Election 2024

years of being silenced
a new congressional district
It's a political hot-potato.
After legislators try & fail, the judiciary has been given a shot at it. Neither works reliably well.

Any software to automate the process would impose the will of the software engineers.

Perhaps we should all just vote for Trump, and get it over with.

ger·ry·man·der (jĕrē-măn′dər, gĕr-)
tr.v. ger·ry·man·dered, ger·ry·man·der·ing, ger·ry·man·ders
To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage in elections.
1. The act, process, or an instance of gerrymandering.
2. A district or configuration of districts whose boundaries are very irregular due to gerrymandering.

[After Elbridge Gerry + (SALA)MANDER (from the shape of an election district created while Gerry was governor of Massachusetts).]

Word History: In 1812, as governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry signed a bill authorizing the revision of voting districts in his state. Members of Gerry's party redrew them in order to secure their representation in the state senate, and out of Gerry's home county, Essex County, they carved an unlikely-looking district with the shape of a salamander. According to one version of the coining of gerrymander, the shape of the district attracted the eye of the painter Gilbert Stuart, who noticed it on a map in a newspaper editor's office. Stuart decorated the outline of the district with a head, wings, and claws and then said to the editor, "That will do for a salamander!" "Gerrymander!" came the reply. The image created by Stuart first appeared in the March 26, 1812, edition of the Boston Gazette, where it was accompanied by the following title: The Gerrymander. A New Species of Monster, which appeared in the Essex South District in Jan. 1812. The new word gerrymander caught on instantly—within the same year gerrymander is also recorded as a verb. (Gerry's name, incidentally, was pronounced with a hard (g) sound, although the word which has immortalized him is now commonly pronounced with a soft (j) sound.) Gerry ran for reelection in 1812, and popular outrage directed at the flagrant use of the technique we now call gerrymandering doubtless played a role in his defeat.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by Harper Collins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"Pick your poison".
Even if we attribute the best of intentions to the status quo, we're also aware of the problem.



Not trying to be gratuitously flattering to those in the Texas panhandle (has a macho ring to it)
but might a simple orthogonal matrix as counties in the panhandle help us save us from ourselves?

Obviously due to population density variations grid size would vary, while maintaining simple right-angle geometry.
Not perfect.
Either system has its drawbacks.
But this is so much more logical


Pennsylvania’s 7th congressional district, drawn to help Republicans maintain a political edge

from jokes on the web:
I googled “Rorschach test.”
All I got were pictures of my parents fighting.

On a more seriouser note:
Discrimination that precise requires equally precise records. Based on what? Party registration? "The Devil's in the details."

P.U. !
"Don't say you weren't warned." MH #266
Thanks MH.
Warning me would be sufficient IF I was the only registered voter.
I'm not.
I do not find your warning all that reassuring. SO ladies & gents, prepare to "Make America Great Again" again.
"Kari Lake" #268
I sincerely do not know if the hallucinigentsia comprehend reality, and fictionalizes for Machiavellian affect.
- Trump
- Kari Lake of Arizona, the list goes on
and on ...

And Ms. Lake, if what little porn I've seen is correct, you're holding that device upside down.
What's at stake this November?

What “Project 2025” Would Do to America

The Right has developed concrete plans to make America into a much nastier place for anyone who dares to deviate from the white Christian patriarchal order. That’s what is on the ballot in November


What would a second Trump presidency look like? What happens if the Reactionary Right returns to power?

Over the past few months, different factions on the Right have presented detailed plans for what they want to do the next time they get back to the White House. Among them, “Project 2025,” launched in April 2022 under the leadership of the Heritage Foundation, stands out because it unites much of the conservative movement and the machine of think tanks as well as activist and lobbying groups behind the goal of installing a more effective, more ruthless rightwing regime.

Last week, in Part I of my deep dive into “Project 2025,” I examined the worldview of the people behind these plans They see themselves as noble defenders of “real America” against a totalitarian “woke,” “globalist” assault. “Project 2025” is their declaration of war on ....



Should Kamala Harris step aside as Joe Biden's running mate?​

To the editor:
If Vice President Kamala Harris wants to go down in history as a woman of integrity and wisdom, the first step is for her to let President Biden know that she is withdrawing as his running mate. ("The abortion debate is giving Kamala Harris a moment. But voters still aren’t sold," April 16)
This will give Biden a chance to select his possible successor, and Harris is not that person.
She would be hailed as a hero to this country. Every loyal American would forever be grateful to her for her sacrifice. She must put her country first by withdrawing from the Democratic ticket.
Jesse Guevara, Pico Rivera

To the editor:
I found the article on Harris' lack of popularity disturbing.
Harris was an outstanding attorney general for California and served as one of California's U.S. senators. By election day, she will have served almost four years as Biden's right-hand woman.
I daresay her low popularity shows race- or gender-based prejudice.
Vice presidents normally work as part of a team rather than accomplishing grand projects themselves. This woman is intelligent, experienced and energetic.
Not only am I confident in voting for Biden-Harris, but God help us if the country doesn't reelect them. As president, Donald Trump messed up in Afghanistan, denied climate change, canceled the Iran nuclear deal and provoked an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
Lynne Shapiro, Marina del Rey

To the editor:
Trump's voters are passionate. Democrats cannot afford to put forth another ticket that inspires ambivalent voters to stay home, as they did in 2016.
This is no time for partisanship; it’s time for prudent sanity across the political spectrum.
A Biden-Liz Cheney ticket could not be defeated. Having the former Wyoming representative run with Biden could pull away a decisive share of Republican votes from former President Trump.
We can re-sort the partisan structure after our crisis has passed, but having a Democrat and a Republican on the same ticket would not be Earth-shattering. Our Constitution originally gave the presidency to the highest electoral vote winner and the vice presidency to the runner-up, effectively making them from disparate political parties.
Mark Robbins, Ojai

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. https://news.yahoo.com/letters-editor-kamala-harris-step-100038429.html

Mr. Robbins:
However appealing you imagine a Biden / Cheney Democrat ticket to be this November, Cheney is enough of a Republican to find serving as Biden [D-DE] VP, and doing the bidding of the senior Democrat insufferable.

Democrats such as Susan Rice might be more appealing replacements for Biden in the event of in-term succession.

But Biden isn't likely to suggest his VP retire, and Harris doesn't seem likely to do so voluntarily.
- and -
Liz recently in the news:

Liz Cheney​

It cannot be that a president of the United States can attempt to steal an election and seize power but our justice system is incapable of bringing him to trial before the next election four years later,” Cheney wrote. <span class=copyright>AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File</span>

Urges Supreme Court To Reject Trump's Delay Tactics In Scathing Op-Ed​

Nick Visser / Updated Tue, April 23, 2024 at 7:24 AM EDT
Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) urged the Supreme Court to reject former President Donald Trump’s claims of absolute immunity from prosecution when it hears arguments on the matter Thursday, saying his efforts to delay and dodge standing trial risk breaking American institutions of law and order.

The lawmaker stressed the work of the Jan. 6 House select committee, which released in 2022 a scathing report of Trump’s behavior, relied on testimony from dozens of Republicans who worked in the White House.

The New Republic

Cassidy Hutchinson Could Be Latest Major Republican Defection​

Hafiz Rashid / Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:56 AM EDT


Donald Trump’s former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson could leave the Republican Party behind and vote for Joe Biden in November.
Hutchinson made the comment during an event at Colorado Mesa University on Tuesday. Video posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday shows Hutchinson addressing the crowd.
“I’ve never voted for a Democrat in my life, but I would absolutely consider voting for Joe Biden this upcoming November because he will not seek to destroy our nation. He will not seek to destroy our Constitution,” she said.

Nostalgic lament from an old man, sear:
Generations ago political back-dealing metaphorically if not literally took place in "smoke-filled rooms" (cigar smoke mostly), out of view of the public eye.
Individual Republican voters have gotten out in front of this below-the-radar political tradition of political insider power consolidation. That might seem a magnificent leap forward, a spectacular win for the democratic process, at individual citizen / voter level.

The merits & demerits of electoral self-determination can be debated. But this outcome, former President Trump securing the Republican nomination for 2024 presidential candidate provides ample room for question & criticism.
The "Republican defection" of former Trump administration aide Hutchinson might comfort the Democrats. But it's an anecdote, transcendently insufficient to spare the solar system a second 4 year Trump term.

The Hill

Former Trump White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci: ‘Nobody wants Biden to win more than me’​

Tara Suter / Thu, May 9, 2024 at 8:03 PM EDT
“Nobody wants Biden to win more than me and I am including [former first lady Melania Trump],” Scaramucci said in a post on the social platform X.
Scaramucci, who briefly served as White House communications director under former President Trump, has now become a frequent critic of his ex-boss. In March, he said Trump is the “most un-American presidential nominee in U.S. history.”

Is there much precedent for this?
A varying % of the U.S. electorate are swing voters. We might expect a smaller % of either party's white house staff to flip-flop.
But those openly opposed to a Trump 2nd term include former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney (R-UT), and now these white house / Trump administration staffers.

Some sensible questions are raised here. For example, they may seem to be on the right side of it now. What's their excuse for back then? They only recently realized?

Election 2024 & beyond​

The Hill

Cruz says he’ll decide on 2028 presidential run ‘down the road’​

Lauren Sforza / Mon, May 13, 2024 at 1:02 PM EDT

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) ... was asked in an interview with Fox News Digital about whether he would consider running for president again in the future.
“Well, listen, that, that’s a decision that will be made down the road,” Cruz said in the interview. “I can tell you right now 100 percent of my time and energy is focused on 2024. I’m in a very serious fight in 2024. We need to win the presidency in 2024. I’m supporting Donald Trump.”

Cruz was first sworn in to the Senate in 2013. He announced in 2015 that he was running for the White House in 2016, and frequently clashed with Trump on the campaign trail.
Trump hurled insults at Cruz and his family throughout that first campaign, nicknaming him “Lyin’ Ted,” insulting his wife’s appearance and accusing Cruz’s father of helping to assassinate former President Kennedy.

"What the hill !" indeed sear.
Vladeck said. “Today’s ruling only compounds that critique, because it expressly applies it more than five months before an election without any explanation for why. That will make Purcell both broader and more malleable in lower courts going forward.” #276

"Kick the can down the road"?
The Independent

Republicans who have signaled they won’t accept 2024 election results​

Joe Sommerlad and John Bowden / Thu, May 23, 2024 at 2:32 PM EDT

Names listed include:
Ted Cruz
Elise Stefanik
Byron Donalds
Tim Scott
Doug Burgum
Marco Rubio

Elise Stefanik rumored to be on Trump's VP "short list".

Want more?
No. Me either. BUT !!

  • World· NBC News

    Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

    U.S. officials are bracing for Pyongyang to take military actions close to the U.S. presidential election, possibly at the urging of Vladimir Putin.
  • There's evidence Putin interfered in the 2016 election result, interference against Hillary Clinton, to benefit Donald Trump. We may not know if Russia's interference determined the U.S. presidential election outcome. Might it do so in 2024?

Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales​

Bradley Brownell, Jalopnik / Tue, May 28, 2024 at 10:42 AM EDT
Former United States President Donald J. Trump, currently facing 34 felony counts in criminal court, is campaigning for re-election this fall by taking shots at the increasingly popular electric car industry. Trump has already called for oil and gas industry executives to donate significant campaign funds in exchange for a reversal of Biden administration climate policies. If elected this November, Trump would roll back tailpipe emissions targets and dramatically slash EV tax credits. These policies may prove unpopular even among Republican voters, as electric vehicle production has spurred job growth and investment in southern states.
The automotive landscape is a far different place than it was in 2016 when Trump gained the presidency. Despite his best efforts, the EV market has grown significantly in the last eight years. Just 159,139 electric vehicles were sold in the U.S. in 2016, and that number is expected to exceed 1.5 million (or 10 percent of U.S. new car sales) in 2024. Even if Donald Trump were to be elected and hit the brakes on EV tax credits, the market may already be at a tipping point of growth. The electric car market has jumped the chasm between early adopters and mainstream consumers.

There's a mostly metaphorical expression in politics: "scorched Earth".
It suggests by metaphor that the destruction was so devastating what's left behind is discolored by flame.

Perhaps all the more alarming, Trump has now reportedly made a campaign commitment that will surely exacerbate anthropogenic global warming.
Senator / VP / author AlGore warned of the climatological peril of the internal combustion engine (ICE). It's a cautionary tale of the risk of being an accurate messenger of alarming news.
Doesn't mean AlGore was wrong. It means the U.S. electorate, with determinative help from Republican dominated Supreme Court, found it more comforting to ignore Gore's warnings.

Want to help finish what SCOTUS helped to accomplish? Vote Trump in 2024, and beyond.

An Inconvenient Truth (book) 2006 by Al Gore​

An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It
is a 2006 book by Al Gore released in conjunction with the film An Inconvenient Truth. It is published by Rodale Press in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
The sequel is Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis (2009).

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