Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down


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Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

As he faces multiple investigations that could very well result in criminal charges for him or close associates of his, former President Donald Trump is still mad.

He was posting around midnight on his personal account on his knock-off social media site Truth Social, again getting basic facts wrong about events during his time in office and speaking in disturbingly apocalyptic terms about the prospects for the United States if he’s not re-elected president. While it’s obviously objectively utter nonsense, actual belief in this kind of stuff among some of the ex-president’s most ardent followers helped propel the Capitol riot and could help lead to something similar in the future.

“I was the one that brought China to everyone’s attention,” Trump claimed Saturday. “Under “Trump,” China was paying us a fortune in taxes and tariffs for the “privilege” of selling their products to the U.S. No other President got 10 cents from a very smart and savvy China. I got Hundreds of $BILLIONS of Dollars, gave $28 Billion Dollars to our great FARMERS. But now China is really going at the good ol’ USA, and we have no one to defend us. Our Country does not have long to live, or even survive. We better WIN in 2024!” As it appears, many import taxes imposed by Trump were paid by Americans doing the disputed importing. Tariffs are “almost always paid directly by the importer (usually a domestic firm), and never by the exporting country,” a 2018 article noted. Trump, though, as someone disconnected from reality is well-established. It’s his rhetoric about the supposed death of the United States unless he’s re-elected that’s probably more troubling.

At after 1 a.m. on the East Coast, Trump was still posting, this time about Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump sounds worried about the possibility of facing DeSantis in a Republican presidential primary contest, with polls showing ...

Note that he continues to prove that his knowledge of basic economics is non-existent - he's still pushing the lie that China is paying those tariffs and not the importer (who simply passes the costs on to the American consumer).


    Donald Trump, who rolled back rail safety regulations and slashed environmental protections, donates Trump-branded water to East Palestine residents

    Trump gutted several rail regulations, most notably rescinding a 2015 rule to require faster brakes on trains carrying hazardous materials.​

This should be interesting (if it happens)

Donald Trump to accept Proud Boys subpoena for Jan. 6 trial: Report

I'm not asserting a level of validity here, merely confessing my opinion.
Seems to me there are two important reasons to punish the criminal conspirators to Jan. 6.
The obvious, Skinnerian negative reinforcement, to discourage recidivism.
Perhaps more important, to discourage subsequent attempts, which in the future might be successful.

The Jan. 6 investigation has been called the most comprehensive criminal investigation in U.S. history.
It's got to be one monster of a time-line. My sincere gratitude to the patient crime-solving technicians that methodically pieced the evidence together. BUT:
it still leaves me baffled that President DJ is still loose. Shouldn't he be incarcerated past his dotage?

Trump brutally mocked after tabloid reveals details of his new Mar-a-Lago gig​

PUZZLING: Jack Smith got his hands on a box Trump didn’t want him to find​

S2 #6
This box holds documents that were reportedly not only moved to a rented office space (in direct contrast to Trump’s repeated claims that everything was locked in a secure storeroom) but scanned, digitized, uploaded to a cloud, and emailed to an employee.
Then, weeks after the property was searched, the box was moved back to Trump’s on-site office.

a) Still more questions than answers. Was it the most sensitive government nuclear defense secrets? Or the white house chef's recipes used for State dinners?

This is known to be a radical "left" organization. How was this information obtained? Can it be / has it been corroborated by less partisan source? If not, why not? If so, got a link?

c) It's been years. Biden's elected 4 year term is more than half over. Right? If it were information that in the wrong hands could do grave harm to the United States, why has that harm not already occurred?

I'm not asserting it's all a lie. But something about this does not make sense.
... the white house chef's recipes used for State dinners?
You mean the McDonald's menu along with the phone number for free home delivery?

BTW, while Occupy Democrats is definitely left wing I'd hardly label them as radical.

If it were information that in the wrong hands could do grave harm to the United States, why has that harm not already occurred?
Are you absolutely positive that it hasn't? Not all harm is going to be immediately visible, at least to us peasants.
BTW, while Occupy Democrats is definitely left wing I'd hardly label them as radical.
There are various criteria to distinguish one from the other.
I distinguish what political demonstration is radical or not by whether the law is substantially broken by that demonstration.
In the '60's & '70's there were protests against the U.S. War in Vietnam. Though well attended these protests & marches tended to begin, be conducted, and end within a day, usually in daylight.

One of the ploys used by the Occupy movement was to pitch tents and take over public space, in some cases for weeks at a time iirc. In my opinion that crosses the line from "left wing" to "radical".
Doesn't mean I'm passing value judgement on the merit of their political objective. I'm merely observing that SOME of their conduct has been illegal.
Are you absolutely positive that it hasn't?
Are you?
Not all harm is going to be immediately visible, at least to us peasants.
Not in all cases perhaps, but classified information tends to grow less valuable, less sensitive over time.
Worst case, if Trump were a deliberate Russian mole, following Putin's orders precisely, and obtaining the specific classified information Putin ordered, years after would be too long for anything important to have happened that we didn't know about.
There are numerous alternate possibilities in that scenario, none of them particularly likely.

Putin is a very desperate man. He clings to power in Russia because of his abysmal judgement in ordering the invasion of Ukraine.
Biden is the one Putin did NOT support as Russia reportedly did when Trump beat Hillary.
Biden is the one providing Ukraine with $hundreds of $billions in aid.
Putin isn't keeping his Trump-obtained secrets powder dry, in case things get bad. They're already bad.

You're right of course. We can't rule it out.
But it seems unlikely at this point.
Haley is in single digits in a field of losers.
Bright side? Cheney has twice as many points as Pompeo.

The opposite of courage?

Mike Pence asks judge to block subpoena for Jan. 6 testimony​

Lots of things happening

It's my understanding that Trump has said he won't appear.
It's my understanding that Trump has said he won't appear.
Recently reported, iirc.

B. O. R. ARTICLE #6: Ratified December 15, 1791
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have a compulsory process for obtaining Witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence [defense].

How many YEARS has it been? Most of a decade?

Comer stymies probe into Trump tax records, House Democrats say

By Jacqueline Alemany

House Democrats are accusing House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) of coordinating with lawyers for Donald Trump to stop the former president’s longtime accounting firm Mazars from producing evidence related to Trump’s tax dealings.

Mazars reached an agreement in the fall to turn over documents sought by a House subpoena issued by the Oversight Committee in April 2019, ending a lawsuit on the issue. At the time, the House was controlled by Democrats.

But Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), who is now the ranking Democrat on the committee, said that recent correspondence obtained by Democrats showed that Trump’s lawyers told a counsel for Mazars to ...

S2 #17

Seems to me one of two things is true.
a) Either these Republicans shilling for Trump are too stupid to understand that the game they're playing threatens the union, the United States of America.
b) Or they're so sociopathic they know and don't care.