Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

Should we be surprised?

"The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it." Trump 23/04/09 on FOX Easter Sunday

"And with just about a week to go until former president Trump's impeachment trial, we learned last night his entire legal team quit. All five attorneys, leaving his legal strategy unknown." David Spunt of FOX News Sunday 21/01/31 09:04AM/ET

"Just remember, what you're seeing & what you're reading is not what's happening." President Trump

“Every day we make good in our motto: 'Promises made, promises kept.' We've kept more promises than we've even made.” U.S. President Trump 19/05/20
“A promise that you didn't make, but kept, is just a thing that happened.” CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert 19/05/21

"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16

Any wonder that the segment of the U.S. electorate that finds the madness defined above acceptable in a presidential candidate would be indifferent to the dozens of federal felony charges now pending against the current Republican 2024 presidential primary front-runner?
Bedtime stories for several million snowflakes

I've failed to keep up with 3rd Millennium message board jargon. "Woke", "Snowflake", & perhaps others. Kudos to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved !

My favorite Golden Book was Scuffy The Tugboat.


woke (wōk)
adj. wok·er, wok·est
Aware of the injustice of the social system in which one lives: “The phenomenon of being woke is a cultural push to challenge problematic norms, systemic injustices and the overall status quo through complete awareness” (Raven Cras).
[African American Vernacular English, past participle of wake, to wake; see WAKE1.] *

snow·flake (snōflāk′)
4. Slang A person who is considered to be overly sensitive or too easily offended, especially as a result of believing himself or herself to be unique or special. *

* The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
“I have traveled extensively in Concord.” Henry David Thoreau
Hank Dave !
I get around my own Adirondack neighborhood, and have found several flags / banners displayed proudly toward public roadway, supporting Trump, or proposing immodest conduct with the current U.S. president.
This despite dozens of U.S. federal criminal indictments regarding serious breaches of U.S. national security.

Hypocritically, in one case the pro-Trump banner flies immediately below the U.S. flag. on the private land owner's own flag pole.

The GOP 2024 presidential primary does seem to show an elephant imploding. Sorry Abe!
his attorneys are resigning" Floveiv
a) Incandescently brilliant wording !
b) You don't look Russian to me Mr. Floveiv, "BUT" ...
c) If you wear your watch on your right wrist, what's on your left?

[btw: who doesn't love an IV once in a while, Mr Love?]
After Trump’s arraignment, he stopped at Miami’s popular Cuban restaurant Versailles and promised supporters he was buying “food for everyone.” It turns out he left without paying for a single item." S2 #107
iirc I read:
after Trump departed the courthouse, his fund raising machine took in over $2 $million for that day. BUT:
unusual for such court process, Trump was not mug-shot. Reason offered: they already have enough pictures of D.J. Trump.

If the restauranteur has video of Trump making that financial commitment, that restauranteur should tally all the receipts for that day, and place the grand total in the form of a $bill, and forward it to Trump for payment in full.
The restauranteur can then count whatever other revenue it made that day as $gratuity, directly from the diners.

S2 #108
It's straight from the Trump playbook.
Make up a spectacular lie. Tell that lie at the beginning of the news cycle, then enjoy the free publicity. I confess S2, I have mental reservation about being the conduit for such bogus, destructive message. BUT !!
I doubt Marge Green can expect to pick up a whole lot of votes from here.
I did see a comment on twitter that after he left his staff bought "hundreds of dollars of takeout" - whether that's true or not and, if it is, whether it included the meals of the people in attendance is an unknown.

But even if he bought a ton of takeout it was either given to his staff or binned - after all, it's well known that he only eats Mickey Dee's
after he left his staff bought
Who $paid?
I did see a comment on twitter that
Post hoc ergo propter hoc aside, incident to Trump's new legal woes, reportedly his fund raising and electoral popularity have not disimproved.

There are suspense & horror movies intended to alarm the audience. PBS ran a focus group Q&A of likely Trump voters, about as scary as any flick I can recall. The group was about as close to zombies as I've ever seen.
The document re invading Iran has yet to be found

Trump All But Confesses to Mishandling Classified Docs on Fox News

The former president, facing charges of mishandling classified information, nearly confessed to the crime — while blaming his “golf shirts”

A WEEK AFTER his second post-presidential arrest, this one for his alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving the White House, Donald Trump turned to Fox News host Bret Baier on Monday to make the case for why he should lead the country again. But he ended up essentially confessing to the crime of which he’s accused: stealing and sharing top-secret government information.

Before that, however, Baier pressed Trump to explain why he kept the boxes of classified materials at Mar-a-Lago and refused to comply with government requests to return them, as described in his new felony indictment. In between dismissing the case as “the document hoax” or accusing other presidents of illegally hoarding their own sensitive documents, Trump offered the bizarre explanation that he couldn’t give up the boxes to authorities because they also contained… his clothes.

“Like every other president I take things out,” Trump said. “In my case, I took it out pretty much in a hurry. People packed it up and left. I had clothing in there, I had all sorts of personal items in there. Much, much stuff.” After a brief digression to call ...

This time it's Lindsey Graham

If Smith indicts Trump for January 6th crimes, it is because Smith has evidence that Trump committed the crimes.

And, according to prominent former DOJ attorney — and head deputy to Robert Mueller — Andrew Weissmann, Smith will indict Trump on January 6th crimes.

OUTRAGE: How Lindsey Graham freaked out on the Special Counsel

Predictably, Trump thinks he aced it - his lawyers think otherwise

Trump Thinks He Did a Great Job in ‘Disaster’ News Fox Interview

Meanwhile, the former president’s legal advisors were watching with terror, sources tell Rolling Stone

DONALD TRUMP THOUGHT he crushed his Fox News interview. The rest of the world thinks he bumbled it miserably.

In the hours after his interview with Brett Baier aired on Monday, Trump privately boasted about how well he thought he performed. As he asked others if they had caught the interview and what they thought of it, the former president and 2024 GOP frontrunner said the tension and parrying with Baier made him look tough, creating buzzy, attention-grabbing television, two sources with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone.

During the televised sit-down, Trump arguably confessed to intentionally withholding classified government documents in his post-presidency; this Fox appearance comes the week after his arrest and arraignment in the federal investigation into his hoarding of highly classified material and possible obstruction.

Where Trump saw buzz, people hoping to keep him out of legal jeopardy saw trouble. Several of the ex-president’s current and former legal advisers watched on with exasperated sighs, and in some cases terror, according to ...

We'll have to wait and see what, if anything, comes of this

BREAKING: Republican Donald Trump is hit with more devastating legal news as NBC News drops bombshell, reveals that “the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General has launched a CRIMINAL investigation into the circumstances surrounding the destruction of Secret Service text messages that may have been relevant to inquiries about the January 6 Capitol riot.”

But it gets even worse for Trump…

NBC continues, reporting that, “The results of the investigation could be referred to federal prosecutors” The Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General informed the Secret Service tonight that the investigation is now criminal — and that it should put a stop to all internal investigations on the missing text messages so that evidence can be preserved. 

This is REALLY bad news for Trump. If the investigation finds that Trump ordered the Secret Service to delete their text messages from January 6, he is likely to face yet another criminal indictment.

S2 #117
Not trying to sound jaded here S2, but this has been going on for so long, it's taken on the resemblance of echoes of echoes. It's clatter.
When Trump is in chains, on bread & water ...
Rolling Stone

Trump Melts Down as DOJ Turns Over Evidence It Plans to Use Against Him​

Ryan Bort
Thu, June 22, 2023 at 9:38 AM EDT

In this article:
Donald Trump

Donald Trump: President of the United States from 2017 to 2021
Donald Trump fired off a series of desperate pleas on Truth Social, including multiple appeals to Congress to bail him out, hours after news broke that the Justice Department had turned over the first batch of evidence it plans to use against him. The former president was indicted earlier this month on charges related to his handling of classified material after leaving the White House.

S2, the term used in your topic listing is "Melts Down".
I saw the same term @RollingStone, thought you might be amused by the corroboration.