Election 2024

The inmates are overtaking the asylum.
Lenny as Spock #220
Oh no he dittn.
I'm enough of a Trekie to believe Spock didn't say that. But it seems reminiscent of brief gems Nimoy did deliver.

She is yours.
After a time, you may find that having
is not so pleasing a thing after all, as wanting.
It is not logical, but it is often true.

Spock here. Stand by to beam up." Leonard Nimoy as "Spock"experiencing Pohn Fahr (time of mating) in episode Amok Time

- or -

"If I seem insensitive to what you're going through Captain, understand,it's the way I am." Spock to Kirk

"We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis." Leonard Nimoy / Mr. Spock: Mark of Gideon

"Diplomats and bureaucrats may function differently. But they achieve exactly the same results." Leonard Nimoy / Mr. Spock: Mark of Gideon

Leonard Nimoy looks quite fetching with his color-coordinated eye shadow. Just another stylish Vulcan.


Leonard Nimoy in the role of "Holt" a crooked drifter in the series Gunsmoke.
"But ... But ... But ... he was only an honorary member" S2 #222

"cross lighting ceremony" #222
That sounds nice. "Lighting" is so much more benevolent and ecumenical than cross "burning".

I gather "honorary" is supposed to make McClan seem less clanish.
The question is, whatever votes he may gain by adding "honorary" lose him a commensurate amount of votes from his fellow clansmen. Who wants to vote for a half-stepping radical?
Did anyone expect this Supreme Court to rule any differently?

"Supreme Court Rules Unanimously That States Can’t Kick Trump Off Ballot" #224

[ramble] a) Unanimous?! - the world has ended -
b) Seems like a superb if terrifying example, "half-right" can be a synonym for all wrong.
c) The 14th Amendment is FEDERAL. Even if States shouldn't have to enforce federal law, are States not obliged to not violate federal law?

The Constitutional wording at issue:
ARTICLE#14, SECTION3: Ratified July 9, 1868
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But ...

The Constitutional wording: "shall have engaged in insurrection". The Constitutional requirement does not include impeachment, or conviction, merely participation. And Trump's inciting to riot was on camera.

So if you'll pardon me for unsplitting some hairs SCOTUS has fractured:

States shouldn't "kick Trump off the ballot", for Trump should never have been on the ballot after Jan 6 anyway. And it's not an issue unique to Colorado. Trump's self-inflicted ineligibility applies equally in any U.S. presidential election district.

Too soon to know how the electoral college factors here.
Super Tuesday: Trump sweep all but Vermont. Ambassador Haley expected to announce a suspension of her campaign this AM.
Haley has suspended her campaign, the wording that indicates she retains her delegates. Trump responds:

In the leadup to the election the GOP are already starting to eat their own


...and if people think that Republicans wouldn't hold absolutely true to their threats to enact mass firings of anyone not 'loyal' to Trump and the christofascist agenda. They've bragged people will be removed from government. And then they start really going after citizens they already hate. Do not let this happen!



Britt says Mike Johnson told her ‘it will be fine’ ahead of SOTU response


Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) said Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) reassured her that everything “will be fine” before she delivered the State of the Union response last week that has since been ridiculed online.

Britt spoke with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on his latest podcast episode that aired Wednesday, discussing her experience with preparing for the rebuttal and the scrutiny that immediately followed it. She said Johnson had called her to ask if she could deliver the response, telling her she had nothing to worry about.

“And the funny thing is he’s like, you know, ‘Don’t worry about, you know, people are going to tell you horror stories about all of these things that happen and people’s career being blown up over it,’ and he’s like, ‘It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine,’” she said.

“And he was … so kind and just and really welcoming. And you know, I think it was a great conversation. But the irony that he’s like, ‘Don’t you worry,'” she added.

She also said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called her before Johnson did to ask if she could deliver the rebuttal. She described being asked as an “out of body experience,” but asked McConnell if ...

The King of the Grifters

As many as three nights a week, Donald J. Trump has been hosting private dinners at Mar-a-Lago, schmoozing with some of the Republican Party’s biggest financiers as he races to address a sizable cash shortfall against President Biden. Despite years of professing massive wealth and boasting of his desire to “drain the swamp,” the deeply transactional former president is leaning yet again on the cash of others, turning Mar-a-Lago into a staging ground for billionaires.

A potential leverage point with the biggest G.O.P. financiers is the package of tax cuts Mr. Trump signed into law in 2017. Many of those cuts expire at the end of 2025, and Mr. Biden has vowed not to extend them for the nation’s highest earners.

King of the Grifters tRump is preparing to face an especially large avalanche of Democratic spending this year. Just a single union this week announced plans to spend $200 million, ten times what the main super PAC had on hand.

"King of the Grifters tRump is preparing to face an especially large avalanche of Democratic spending this year. Just a single union this week announced plans to spend $200 million, ten times what the main super PAC had on hand." #235
Elon could hawk up twice what Trump $owes without breaking a sweat.
So could Putin, via the oligarchs.

Something funny is going on here.

Trump Claims 2024 Will Be Rigged, Putting Republican Turnout at Risk​

Stolen-election claims draw cheers at campaign rallies, but muddle party’s get-out-the-vote effort​

By Mariah Timms / March 20, 2024 5:00 am ET
After making years of unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him, Donald Trump is dialing up warnings that there could be an even bigger theft this time around, a tactic that threatens to complicate Republican turnout efforts.
“Too Big to Rig.” That is the phrase Trump began unveiling in recent weeks, including in an appearance in Greensboro, N.C. His campaign also has printed signs with the slogan to hand out to supporters. The idea behind the pitch is this: Trump needs a lead so large that no one can take it away.

With Trump now facing dozens of criminal charges as he pursues a second term, some Christian media are bolstering his support by portraying him as an instrument of God's will who faces persecution by his foes.

'God gave us Trump': Christian media evangelicals preach a messianic message​


'God gave us Trump' #238

"Beware the divine imprimatur." my pappy

'God gave us Trump' #238

Any idea where Biden came from?
Both god AND the People gave us Biden, not in a lost vote that the electoral college overruled. Biden won BOTH the election, AND the vote.

'God gave us Trump' #238

Do you suppose she regrets it? As much as the rational-minded among us?

Biden Is Building a ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election

Trump and his MAGA allies have been working for years to pre-rig the 2024 election. Here’s how Team Biden is planning to fight them

For years, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that if he doesn’t win the 2024 presidential election, he is willing to cheat and steal it. Since President Joe Biden’s inaugural address, according to sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, Biden and his inner circle have been drawing up meticulous plans and creating a large legal network focused on wargaming a close election finish, in which the former president and Republican Party launch a scorched-earth, Big Liefueled crusade.

Long before Trump began leading in battleground-state polling — and years before he was a declared 2024 candidate — the ex-president and many of his influential allies were already busy plotting ways to tilt the election in his favor. These yearslong efforts, conducted both secretly and out in the open, have already yielded tangible results for Trump and the conservative election denier movement. These wide-ranging operations have alarmed the Democratic Party elite, who aren’t just worried about ...
