Uvalde - the followup

Remington agreed to pay $73 million to Sandy Hook families

And there are numerous other lawsuits on the go. And it's not just families. Cities and states have gotten involved. The government of Mexico has actually stepped into the ring

Two articles of note:

Virginia teacher shot by 6-year-old can proceed with $40 million lawsuit, judge rules​

A teacher who was shot by her 6-year-old student in Virginia can press forward with her $40 million lawsuit against a school system over claims of negligence by school administrators, a judge ruled Friday.

The surprise decision by Newport News Circuit Court Judge Matthew Hoffman means that Abby Zwerner could get much more than just workers’ compensation for the serious injuries caused by January’s classroom shooting.

Lawyers for Newport News Public Schools had tried to block the lawsuit, arguing that Zwerner was eligible only for workers’ compensation. It provides up to nearly 10 years pay and lifetime medical care for injuries.

Zwerner’s attorneys countered that workers’ compensation doesn’t apply because a first-grade teacher would never anticipate getting shot: “It was not an actual risk of her job.”

Hoffman sided with Zwerner, concluding that her injuries “did not arise out of her employment” and therefore did not “fall within the exclusive provisions of workers’ compensation coverage.”

The judge wrote: “The danger of being shot by a student is not one that is peculiar or unique to the job of a first-grade teacher.”

Zwerner was hospitalized for nearly two weeks and endured ...

U.S. Supreme Court will rule on ban on rapid-fire gun bump stocks, used in the Las Vegas mass shooting. The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether a Trump era-ban on bump stocks, the gun attachments that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like machine guns, violates federal law.

"U.S. Supreme Court will rule on ban on rapid-fire gun bump stocks ..." #43
I don't qualify as a gun "expert". BUT !!
I did study enough geometry in public school to understand Pythagoras.

According to Pythagoras firing at a 12" wide target such as a human torso from 100 yards away means missing the target would require a deflection of 6".
But that would require a change in the angle of aim of 0.0955°, less than one tenth of one degree.

A bump-stock while operating as designed is likely to cause an aim deflection of more than that from one round fired to the next.

This reduces the utility of the bump-stock to firing at enormous targets such as a large dense gathering of humans, firing promiscuously in the direction of the crowd.

While unquestionably by letter of the law (2A) there is no "bump-stock" exception, in practical term, even at the firing range the main attribute the bump-stock provides is more convenient, more casual rapid fire.

violates federal law. #43
We already do that lavishly with 2A.
Private citizens can't own machine guns, anti-aircraft artillery, nuclear, bio, or doomsday weapons. We can't even take a simple self-defense side arm with us to check for mail at our post office box.
We can't carry a gun, or even a knife into a government school, aboard an airliner, or into a law court.

So please let us not pretend to a slippery slope argument here.

Some reviews report the NRA was a sensible, moderate organization for responsible gun ownership before it became radicalized.
The political radicalization of the National Rifle Association has alarmed many of those opposed to senseless massacres such as that in the shopping mall in Allen, Texas, or Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut.

In retrospect might the radicalization of the NRA have helped to contain / confine gun zealots, delaying the inception of Gun Owners of America? (gooa ?)

The NRA’s nearly 150-year history spans three distinct eras.
At first the group was mainly concerned with marksmanship. It later played a relatively constructive role regarding safety-minded gun ownership restrictions before turning into a rigid politicized force.

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein
It's U.S. tradition that formally uniformed military and paramilitary armed government agents display their rank on that uniform.
Officers rank is displayed on collar. Non-officers on sleeve.
The loser in #49 displays no such rank, apparently having earned none.
Do you suppose that's why he's stationed at the door of a school?
The cause for alarm here, S2's point perhaps, this public "servant" isn't safe with our parents. BUT !!
But he's got direct access to our children 5 days a week, throughout the school year.
- yikes -

Conspicuously sub-optimal. BUT !
If we don't employ meat-heads, we're at risk of increasing purse-snatching, and hubcap theft.

loosely inspired by S2 #49
It's a sad comment on American "innovation".
With equipment like that a golfer can get 30 holes in one, before reloading.
And, in Michigan

Ethan Crumbley sentenced to life in prison without parole for killing 4 students in Michigan school shooting

By Ray Sanchez, Nicki Brown and Aditi Sangal

Teenager Ethan Crumbley was sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday for gunning down four classmates and wounding six others and a teacher at Michigan’s Oxford High School in 2021.

Dismissing last-minute defense pleas that Crumbley’s life is salvageable, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Kwamé Rowe noted that the “defendant in his own words” told the court “this is nobody’s fault but his own.”

Rowe said victim Justin Shilling, 17, was shot at point-blank range after being told by the defendant to get on his knees. Hana St. Juliana, 14, was shot a second time after ...


"Bullet-proof 'safe rooms' developed to protect kids from school shootings in the United States" #51

News from Israel's War on Hamas in Gaza reported that some Israelis had safe rooms, so the Hamas fighters burned / smoked them out.

Seems like an odd ambition to me: I think I'll go kill four persons I've never met.
Perhaps this is a product from the mind of a person that really, really, really likes "free lunch".

mmmmm prison food !
The mother should go to prison for a long, long, long time but instead she will get an NRA Freedom Medal.

She forgot she kept a loaded gun under the bed? She FORGOT? And not only did she keep a gun under the bed but her children’s toys and SHE KNEW HE WENT UNDER THE BED TO GET THE TOYS where there was a loaded gun.

If anyone NEEDED to go to prison for a few years, it’s this negligent Republican but she will never see a day in jail. She has “suffered enough”. What a piece of shit.


Catholic nuns sue Smith & Wesson to halt its assault-style weapons sales

By Tom Hals

A group of Catholic nuns on Tuesday sued the board of Smith & Wesson to try to force the gunmaker to abandon the manufacture, marketing and sales of assault-style rifles that have been used in U.S. mass shootings.

The nuns, in a lawsuit filed in state court in Nevada, allege that Smith & Wesson's directors and senior management exposed the company to significant liability by intentionally violating federal, state and local laws and failing to respond to ...

Not that this will make a lot of difference (I suspect this is simple grandstanding) but at least they're putting on a good show

New Jersey's attorney general sued three firearms dealers Tuesday, alleging one illegally stored firearms that were visible from outside a store and that the two others tried to sell "ghost guns". The suits mark the first complaints filed under a 2022 law passed last year.

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"You sure about that?" #58


The Constitutional wording is: "... the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." United States Constitution

Locations where this right is infringed or usurped:
- Commercial airliners
- U.S. government ("public") schools
- U.S. government law courts
- not sure, but I suspect also restricted at 1600 Penn Ave (white house), and the capitol