Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down


So we know about the painting - what did the other $299,999.01 include.
So we know about the painting - what did the other $299,999.01 include.
- ha -

So the plan is to take custody Tuesday.
- Will Trump run?
- If arrested, will he post $bail?
- What will happen to his already degrading poll numbers?
So the plan is to take custody Tuesday.
Is Tuesday a "real" date or just something that Trump made up so that when it doesn't happen he can say "see they didn't have any evidence" or "see, they were afraid"?
Is Tuesday a "real" date or just something that Trump made up so that when it doesn't happen he can say "see they didn't have any evidence" or "see, they were afraid"?
You're as skeptical as I am on this one S2. There are numerous possible explanations. But simply the notion of a leak that close to the command center raises questions.

Donald Trump Is Indicted in New York

Mr. Trump will be the first former president to face criminal charges. The precise charges are not yet known, but the case is focused on a hush-money payment to a porn star during his 2016 campaign.

From the article:

Mr. Trump faces more than two dozen counts, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Law Professor Alan Dershowitz ridiculed this case.

I'm perplexed.
Trump was impeached for the Jan 6 insurrection, and reportedly could be called to account for any role he had in it. That's NOT happening, but this trivial charge is the one being pursued.
Much more likely that he's afraid that he's next


Forget MAGA. Focus on The Majority’s Response to Trump’s Indictment

Wajahat Ali
A twice-impeached vulgarian, who was groomed by wealth, elevated by celebrity, protected by the Presidency, and defended by an extremist cult, and who lost the popular vote twice and incited a violent insurrection against our free and fair elections, has finally experienced the bitter taste of accountability for the first time in his privileged 76 years on Earth thanks to a Manhattan grand jury indictment that will forever taint him as being the first US president to face criminal charges.


That was Yusef Abdus Salaam’s statement on the indictment of Trump, who once took out a full-page ad demanding the death penalty for Salaam and four other young boys who were falsely accused of rape. Trump has yet to apologize for drumming up the racist blood cry that helped incarcerate the “Central Park Five” for years.

Although the indictment remains sealed, the charges appear to stem from financial misdeeds which include an illegal hush payment made by Trump to adult film star Stormy Daniels. It bears reminding that Michael Cohen, Trump’s Luca Brasi, has already been tried, convicted, and sentenced to federal prison for his role in the scheme. “Individual 1” in the case has been identified by Cohen as Donald Trump. However, for some inexplicable reason that can be chalked up to cowardice, whiteness, and weakness, Cohen went to jail, but Trump remained free to crime harder and with a vengeance. In addition to numerous alleged financial crimes, Trump also helped incite a violent insurrection, tampered with the Georgia election results, and allegedly lied about storing highly classified national security documents at Mar-A-Lago.

However, thanks to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and a grand jury of his peers, Trump will now be forced to turn himself in to NYC authorities on Tuesday where he will endure the shame of being the first President to be arraigned, fingerprinted, and photographed, all the while surrounded by his taxpayer-funded Secret Service.

And yet despite Trump’s lifelong commitment to cruelty and criminality, some in the mainstream media still can’t help but drone on, fret, and ask how the indictment might help Trump and rile up MAGA. They seem to suffer from some perverse form of Stockholm Syndrome. They keep bending the knee to a radicalized and weaponized MAGA movement that denigrates them as “groomers” and has encouraged violence against them and their colleagues. Masochism is their kink. Along with nearly every other major corporate institution in America, mainstream media outlets remain committed to coddling, infantilizing, and normalizing this unhinged MAGA cult in a dangerous “both sides” narrative for the sake of appearing “neutral” and appeasing a right-wing movement that wants them dead. Apparently, terrorism does work. Sorry, I meant “white people terrorism” does work.

We will inevitably have to endure weeks of the following questions: “What does MAGA think about Trump’s indictment? Oh no, what will they do? Will they be upset? Will it rile them up for the election? Should liberals gloat and celebrate or should they be civil?”

Here’s me playing the world’s smallest violin. On behalf of the majority, I’ll respond by taking a cue from Melania Trump’s jacket: “I don’t care. Do you?”

I have a bold suggestion for some of my media colleagues. Instead of being obsessed with what Rust Belt Republican voters think, why not focus on the “economic anxiety” of the majority for once? Let’s ask urban diners and the diverse coalition of Americans that came out in record numbers during a pandemic to vote for President Biden how we feel about our criminal justice system finally taking steps to hold Trump somewhat accountable for the numerous alleged crimes he has committed openly and publicly throughout his lifetime.

Let’s have a chat with the numerous women who have credibly accused Trump of sexual harassment and rape, such as E. Jean Carroll, who still has an ongoing defamation case against him. Let’s interview the Exonerated Five, BLM protestors, Muslims, Mexican immigrants, Jews, journalists, the Capitol Hill police, poll workers, and law enforcement all of whom have endured threats, discrimination, harassment, and even violence due to Trump’s stochastic terrorism.

If we truly care about national security and safety, let’s remain vigilant and call out the dangerous anti-semitism of the GOP that has been so normalized that it no longer even merits an insincere apology or disclaimer. Coming to their Chosen One’s defense, Republican wet noodles from Reek Kevin McCarthy to Fredo Ron DeSantis all stayed on script and echoed the white supremacist “deep state” theory to proclaim the indictment as a witch hunt initiated by “Soros-backed” Alvin Bragg. According to Republicans, George Soros is the most prolific and productive 92-year-old on Earth. He certainly has more “stamina” than Donald Trump. It must be the Jewish Space Lasers or Gatorade, but it still doesn’t excuse the mainstreaming of anti-semitism which has radicalized individuals to commit acts of terrorism. Bragg, like other law enforcement personnel and agencies, has endured death threats thanks to Trump’s targeting. As the case evolves and coverage intensified, these dangerous conspiracies and threats will only amplify and might, tragically, lead to violence.

The majority, and its institutions, finally have a chance to get this right.

Let’s remain committed to the rule of law, to due process, to the Constitution, and to everything that Trump and his base abhor and mock. Let’s focus on the evidence, on facts, on the truth, and bring them all into the light. And for the sake of our corporate institutions and media, instead of creating a sporting match and worrying about the unquenchable rage and grievance of a radicalized minority, focus on the pain and hopes of the majority who are still trying to hold on to the frayed belief that in America, no one, not even a depraved reality TV show host turned cult leader, is above the law.

S2 #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8

I can't add much to that, except a little historic context, from the PBS NewsHour yesterday.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

The charges stem from a hush-money payment during the 2016 campaign.
"While hush-money payments are not by themselves illegal, spending money to help a presidential campaign but not disclosing it violates federal campaign finance law."
Some of the most shrill protests of this -Trump persecution- is from congressional Republicans. If they don't like enforcing this law, why did they create this law in the first place?
Or had they only intended to have it enforced against Democrats?
Re #12

It's not just the violation of campaign finance laws that's at issue. There's also the question of falsifying business records to disguise the nature of the payments.
Re #12
"It's not just the violation of campaign finance laws that's at issue. There's also the question of falsifying business records to disguise the nature of the payments ... "
... which in New York State elevates the violation to a class E felony. None the less it seems Mr. Trump is already being accorded special consideration other defendants would not receive.