Cops behaving badly ...

You mean tasering the McRib is NOT part of the standard recipe? [meaning: point taken]

Perhaps he could be a CPR dummy. Might even do him some good. :)

Sniping against a mute is easy if unpersuasive. Ridiculing McD's specifically or fast food franchises (FF) in general is easy. BUT !!
It's more satire for site comity than legitimate criticism. McD's is a modern miracle. It's a practical means for a traveler from Texas to buy a quick, affordable meal in Minnesota, know what they're getting before the order is delivered, confident that food safety standards are world class.
That's not an endorsement of their culinary appeal. It's a sincere acknowledgement that this industry titan, a major national employer, offers numerous entry-level employment opportunities, thus helping to groom our future labor force while feeding a nation.
This time it's the cops doing their best to hide what really happened.

Gay Boy Brutally Beaten by Classmates, Police Suppress Video

His family want you to see what happened. So what is this talk of “respecting the victim?”​

James Finn


Blurred photo of a brutal homophobic beating, from a video the victim’s family released on social media. This is the only image currently available on social media, as far as I can tell.

I watched a video early this week that shocked me to my core. A 14-year-old boy in Ireland was set on by a pack of his teenage schoolmates — punched in the back of the head without warning, knocked to the ground, and then repeatedly kicked in the face, head and torso.

The attack took place in the green area of a housing estate at 2:30 in the afternoon on a bright sunny day, reportedly less than a hundred meters from the home of one of the boy’s family members. In the video, he can be seen struggling to his knees to try to crawl to safety. An attacker can be seen kicking him in the head again, knocking him back to the ground. Then, to a chorus of cheers from one of the attackers, the beating continued.

Eventually, the teens grew tired of kicking the boy and walked away.

He was hospitalized with severe concussion, facial bruising, bruising to his torso, and two cracked teeth. He has a sneaker mark ground into the middle of his forehead.

The boy’s family have told the LGBTQ newspaper Pink News that he has been the subject of sustained harassment and bullying at school because he is gay. They say the students who beat the boy in the video are the ringleaders of the anti-gay bullying at school. They say the attackers made clear they beat the boy because they disapprove of gay people.

They also told Pink News they released the video on social media.

They want to pressure the authorities to act. They want people to see what homophobia looks like up close and personal. They want people to see what ...

Continued here
While she did have a knife she was using a walker - how difficult could it have been to disarm her - easily stay out of her reach and kick the walker. That is all.
That is all.
Is not!
They could have smashed her to the ground, used the knife to butcher her corpse into tidy meal portions, and slapped them on the barbie.
They let all that well-seasoned nutrition go to waste.
Unarmed black 11-year-old boy shot by Mississippi town's 'best officer' responding to domestic dispute


While we'll have to wait to get full details of what happened it will be "interesting" to see if bodycam footage is released or if there is going to be some attempt at a coverup.
"interesting" to see if bodycam footage is released or if there is going to be some attempt at a coverup.
I believe you posted the following before. In light of your #126 comment I thought it deserves a reprise.
FOX has its role in how we have glorified the police in this country for the past 30 years.


I saw an episode of cops where they had an under cover go around offering ppl dime bags of weed and then they arrested anyone who wanted one. Ten dollars of weed and jail sentences for innocent people.

Looking back at that show knowing what we know now, they probably destroyed hundreds, if not thousands of lives all for entertainment. And, while you can argue (pretend if you prefer) that it was just a TV crew following cops around, much of the footage was, to be polite, "manipulated"

"I saw an episode of cops where they had an under cover go around offering ppl dime bags of weed and then they arrested anyone who wanted one." S2 #129
Classic "entrapment"
"Looking back at that show knowing what we know now, they probably destroyed hundreds, if not thousands of lives all for entertainment. And, while you can argue (pretend if you prefer) that it was just a TV crew following cops around, much of the footage was, to be polite, "manipulated"" S2 #129
It may seem unlikely.
Part of what's insidious about Drug War is many tax payers funding it may take it on faith that it's necessary, that drug "abusers" are bad.

It may be the TV producer understood the painfully sharp point you make about destroyed lives. And while knowing one TV series wouldn't end Drug War, it might help bring public attention to the senselessness of it all.
Make it look too sympathetic to the criminals (prisoners of Drug War) and police command pulls the plug.
Part of what's insidious about Drug War is many tax payers funding it ....

Can't find it now but I remember a study about the size of the market for illegal drugs (absolute dollar value) and then they compared that to the amount of government money that was actually being spent on drug buys in an attempt to catch people - guess what - the two numbers were the same. That is, a very significant part of the illegal drug market actually consisted of gov't funds that were being used to catch people
black market vs entrapment scams - S2 #131

My high esteem for statistics developed from semiconductor computer chip production. I've read some of the methodology reputable public opinion pollsters apply, which impart relatively low MOE.
But it seems the government stats on black market drug commerce is often extrapolated from drug bust data.
It's easy enough to imagine why government would want to know.
But it's "illegal *" conduct, deliberately intended to evade government attention. Thus I'm skeptical about such black-market stats. They can't even keep contraband drugs out of prisons.

I remain vehemently opposed to Drug War. So it may seem hypocritical that I'm disappointed about State unilateral decriminalization of marijuana despite the continuing federal war on it.
Because marijuana (and beverage ethanol before it) have piecemeal decriminalization Drug War against the other drugs on the list may be extended.

It's a Founding principle of the United States of America that Liberty is a Creator endowed, Constitutionally enumerated, unalienable right. Drug War is a usurpation of that Liberty. It's self-inflicted human misery, "destroyed" "lives" #129.
Recreational drugs are no panacea. I turned to drugs for mind expansion & pain reduction. What resulted was pain expansion and mind reduction. Carrie Fischer

But the intrinsic ideology of Drug War is absurd:
- recreational drug abuse is bad for the individual, BUT !!
- it's not quite bad enough. So government has to fill the gap, artificially augmenting the detriment, so things come out even.

* In the '50's & '60's police departments had "vice squads", to catch and punish for example, gambling. But now government is getting its "piece of the action" ( from gambling which suddenly isn't quite so vicy anymore.
Color me (not) shocked ...


'Though not officially recognized by the NYPD, the laminated cards have long been treated as a perk of the job. The city’s police unions issue them to members, who circulate them among those who want to signal their NYPD connections — often to get out of minor infraction like speeding or failing to wear a seat belt. In a federal lawsuit filed in Manhattan this week, Officer Mathew Bianchi described a practice of selective enforcement with consequences for officers who don’t follow the unwritten policy. Current and retired officers now have access to hundreds of cards, giving them away in exchange for a discount on a meal or a home improvement job, he said.'


Does the phrase "scathing report" sound appropriate?

6 key points from the scathing report on Minneapolis police after George Floyd’s killing


The Justice Department on Friday issued a scathing assessment of Minneapolis police, alleging that racial discrimination and excessive force went unchecked before George Floyd’s killing because of inadequate oversight and an unwieldy process for investigating complaints.

The probe began in April 2021, a day after former officer Derek Chauvin, who is white, was convicted of murder and manslaughter in the May 25, 2020, killing of Floyd, a Black man. Floyd, who was in handcuffs, repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe before going limp as Chauvin knelt on his neck for 9 1/2 minutes. The killing was recorded by a bystander and sparked months of mass protests as part of a broader national reckoning over racial injustice.

Here are six takeaways from the report:

If you want to see the full report you can find it here:

But from the top of Page 41

After George Floyd’s Murder, Many Officers Stopped Reporting Race

Starting in late May 2020, officers suddenly stopped reporting race and gender in a large number of stops, despite MPD policy requiring officers to collect the data. We estimate the percentage of daily stops with known race data recorded dropped from about 71% just before May 25, 2020, to about 35% afterwards, a drop of roughly 36 percentage points. This sudden decrease in MPD officers recording racial data continued throughout the next two years.
Thank you Shiftless.
This report may acknowledge problems. It's far from solving them.
True - but if they don't admit the problems exist they can't begin to solve them.

But a first step would be to institute a policy that says any officer who engages with a suspect (or just the public) for any reason with his bodycam turned off gets an automatic suspension without pay.