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  1. Rampage

    Just a little humor

    I just got some information from abroad. She said one seventy five an hour.
  2. Rampage

    Hamas War In Israel and Gaza

    A petition is circulating, inviting celebrities to demand a halt to the bombing in Gaza. Israel's critics have called Israel's military operation in Gaza mass vengeance killing of the innocent. Netanyahu is determined to continue, though the video of limbless children tells the story. Will the...
  3. Rampage

    Quotable Quotes

    sear, Khamenei distinguishes planning from execution. He reveals detail on Iran's involvement.
  4. Rampage

    News Related To The Ukraine / Russian War

    Objection from allies based on risk of remaining munitions exploding, harming Ukrainians after the war. Nearly all casualties from these delayed explosions are civilians, most of them children. Is that worse than Ukrainians becoming Russians at gunpoint? Risky? Yes. Who better to weigh those...
  5. Rampage

    Uvalde - the followup

    Pro-gun. Shiftless, public officials know their actions will be ridiculed for political advantage. O'Rourke played to his base, Abbott to his. That doesn't contradict what Cohen tweeted. It casts light on the these two public figures, and their perceptions of their own supporters.
  6. Rampage

    VA halts all new work on Veterans health records overhaul

    Veterans Affairs officials on Friday announced a full halt to its troubled electronic health records modernization project, calling into question whether the $16-billion effort will be completely scrapped in the near future. “For the past few years, we’ve tried to fix this plane while flying it...
  7. Rampage

    FOX Corp and the Murdoch's to face $1.6bn law suit over FOX false claims of Biden election

    What will FOX sponsors have to say? And which will lead? Will FOX probe, and see what it can get away with? Or will FOX sponsors fill the vacuum, play the role of the adult in the room?
  8. Rampage

    Russia is a member of the U.N. Security Council. Why?

    After the Cold War was Russia bound by such international agreements, treaties as nuclear agreements? By standard of international law yes. So if Russia's UN security council membership validity is determined objectively on that basis, Russia's membership is likely to continue. Whether Russia's...
  9. Rampage

    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    Russia Warns of Chernobyl Repeat in Ukraine Due to NATO Aid By David Brennan On 4/11/23 at 10:24 AM EDT What Is Depleted Uranium? Putin Warns Against UK Plan To Send Ammunition Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson has accused NATO partners of embarking on a "scorched earth" policy by...
  10. Rampage

    The Most Deadly Policy Blunder In Human History? Nuclear Proliferation Containment - A Lost Opportunity?

    sear, Russia already had nuclear deterrence. These new long-range nuclear Russian torpedoes are an escalation which threaten a new arms race, Russia, and humanity.
  11. Rampage

    Pentagon probing purported leak of ‘secret’ Ukraine-related documents

    Associated Press Pentagon probing purported leak of ‘secret’ Ukraine-related documents Last Updated: April 7, 2023 at 7:42 p.m. ET First Published: April 7, 2023 at 5:20 p.m. ET by Associated Press Inaccuracies — including estimates of Russian troop deaths that...
  12. Rampage

    Uvalde - the followup

    Minnesota's 21-year age minimum for handgun carry permits struck down Brendan Pierson - Fri, March 31, 2023 at 2:17 PM EDT·2 min read (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday struck down a Minnesota law requiring a person to be at least 21 before obtaining a permit to carry a handgun in public...
  13. Rampage

    Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion

    Putin may intend it less as a snub to his Chinese ally, and more as a show of strength, independence to NATO. If Putin plays poker for money he probably bluffs a lot and loses more often than he bluffs.
  14. Rampage

    Florida classroom bookshelves left empty as education reform law goes into effect

    Or what? It seems like a court ordered deadline that would be easy to miss. If so why not mention the non-compliance penalty?
  15. Rampage

    The Most Deadly Policy Blunder In Human History? Nuclear Proliferation Containment - A Lost Opportunity?

    The U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki marked the dawn of the atomic age. The U.S. nuclear monopoly stood for over four years, until the Soviets had a successful detonation, on 29 August 1949. Saturday April 1st 2023 headline "High activity spotted at North Korea nuclear complex after...
  16. Rampage

    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark struck a deal to run their 200+ advanced fighter jets as a single fleet, creating a new headache for Russia Alia Shoaib Sat, March 25, 2023 at 6:42 AM EDT The four Nordic countries agreed to operate their roughly 250 fighter jets in one fleet. Sweden...
  17. Rampage

    Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion

    Xi snubbed Putin after their summit, calling a meeting of Central Asian countries as part of an audacious power play Russian President Vladimir Putin with China's President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow on Tuesday...
  18. Rampage

    Quotable Quotes

    Like North Korea, the purpose of both DNC and RNC is self-preservation.