Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

Wives of Donald Trump: how many times has he been married?
Jul 15, 2022 ... Donald Trump has had three wives in total. They are Ivana Trump (nee Zelníčková), Marla Maples and Melania Trump (nee Knauss).

Trump's had more experience with wives other than Melania than he has in the white house. I suppose Melania was the "trophy" wife, nice eyes. She must have been desperate to have said yes.

Trump is about the most duplicitous human I know. If Melania signed a pre-nup she deserves to live out her dotage selling pencils from a tin cup on a street corner. Donald straddles a $barbed $wire fence here. He may wish to claim poverty when alimony is arranged. But the basis of his election campaign self-promotion in 2016 was superior competence. That was how a private sector businessman was not only going to complete construction of a U.S. / Mexico border wall, but would get Mexico to pay for it. Can Trump both claim to be a successful, prosperous businessman, and claim poverty for alimony purposes? If anyone can Donald can.

"Nobody knows the system better than me." "Which is why I alone can fix it." presidential candidate Trump 16/07/21 from the campaign podium
Can Trump both claim to be a successful, prosperous businessman, and claim poverty for alimony purposes? If anyone can Donald can.
He did manage to declare his properties at one value for tax purposes and another for when he was dealing with banks ....

As for alimony, it's going to depend very heavily on what her prenup says.
As for alimony, it's going to depend very heavily on what her prenup says.
I don't know Melania well, the first First Lady to have been born in a communist country.

But reading tea leaves, I deduce Melania would not proceed with separation (has the word "divorce" been used in authoritative reports of it?) if it were not in her own interest. Fare thee well First Lady Melania.
"The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it." Trump 23/04/09 on FOX Easter Sunday
After NY it's off to Georgia

Georgia Looms Next After Trump’s Indictment in New York

Former President Donald J. Trump now faces a very different legal challenge in the culmination of a more than two-year Atlanta investigation into election interference.

The indictment of Donald J. Trump in New York over hush-money payments to a porn star was a global spectacle, with the former president glumly returning to his old stomping grounds in Manhattan as TV networks closely tracked his procession of black SUVs on their way to the courthouse.

But strip away the high drama, and the actual charging document in the case was far less grand — 34 felony counts of a fairly narrow and common bookkeeping charge that Alvin L. Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, described as the “bread and butter” of his office’s white-collar criminal prosecutions.

In Georgia, however, there is another criminal investigation of Mr. Trump nearing completion, this one also led by a local prosecutor, Fani T. Willis of Fulton County. While nothing is certain, there are numerous signs that she may go big, with a more kaleidoscopic indictment charging not only Mr. Trump, but perhaps a dozen or more of his allies.

Her investigation has targeted a wide range of conduct centered around efforts to subvert the democratic process and overturn Mr. Trump’s 2020 election loss. Nearly 20 people are already known to have been told that they are targets who could face charges, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, and David Shafer, the head of the Georgia Republican Party.

For Mr. Trump, the possibility of a second and potentially more complex criminal indictment in another state underscores the blizzard of legal challenges he is facing, even as he emerges as the clear front-runner among Republican presidential candidates.

For Ms. Willis, the choice to pursue a narrowly focused indictment or more a sprawling one — a classic prosecutor’s dilemma — carries with it potential ...

S2 #48
“It’s a toxic relationship,” said Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee. “They are good and bad for each other at the same time … Fox can’t do without Trump and Trump ultimately can’t do without Fox.”
There's nothing new about toxic co-dependency.
What's alarming about this case is this Trump / FOX co-dependency threatens the welfare of hundreds of millions, and potentially billions within the human race.
'[Commercial] Television in America does not exist to deliver programs to viewers. It exists to deliver audiences to advertisers.' a top CBS-TV executive CBS CBS Executive
In this FOX commercial television network context, these deliberate, flagrant falsifications are being dispersed, broadcast to millions for the self aggrandizement of Carlson, the on-screen celebrity, and for cupidity, financial gain for FOX, albeit at monumental risk to security of the United States of America. Insurrection for $profit.
And the meltdown in Trump World continues

Something Bad Must Be Going on in Trump World, Because Trump Is Going INSANE on Truth Social


I’ve always said, reading Donald Trump’s Truth Social feed is like a window into his soul (if he had one). You can tell what kind of mood he’s in based on how and what he posts. And today? Phew. The man is obviously very hot and bothered because he has been posting ALL DAY LONG. And posting about anything and everything. And sprinkled in between his crazy screeds, are links to articles of people either praising him or endorsing him.
And Trump has been on Truth Social for almost a day straight. There was one 7-hour stretch overnight where I guess he slept, but woke up and started up acting crazy again.
Before going to bed Trump’s last tweet was a nasty one aimed at Biden, of course, and said, “Can you believe that ....

And the meltdown in Trump World continues

"Trump Is Going INSANE"

I'm not sure that precise phrasing is fully consistent with a formal mental health examination summary.

My personal impression:
"I'm an extremely stable genius." President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump 19/05/23 *
"Stability" is not the word that comes to mind after seeing Trump on my living-room view screen since his escalator debut. BUT !!

While a significant degradation of mental acuity might explain Trump's recent behavior, not sure it's correct.
Trump's own personality may seem chaotic by behavioral standards of the broader human population. But consistent with what Trump has claimed (above)
Trump's behavior is new. So is his circumstance:
- twice impeached (a first in history)
- his historic arrest

It may be, the context has changed more than Trump's personality, and that what's changed Trump's behavior are substantial changes in Trump's circumstance.

Or, perhaps not.

* "When the 'extremely stable genius' starts acting more presidential, I'll be happy to work with him on infrastructure, trade, and other issues." U.S. Congressional Speaker Nancy Pelosi 19/05/23 13:36 tweet reply
S2 #57 suggests Melania's apparent estrangement from Donald may primarily be because news of Donald's marital infidelity with Stormy Daniels has resurfaced.

- fine -

So Melania's OK with Donald being arrested? Charged with dozens of counts, including felony? The Insurrection wasn't so bad?

We’re Missing The Most Important Lawsuit Against Trump

Barry Gander


What with all the rejoicing about the victory of Dominion Voting against Fox News, we have indeed wrapped the knuckles of a spreader of a big lie in the 2020 election campaign. The good work continues: Smartmatic is seeking $2.7 billion in damages, claiming Fox News, anchor Maria Bartiromo and ex-host Lou Dobbs knowingly lied about the company in an effort to boost ratings and keep Trump supporters from turning to other right-wing networks.

“The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four,” Smartmatic’s complaint says. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.”

But hold up: I don’t seem to be able to find any election lawsuit against Donald Trump for making up the lies in the first place, and then pushing those lies repeatedly!

In the Fox v.s. Dominion case, we’ve arrested the amplifiers but not the musician.

But Trump’s lies about the election are only some of a pattern of lies that formed his presidency. He is the purveyor of the “wrap-around lies” — Lies That Demonstrably and Directly Damage America.

I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding is that to sue someone, damage has to be assessed and assigned. Can damage be assigned on behalf of “The People of The United States”, for injuries to America that have caused ....

CBS-TV late night satirist Stephen Colbert called Trump "the great pumpkin".