Election 2024

"Given the current makeup of SCOTUS it's not clear if they'll rule based on law or based on politics." #140
I consider it among the most horrific, consequential blunders by Obama during his presidential tenure, to fail to call Majority Leader McConnell's [R-KY] bluff, and increase the headcount at SCOTUS to restore the balance that would have prevailed had McConnell not stonewalled Obama's SCOTUS appointment.
Didn't majority leader McConnell dismiss minority critics by saying: "Elections have consequences."
Repealing Roe is an obvious example. But it appears authoritarian injustice will be spewing forth from this court for many years to come.
ht tps://justfacts.votesmart.org/about/

t #142
Snopes has established itself as a tool for slicing through the clutter (clatter). The obvious issue, who will police the police?
The New York Times, "a newspaper of record" famously prints errors, and prints clarifications, corrections. NYT has a journalistic reputation to uphold, so in a sense by defending the truth, it defends itself.

May be too early to know where votesmart fits into the long term U.S. political mêlée.

Worth a shot.
Thanks for the heads up t #142.

My reservation about its prospect for success is, here to fore Democrats & Republicans might have differed on points of detail about how to maximize prospects for our mutual future in the United States.
What has changed, insurrection is not about optimizing our republic. Insurrection is about terminating it.

This raises fundamental questions about the viability, utility of fact-checking.
I'm sure you'll find Open Secrets interesting

"I'm sure you'll find Open Secrets interesting" S2 #144
It is reassuring to know I'm not the only rational mind in the solar system. - BUT -
I'm not naïve enough to believe os.org is a solution.

Soon (if not already) MAGA will have a counter, and truth & lies will swirl as the yin-hang does.

I seem to retain a fundamental inability to relate to those for whom truth is immaterial. Thanks for the link. I'm on my way ...
Amazing that people can be this stupid
Only US citizens who are registered to vote may do so but that doesn't stop the Trumpists from claiming that the border is open so those (non-existent) illegal immigrants can vote for the Democrats.
The MAGA tune is predictable, familiar.
- The economy is a disaster (despite the fact that the U.S. has recovered much better than the E.U. etc)
- The border is a disaster (though all that much worse than it was during Trump's 4 years? How's the wall coming D.J.?)
- Biden is dreadful ...
"Nobody knows the system better than me." "Which is why I alone can fix it." presidential candidate Trump 16/07/21 from the campaign podium



The march towards fascism continues. Stefanik is saying that if the GOP holds the House, they’ll install their candidate in the White House regardless of who wins the Presidential election. Don’t get numb to this! This is really fucking wrong and really fucking dangerous. It is vitally important to make sure the GOP loses *at every level* in 2024 if we are to have any hope of solving problems democratically in the future.

Original article here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/20...t-certifying-2024-election-results-rcna132700
Not sure where this belongs but because she's a candidate for the Republican ticket this seems to work

Haley and Trump wave the flag for the Lost Cause

It's not an accident that Republicans have such a hard time denouncing slavery.​


Republicans have trouble talking about the Civil War without sounding both confused and racist. Former South Carolina governor and current presidential candidate Nikki Haley demonstrated this axiom once again during a recent town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, when a prospective voter asked her, "What was the cause of the United States Civil War?"

Rather than responding with the correct answer — slavery — Haley fumbled into a word salad.

"I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms, and what people could and couldn't do … I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. Government doesn’t need to ...

"I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people." NB #152
"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits." Thomas Jefferson

You ought to know T.J.

note: The irony of the Ambassador Haley [R] stumble on the slavery issue is notable for the fact that she's a Republican, "the party of Lincoln".
That alone might get more "ink" if not more alarming fact that Trump remains the front-runner, and the potential end of our Constitutional republic if Trump obtains a 2nd term, by electoral college, or other means. September 11, 2001 got public attention, but those terror attacks didn't seem to be a substantial threat to the Republic.

Donald Trump is.
Given the broad variability within humanity, we ought not be surprised that there is one out of 8 billion with Trump's conspicuous character deficiencies.

What so severely compounds this unprecedented astonishment is that Trump continues to lead in the polls. Therefore what?

Therefore, it's not merely one circus freak out of 8 billion solar-system population. There are millions of them out there, carrying guns, driving cars, raising children, and voting.
The "Vision" of Governor DeSantis [R-FL]
consequence of the policy DeSantis intends to inflict on the entire nation:

Tampa, Florida — Raquel Lopez Aguilar — a Mexican father of two who is in the country illegally — was working as a roofer in the Tampa area until he was charged with smuggling under Florida's controversial new immigration law.

"I think that it will be difficult to prove the human smuggling aspect of this case," Mark Arias, an attorney for Aguilar, told reporters. "This is a brand new law."

Aguilar is facing four felony counts for driving a group of roofers in a work van from a job in Georgia, along with a misdemeanor count of driving without a valid license.

The new sweeping immigration legislation, signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May of 2022, prohibits anyone from transporting illegal immigrants into the state.

Among other restrictions, the law imposes penalties on Florida businesses that hire undocumented immigrants, and requires a citizenship question on patient forms for hospitals that accept Medicare. Under the law, Florida also no longer recognizes drivers' licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states.

"This is the strongest legislation against illegal immigration anywhere in the country," DeSantis said at the time of the signing.

But after Hurricane Idalia devastated parts of the state in August, some businesses say the law created a worker shortage, slowing Florida's recovery.

Rogelio Rauda, an undocumented worker from Honduras doing construction in Crystal River, Florida, says only eight workers he knows came to the disaster zone out of the hundreds he says typically show up.


From the article excerpt above: "Under the law, Florida also no longer recognizes drivers' licenses issued to undocumented immigrants from other states."

From the United States Constitution: ARTICLE 4. SECTION 2.
1 The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
The poll by the Angus Reid Institute found that 64 percent of Canadians strongly agreed or agreed that U.S. democracy would not survive four more years with Trump in the White House.
Or to put it another way, if Trump returns to the White House the history books will simply say that "America was a nice experiment while it lasted".