Election 2024

Video Of Donald Trump Getting Booed Loudly During Speech Goes Viral


Sure D.J.,
We both know you'll tell 'em to drop dead if you regain the presidency. Little wonder you'd tell 'em so before.

For those unclear about the message here: Trump may be the next president of the United States.
And in Texas - Trump handed election loss
- dandy -
For a year before the 2016 election Hillary was listed as leading in the polls. AND !
True enough, Hillary won the vote. BUT !!
Due to the electoral college, Trump won the election.

Among the numerous reasons this is disturbing:

"shirtsleeve English" sometimes one "slips through the cracks". We can easily understand how one or another public opinion polling operation overlooked this determinative electoral college distinction. BUT !!
They all did.

So what's in store for 2024?
Unfortunately the media kept telling us that Hillary was going to win by a landslide so a lot of people simply didn't bother voting - after all, why should they if her victory was a lock?

Moreover, not only did Hillary run a terrible campaign but she came with a lot of baggage and came across as a very unpleasant person - I know that before the election I talked to more than one person who preferred Hillary to Trump but didn't want to vote for her either. And because they had been told that Hillary was going to win there was no need for them to hold their noses and vote for her.
"Unfortunately the media kept telling us" ... S2 #284
Difficult to imagine a more momentous, or for those that prefer the Bushism, "monumentous" reminder, responsible "news" consumers MUST "read between the lines".
I gather the polling data before the 2016 election wasn't wrong. They merely neglected to mention the statistical probability that Hillary was likely to win the vote and Trump was likely to win the election.

Plot twist: WA has a law against felons running for office​


If local Republicans knew what was good for them, they would now move to drop Donald Trump from Washington’s fall ballot.I know, they won’t. They’re in too deep. Trump won 76% of our state’s GOP presidential primary vote. It’s become a cult, as the party seems eager to debase itself by shedding all its longstanding talk about the rule of law and personal responsibility — as well as any chances of winning here in Washington — to sink ever deeper into the muck of Trump.

So here’s another reason to dump Trump from the Washington ballot. If Republicans don’t do it, somebody else probably will.

It turns out Washington has a law on the books against convicted felons running for office.It was first established back when Washington was a territory, in 1865, that anyone convicted of “infamous crimes” could be blocked from holding elected office. That was modified in 1959, and then again more recently, to the scheme we have today.

Any registered voter can “challenge the right of a candidate to appear on the general election ballot” for any of five causes, state law says. One of those causes is flashing in bold neon lights today: “

Because the person whose right is being contested was, previous to the election, convicted of a felony by a court of competent jurisdiction, the conviction not having been reversed nor the person’s civil rights restored after the conviction.”

This may well merit it's own thread - after all, it's a step towards one party rule

The Kansas Supreme Court has ruled that voting is not a fundamental right. What's next for voters?


Asplit Kansas Supreme Court ruling last week issued in a lawsuit over a 2021 election law found that voting is not a fundamental right listed in the state Constitution's Bill of Rights.

The finding drew sharp criticism from three dissenting justices on the high court. The Associated Press looks at ...

The state when requesting admission to the Union had to agree with certain conditions before they could get approved. One of those conditions I am sure involved the establishment of the voting system that covers all state. If they have the will to research the records, I'm sure they will find out that they have no grounds to deny anyone, that is legally not denied the Right by the courts, the right to vote.
"You have to wonder what happened - must've been big" #289
April 17% - June 58%

300 pounds?
This is a vivid illustration of how the answer to the same question can vary widely, depending upon whether it's presented as a hypothetical, or a specific case.

58% of GOP voters is not merely a minority of the national population, it's a minority of the electorate. BUT !!

It may be enough to put Vladimir Gluten back in the white house.
"Don't have a link for the last one" #292
After the camel's back is broken, additional straw extraneous.

Vermont GOP rules bar it from promoting any candidate who is a 'convicted felon'
Michael M. Santiago / June 6, 2024 By Jane C. Timm

The Vermont Republican Party is prohibited from backing a candidate with a felony conviction, according to the party’s publicly posted rules.
That is now a bit of a problem, since the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was recently convicted on 34 felony counts.

According to the Internet Archive, the posted rules were changed by March 2022 to allow the state committee to exempt a candidate from the rule by majority vote.
It's unclear if such a rule will affect how Vermont's GOP delegates vote at the Republican National Convention in July.

#293 & #294
Notable, BUT inconsequential?
If it turned a red State blew, might be cause for assurance.
I suspect Trump had never carried Vermont, and wasn't likely to in 2024.

One down, 49 to go.


I don't know the electoral college implications here. Minimal I gather.

‘Georgia Is Our Laboratory’: Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

Team Trump sees Georgia as ‘a road map’ for putting Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into practice

HE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION this year will come down to seven states — but there’s one that Donald Trump and his most committed lieutenants see as a blueprint for corrupting future local and national elections: Georgia.

The Peach State is unique — it’s the sole battleground state in which the Republican Party has total control over the levers of power: a trifecta in the state House, Senate, and governorship. Over the past four years, Trump-loving elements of the Georgia GOP have wielded that advantage in a crusade to convert discredited election-conspiracy theories into policies well ahead of Election Day 2024. It is an alarmingly anti-democratic experiment that Trumpland and much of the GOP hope to take national.

“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”

In 2020, top Georgia Republicans such as Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger managed to block Trump’s attempts to illegally overturn the election results. Kemp earned Trump’s fury by refusing to ...


"Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024" #299

Thank Gosh there's only one such plan. [not!]

Evan Vucci / AP

New York CNN —
During his meeting on Thursday with CEOs in Washington, Trump told the executives he wants to cut the corporate tax rate to 20%, down from 21% currently, the sources said.
Trump met privately with roughly 100 corporate leaders, including JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, according to one of the people familiar with the matter.

Separate reports of this Trump presentation characterized it as rambling, and inadequate to persuade supporting Trump would be significantly better than supporting Biden.

Thus it seems this particular attempt by Trump to $buy votes at the People's expense was not a rousing success.