Election 2024

rollingstone.com #180
Some may not know, it's not merely Trump's suggestion such thing might begin. It already has, in part the reason the Trump trial jurors have been advised to not disclose their role in Trump's trial (for reason of their own safety).
"Trump kicked off his 2024 campaign by promising retribution. But last night he took a very different tone." CBS Late Show / Colbert
"I'm not gunna have time for retribution. We're gunna make this country so successful again, I'm not gunna have time for retribution. And, and remember this. Our ultimate retribution is success." Trump on FOX News Democracy '24 Iowa Town Hall television
In Trump's previous election cycle, the following was his commitment on time availability:
“I'm gunna be workin' for you. I'm not gunna have time to go play golf.” GOP pres. cand. Trump “8/2/16”



Retired conservative federal judge urges Supreme Court to disqualify Trump from office​

Devan Cole, CNN / Mon, January 29, 2024 at 5:42 PM EST
A former conservative federal appellate judge is urging the Supreme Court to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, arguing the ex-president’s effort to cling to power after his 2020 election loss was “broader” than South Carolina’s secession from the US that triggered the Civil War.
“Mr. Trump tried to prevent the newly-elected President Biden from governing anywhere in the United States. The South Carolina secession prevented the newly-elected President Lincoln from governing only in that State,” J. Michael Luttig, a former judge on the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals, told the justices in a friend-of-the-court brief filed Monday.
“Trump incited, and therefore engaged in, an armed insurrection against the Constitution’s express and foundational mandates that require the peaceful transfer of executive power to a newly-elected President,” the brief said. “In doing so, Mr. Trump disqualified himself under Section 3 (of the Constitution).”

Meanwhile not much press buzz on how SCOTUS may rule on Trump, if at all. Guessing wildly, SCOTUS will not do as Cole urges here.
Meanwhile not much press buzz on how SCOTUS may rule on Trump, if at all. Guessing wildly, SCOTUS will not do as Cole urges here.

I'd be very surprised if SCOTUS' decision isn't going to be based on politics rather than the Constitution or law.
I'd be very surprised if SCOTUS' decision isn't going to be based on politics rather than the Constitution or law.
TBD, just how flagrant are the SCOTUS five prepared to be?
Even partisan jurists might take a feeble stab at a judicial fig-leaf. Meaning, still producing the political outcome they desire (5:4), but bearing the superficial appearance of plausible (rather than actual) judicial legitimacy. - OR -
They can simply gun it, like a vast cattle herd stampeding over snails.
So far all she's done is encourage people to vote - no comments re who to vote for - just vote. But the MAGA crowd is busy changing their underwear as a result ...

Trump Allies Pledge ‘Holy War’ Against Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift hasn’t even endorsed Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign, but Trump is already privately grousing he’s “more popular” than her

Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift hasn’t even endorsed President Joe Biden for reelection yet. That hasn’t stopped members of MAGAland’s upper crust from plotting to declare — as one source close to Donald Trump calls it — a “holy war” on the pop mega-star, especially if she ends up publicly backing the Democrats in the 2024 election.

According to three people familiar with the matter, Trump loyalists working on or close to the former president’s campaign, longtime Trump allies in right-wing media, and an array of outside advisers to the ex-president have long taken it as a given that Swift will eventually ...

"So far all she's done is encourage people to vote -" S2 #186
As a current events BBS administrator I can understand why Swift, a talented international performer, attractive, young, self-made $Billionaire would support the institutions that support her.
Equally understandable, why a treacherous, bloated, conniving has-been would perceive Swift's appeal for democracy as threatening. Is this "holy war" blow-back not tantamount to a confession of guilt?

What more information do November's voters need?
#186 & #187
Sean Hannity on Tuesday tried to lure Taylor Swift to the Republican side by listing what he said were “lies” about the GOP. But it didn’t go well at all. (Watch the video at the link below.)
The Fox News host piled on to rightwing hysteria over the Biden campaign reportedly wanting the pop idol’s endorsement, and that has included wildconspiracy theories.
But Hannity made a misguided effort to make her think twice about aligning with Team Biden, which she did in 2020.


I did not recall Swift endorsing Biden in 2020, but can more easily understand Trump's concern in that context.
Other similarities include a hole in the head.

Dissimilarity: whale blubber is on the INside.
I admire that degree of dedication. Bradley Cooper gained 40 lbs for his role in American Sniper.
The hero pictured above can obviously carry more combat gear. "Hero", you are what you eat?
"Just a reminder ...." #193
I don't know of a national (federal) U.S. standard for ballot configuration. New York State used lever machines for half a century.
Upgrades to vote machines by Diebold were considered, but didn't offer an audit trail (precluding hanging chad ... Florida / Bush v. Gore).
So the New York State upgrade from lever machines is paper ballots.

Are we due for a 3rd millennium upgrade, to a national standard? Integrating biometric voter identity verification? Or is the current mêlée "good enough"?

Haley vows to stay in race following embarrassing Nevada defeat​

By Susan Heavey and Gram Slattery / February 7, 202411:00 AM GMT-5 Updated
Feb 7 (Reuters) - Nikki Haley's presidential campaign on Wednesday brushed off her mortifying defeat in Nevada's primary and said the former United Nations ambassador would press ahead with her long-shot challenge to former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Haley lost Nevada's Republican primary handily on Tuesday even though she was the only candidate listed on the ballot. She secured just 31% in the contest, well behind the 63% of the ballots cast for "none of these candidates," according to Nevada election officials.

I'm all for democracy, rah rah.
And "abstain" a word in the dictionary long before I was born. From the above excerpt:
63% of the ballots cast for "none of these candidates"
Grow up Nevada! Perfection isn't a candidate this election cycle. Has it occurred to you your apathy, your political dissatisfaction in this primary is likely to have resulted from your prior political apathy?

When you don't vote for the candidate you prefer, what do you suppose the chance is the candidate you like least will instead be elected.

GROW UP Nevada !
Pundits smirked when Trump confused Haley and Pelosi. Now Biden lapses on classified documents are worse. Maybe "none of these candidates" is the best choice.
"Now Biden lapses on classified documents are worse." t #196
You've got me wondering.
Trump reportedly wants to debate Biden. Usually the candidate that's trailing in the polls wants that additional exposure.
Is Biden avoiding Trump, for fear of getting caught publicly in a mental lapse?