. It's incomprehensible to me that so many of these people would actually undertake to turn this into a government issue. That's nothing short of alarming, a clear cut case of the "cure" being far far worse than the "disease".

I'm not trying to "rub your nose in it" S2. BUT !
The Holy Bible does have a finger in this pie. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I'm not demanding you immediately convert. But I'm not sure it makes sense to let pseudo-believers blind us to ancient wisdom. You're not the only one here that's not buying the pregnant virgin story.
Let's start with a bit of trivia - that particular quotation does not appear in any version of the bible before the 12th century.
It probably won't seem so to you. None the less I sincerely appreciate this insight, and further, have no reason to doubt your scholarship, or that of those that did this research on which you report here.

Technically 12th Century may not qualify as "ancient". BUT!
I don't recall having asserted it is ancient though it may well be, even if only introduced to "The Bible" many centuries later. BUT !
Chronology and validity are not synonyms.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

shall qualify as wisdom ancient or not, afaic my entire life, and quite likely beyond the time when / if the biologic is subordinated by the bionic in human evolution, premised on the notion that an increasing % of the human body is artificial. Extrapolate the trend.

an·cient 1 (ānshənt)
1. Of, relating to, or belonging to times long past, especially before the fall of the Western Roman Empire (AD 476): ancient cultures.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
The point is that the Bible has been altered any number of times - reality is we have no way to know. Did he even say this? Apparently there is a fifth century letter that says as much but it's not part of the bible.

As for what the bible originally said you have to understand that we don’t have the original manuscripts. What we have are copies of copies of copies of … you get the idea. In many cases the copyists didn’t even speak the language they were copying. And don’t forget the little matter of translations of translations of copies of translations ….

Fact is, there is something like 400,000 versions of the bible in existence today (that’s versions, not translations). The major religions can’t even agree on how many books there are in the bible. The Jews have 24 books, the Protestants 39, the Catholics 46, and the Eastern Orthodox have 51. So how can anyone possibly know that their bible is “the real deal”?

“The scholar John Mill, no apparent relation of the philosopher John Stuart Mill, published a Greek New Testament in 1707 that showed 30,000 different available readings from only 100 manuscripts at his disposal. He was accused of trying to destroy Christianity by pointing out the truth. … We now have over 57,000 different manuscripts available and contemporary scholars believe there are between 300,000 and 400,000 different versions of the New Testament. That is more different versions of the New Testament than there are words in it. Since we don’t have any original documents, or copies, or copies of the copies, etc., we have no idea which of these 400,000 variations is the perfect one. Bart Ehrman’s discussion of the problem of knowing what the Bible did originally say. Frankly, it boggles the mind that someone could imagine that if 400,000 different versions have come down to us that there could be one 'perfect' version.”
We know that at various times the church decided which books belonged in the bible so you’re depending on the “wisdom” of the men who made those decisions - and it’s safe to say that those decisions would be driven by a desire to see that the final product conformed to their personal orthodoxy.

For that matter, individual copyists have made changes to the text in order that their copy agreed with their individual orthodoxy.

It’s easy to point out some of those changes - everyone is familiar with the story of Jesus and the adulteress (“let he who is without sin …”). While it’s a great story with a worthwhile moral it doesn’t appear in any version of the bible before the 12th century. By the same token - in the oldest bibles in our possession, the Gospel according to Mark ended with Mark 16:8. Everything after that (9–20) was added at a later date, probably so that it would agree with Matthew (which was apparently copied, in large part, from Mark).


So tell us why you’d think that the bible hasn’t been altered (intentionally or accidentally) over the centuries since it was first compiled.
The point is that the Bible has been altered any number of times - reality is we have no way to know. Did he even say this? ...
So tell us why you’d think that the bible hasn’t been altered (intentionally or accidentally) over the centuries since it was first compiled.
My #193 isn't to refute you, but to express my opinion that your #192 is reflexive atheist / agnostic advocacy. That's fine. It's surely not unwelcome here. BUT !!

You're persuasively undermining a point I have not made. First if I may join your chorus, I've posted the following quotation many many times:
"These [Biblical] books existed in the oral tradition for hundreds of thousands of years. They finally wrote them down in aramaic, later translated into Greek, & then Latin, and finally English, hundreds and hundreds of revisions: and this is supposed to be absolute direct word of God. ... Jesus said love your enemies, Rush Limbaugh heard kill the fags." actor John Fugelsang
So your point is my point.
But the relevant point here, the point your conviction seems to have blinded you to: I mentioned "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and the Holy Bible NOT on the basis of authority, as if it MUST be true because the Holy Bible says so. If you think I think that then you take me for a fool.

Instead, I cite this quotation with Biblical source reference not on basis of authority, but on basis of v a l i d i t y , of utility.
I'm a disciple of psychologist Joy Browne, a consummate pragmatist. "Ideas are not for believing. Ideas are for using." psychologist Joy Browne

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
is an eloquent way to rhetorically dope-slap hypocrites. I won't attempt to state your position on rhetorically dope-slapping hypocrites here. But I suspect I cringe as much as you do when I read of an anti-gay legislator whose son is gay.

There's an anecdote about Chairman Mao being seated next to a Western dignitary, who asked Mao what he thought of Western civilization. According to the anecdote Mao shrugged and said: "Worth a try." I feel the same way about Liberty. Heed this well pseudo-cons. Karma is a ruthless adversary, when you empower it to be.
Sppse I could put this under "Cops behaving badly" but she's retired so it's not an exact fit

Former NYPD officer convicted for her role in Jan. 6 assault on Capitol Hill

By Leonard Greene

A retired NYPD officer, seen shaking a tambourine and shouting “I’m a f-----g animal,” during the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill in 2021, was convicted of felony and misdemeanor charges for her role in the armed breach.

Jurors in federal court in Washington D.C. found Sara Carpenter, 53, of Richmond Hill, Queens, guilty on Thursday of civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, both felonies, and five misdemeanors after joining a violent mob of Donald Trump supporters who ...

from #195 / Leonard Greene

Former NYPD officer convicted

A retired NYPD officer, seen shaking a tambourine and shouting “I’m a f-----g animal,” during the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill in 2021, ... joining a violent mob of Donald Trump supporters who ...
To some this might seem a trivial perhaps de minimus infraction. Sasso offers an alternate perspective.
"Nicholas Dempsey stood in front of gallows and said members of Congress should all hang. They — a lot of people there were explicitly there to commit violence. And even though a vast majority of the people who were part of the violence that day did not engage in, let's say, hand-to-hand violence or did not destroy the Capitol or did not do any act of violence, the truth is that those who committed those horrible acts would not have succeeded if it weren't for the numbers of people who were there to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
And that is an insurrection." Former January 6th committee Investigative Counsel James Sasso 23/03/07 PBS NewsHour
The "Norfolk Southern" graph line begins to surge in 2018, during the Trump administration. Therefore Trump administration policy obviously precipitated Norfolk Southern's degraded accident rate. Right?
Not so slow.
If executive rail policy, or Republican political leadership were responsible for this statistical rise from 2.3 to 3.8 accident rate then it would be reflected in the "Industrywide" graph line. It reflects an increase, but a fraction of the increase at Norfolk So.

The graph in #197 tells a story. It doesn't tell the whole story, & may provide more questions than answers. Either way it raises an important question. Is there a cause-&-affect of federal rail policy that needs federal & or legislative attention?
The mangled wreckage in East Palestine, Ohio answers that question.
The real question is why they don't want her to be his running mate. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's a woman (and black) could it?
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